My name is Nora and I'm 17 years of age. I have long brown hair, an average body, and blue eyes. I'm also 4'11 tall. And I'm just your average everyday teenager.
I'm in a cab on my way back to New York City after moving away with my mother when I was 9. I don't know why my mother left my father in the first place, all she said was that she just wanted a normal free life without a man to tie her down but that all changed when she got married at the beginning of the summer to some billionaire.
It turns out that he hates kids so the first chance my mother got to send me back she took it and that's how I'm dreading to see my father after so long.
3 hours in the cab and I'm still not prepared to see him again. Not sure if he will recognize me or not.
We pull up to a nice suburban two-story house. I get out throwing my bookbag over my shoulders to grab my suitcases out of the trunk of the cab.
I walk up to the doorstep taking deep breaths before knocking on the door a few times till someone opens the door.
I tall scary man opens the door looking very angry. "Who are you?" The man says with venom in his voice. What is wrong with this man I think.
"I'm Nora Rizzo, I'm Romeo Rizzo's daughter," I say feeling scared but I won't let this guy scare me. "Ah yes, Mr. Rizzo said you would be arriving today. Come in the welcome home I'll show you to your room." He says this time with a smile as he opens the door more for me as he grabs my bags for me.
"Where is my father, If I may ask?" I ask him as he shows me to my room. "Well, he had a meeting with an investor and said if your arrival early to let you get settled into your room. He will be back in an hour." He says putting my suitcases on my bed before walking out of my room.
I unpack my stuff putting my clothes away. I put what little I have away since my mother just usually spent her money all on herself. So that left me in getting a job as a babysitter and a cashier for a local bookstore. I didn't mind working it was fun. I liked to work. I'm going to go job hunting tomorrow afternoon.
I lay in the bed feeling sleepy since I don't have a phone anymore because one of the girls from my school had broken it on purpose knowing I wouldn't be able to get a new one. So, no Facebook or games to play.
I sit up to get a better look around my new room. I see I have a nice flat screen with an Xbox One and a Wii. I see my dad left most of the stuff I had in the room before moving away.
I get up to walk over to the photos that are still on the mirror. I look closer to see it's me with a boy around my age. If I remember correctly he was my best friend when I lived here. His name was Richard but I called him Richie. I had the biggest crush on him and still do. But he may not remember me anymore.
I walk out of my room to find the kitchen since it seems not to be far from my room. "Ah Ms. Rizzo, your dinner is ready at the table." The guy said that brought my suitcases to my room.
"Call me Nora and I didn't get your name?" I ask as I sit at the table. "The name is Nick." He says sitting a plate across from me. I look at him confused until I see my dad walk into the kitchen with a smile on his face.
"My princess give daddy a hug sweetie." My dad says coming straight to me. I get up to hug him back. "You've grown so much since the last time I saw you. You look so much like your mother too." He says sounding sad in a way.
"Yeah let's eat, I'm hungry," I say feeling awkward a little as I sit back down to continue eating. "What do you plan for the school year?" My father asks me as he eats.
"I plan on finding a job if I can," I say stuffing food in my mouth because it's so good. "I don't like that plan but I can't stop you from growing up. But I want you to have this just in case." My father says handing me a black card which means it's unlimited.
"I can't take that," I say uneasy as I look at him. "Take it please think of it as a gift." He says seriously as he hands me back the card. I put the card in my jean pocket. I finish my food before my dad.
"I'm going to go to bed. It's been a long night so goodnight." I say getting up to kiss his cheek goodnight before walking back to my room putting the card in my wallet before getting in the shower.
I get in the shower washing what I need to before getting out and dried off into my sleepwear. I get into bed turning my lights out before falling into sleep for the night.