Everyone still slowing finding their table for the year. What I mean is that they're still looking for the people they fit in with most. I on the other hand find my table for the year with Blaire with Shane and Nick being stuck with us.
I found out that nick is our age. They both were going to school but at home on the computer.
But back to lunch now and everyone is still waiting for some kid to arrive. What so important about this kid? I ask myself.
"I wish people would get their heads out their ass for this guy." I say biting into my pear.
"Some of the kids say he is some mob boss kid. Others say he is dating Pine or something." Blaire says giving me the latest news.
Turns out Pine is a model in training and her father is a very rich business man. That's why she is so stuck up because her daddy gives everything to her.
We continue to eat lunch when the lunch doors swing open making a loud bang noise scaring everyone.
Everyone looks to see who it is, and it's the one person I never expected to see. It's Mr. Jason's son Richie.
I whisper low enough for only Blaire to hear me. "What is he doing here?"
"What do you mean by that?" She whispers back. "That's my dad's business partners son." I whisper back. She looks at me scared.
She knows about the 'other' business too. She walked in on them interrogating someone at the house in the second living. She had forgot her bookbag.
I look up to see he is kind of dressed like a bad boy but not over doing. It's like he is trying to give off this bad boy vibe.
"What is he wearing?" I ask myself but before i could answer myself. Blaire answer for me "doesn't he wear glasses." I shook my head yes.
By the time shock wore off he was sitting down with Pine. Lunch went on for the next 20 some minutes till the bell rang.
On the way to class Blaire had this great idea to play truth or dare game.
She dares me to tickle someone which I pick nick. He is very ticklish.
We get into the classroom to see it's a substitute for the class. We are sitting in taking turns as we are doing this class puzzle that has 4 pages for class points.
Before class ends she dares me to kiss the next person we walk into. I look at her in horror. "It's a dare you have to do it or you're know the consequences." She says smiling at me.
We wait till everyone out the room so that we can get past the ball of students going out the door. What felt like forever we were finally able to get out the door and through the halls.
I still have to do my dare but what is the odds I run into someone who will let me kiss them I think.
And my luck runs out when I run into Mr. Jason's son. I look in between Blaire and him for her to let this one pass. But I see her shack her head no out of the corner of my eye.
I mentally groan because I'm going to hate myself for this. I ask her "does it matter where?" "No, it doesn't." She says looking between us.
I look at him to find him confused at us. I sigh before getting on my tippy toes and kissing him on the lips.
Once they hit his it felt like the world had stopped right there like nothing could but that was gone when someone pulled me away.
"Who the hell do you think you're doing kissing my boyfriend?" Pine says looking at me pissed. If looks could kill, I would be 6 feet under.
"Last I checked he didn't pull away and I'm pretty sure if he was your boyfriend he would've left you already unless you have something on him." I say looking right back at her smiling.
"You don't know anything." She says before huffing away from us dragging him along with her.
Blaire looks at me an asks "was it worth it?"
"Yeah but it won't ever happen again." I say as we walk to our last class of the day. "Why not?" Blaire says stopping me from entering the class doorway confused. "One because he would never date me, and two Pine would have my head on a stick since she thinks everything is hers." I say moving Blaire out my way.
We sit at our desk with her still complaining about everything that just happened. Nick and Shane come over asking us what's wrong.
"Your girlfriend here dared me to kiss the next person we walked into and that person was Mr. Jason's son. Who I had to kiss which resulted in Pine wanting to put me six feet under with her looks." I say glaring at Blaire. "You did what?" Shane says looking at me mad.
"You heard me right. And now if you'll excuse me I'll be going to the lady's room alone." I say grabbing my bag to walk out the class room.
I get to the little girl's room to do my business. Once I'm done I wash and dry my hands. I get out the bathroom and start walking back to the class room to be pulled down the by someone.
When we finally stop, I'm face to face with Richie for the second time today. This time he looks pissed. "I want to know why you kissed me?" He asks being very serious.
"Because I was dared to kiss the next person i ran into." I say shrugging my shoulders. "So, you think stuff like that is a game. Someone could get hurt bad." He says being really mad.
"Don't you think I understand that." I say looking into his gorgeous amber eyes. He groans in angry but what I didn't expect was for him to kiss me right there in the hallway.
I start to kiss back before my senses came back to me reminding me who i was kissing. I pull away to run before the bell rings for the day leaving him behind in shock.
I look for Blaire through the crowd of students. When I find her, I run up to her pulling her with me out the school doors to get home to hid. "I'll explain later but we need to leave NOW!" I say before running to my room for the day.