Chapter 27

I knew exactly what night he was on about. The worst night of my life. The night my parents died.

Me and David were around seven at the time. We came home from school and ran straight to the newly built treehouse. That day and were doing our homework. We were laughing and joking, fighting and arguing but we were have a great time. Just like any other day, we were playing video games in Davids room after our homework was done. David was winning me in the game and was teasing me while I sat there pouting with the controller hanging loosely from my hand. We were quarrelling too loudly to here the stealthy murders roaming around our den.

Suddenly the door flung off its hinges. It flew over to the other side of the room and hit the wall, leaving a mark on it. David and I jumped out of our skin and shot our heads towards the, now doorless doorway which was instead filled with three masked men. They blocked out any light that had the slightest chance of looming its way in, making the room and the situation dark, sacry and gloomy.

"Well, well, well. Look at what we got here. The jackpot, that's what!" The man in front yelled our happily. I was now shaking hysterically. I don't remember much of that part because me and David got masked and tied up no matter how much we tried to fight back, there was no hope. Not even a glimmer of it.

Next thing we know, were in the basement of my house tied up in chairs. My parents and my brother were lying on the floor barely living and covered in their own thivk blood. My brothers breath was loud, horse and shallow. Whenever he tried to speak or shout it just came out as weak wisper.

My parents on the other hand, could just about open their eyes. They were in so much pain but tried to hide it from us the best as they could.

The men came back into play. "So straight to the point. Here little Cam, your going to say goodbye to your beloved family and, watch, them, die." He laughed hard and loudly after his little speech. To this day I can still here his voice ringing painfully in my ears, along with the three gunshot straight after.

The one that killed murdered my family instantly.

I sat there crying frantically and sobbing. David still had his head covered but you could see that he was shaking. He knew what was happening and he was scared that it would happen to him.

Just then the door slamed open revealing the police. I screamed for help but then... Bang. Bang!

The man shot me and David.

The police never found us because the men sneaked us away. We were illegally shipped over seas to an American orphanage. The orphanage was owned by the men but that's a story for another time.

I sighed remember that dreaded day that still haunts me to this day. "Yeah..... Not the best. The men must of left their gun in here." I concluded out loud while staring in to space. "Hey, lets explore more." David announced as he jumped up from the couch and ran into the next room.

Following closely behind him I entered my old room. "Watch th-..... e microphone." David warned as I slipped and fell hard on the floor. The microphone rolled it's way under my little, princess themed bed.

"I didn't realise your room was so.... Red." David addressed as we scanned the old yet undisturbed room, bright red room. At least it has a bit of life.

"Hey don't judge red is the color of love." I answered. I knew that what I had just said was a whole load bullsh*t and so did David. "Love? Since when do you belive in love? I thought you were the 'love is a weakness' type of person and 'I have no weaknesses' type. Am I right?" David questioned me while smiling. He knew very well that I was being sarcastic but he must have wanted to know what my answer was going to be.

"Blood. Red is the color of blood." I confessed with a wicked smile spread across on my face. "Okay, you've changed. That freaks me out. Your gonna kill me in my sleep aren't you? Like something from from a movie." David noted. I laughed at his absurd thoughts and scenario. I jumped out on to the bed like a starfish, face first. David followed me and jumped beside me but he was smart, he jumped backwards with his face facing the ceiling. "Your going to kill me one of these days, I have no doubt about that." David sighed as he studied my tired body laying beside him, breathing in deeply and exhaling a long, shalloe breath.

"Hey, we should probably get your car." I mumbled but my voice was muffled as my head was buried in the soft, untouched blanket. "What, I don't speak dumb sorry, can you say that again?" I giggled and turned on to my back. Giving him a playfull hit on the stomach, I received a smack straight in the face. This led to a fight wich led to a wresting match which led to us pulling each others hair while rolling on the floor.

Once we were finish our fight session we lay spread out on the cold, wooden floor. "Right we better get going." David declared as he sprung to his feet and pulled me up. I swear these boy are getting stronger because he pulled my up like I was a feather and I was no feather, let me tell you that much!

We made our way to the car and set off for our journey. David insisted that he drove so I let him. We chatted and laughed and soon enough we arrived at our school. He pulled up and got out.

By the looks of it, school was just finishing so all the students were walking or driving home meaning that they were outside scattered about the ground a like spilled marbles.

I lazily got out of my car to enter to the drivers side but something caught my eye. In the car beside me the mysterious boy from the class was inside shouting on the phone. I couldn't here what he was saying but he seemed angry.

I didn't realise I was staring until he shot a glare at me. I rolled my eyes and was about to get into my car when he rolled down his window to talk to me.

"Got a problem, B*tch."