
Chapter 23

Telling Mom, I'm heading to work minutes before it's time to leave is a horrible idea.

The time is 8:15 am.

Of course, she runs off to find Daddy and is visibly upset. I'm guessing she's hoping he will stop me from going.

They catch me in the foyer before I can leave. I sigh in annoyance as I turn and face them.

"Tim, tell her she cannot go! This is insane! We just got her back, and she wants to head off to work!"

Mom is clearly upset. She lets go of Daddy's arm and grabs mine. He also looks upset.

"Honey, you don't need the money! Am I that annoying? Is it because you want to get away from me?" Mom begins to cry on my shoulder.

"Mom, stop! Of course, you're not annoying."

I hug her and pass my hand on her back. I pull away from her and look at her. "I just want some air. That's all! I'm coming back, I promise. If you want, you can stop by and bring me lunch. How about sushi? Okay?"

She looks up at me, feeling a little better. I wipe her tears away.

"Fine! Okay. I'd love to. It'll give me a reason to get all dolled up!" She kisses my forehead, still somewhat upset, and then hugs me.

"Daddy," I say as I smile at him.

He comes up from behind Mom and hugs me also. I can tell he agrees with Mom, but he isn't one to stand in my way.

I chuckle. "You guys are acting like I'm heading off to college again. I'll be back later on."

He laughs as he kisses my forehead. "I know, baby doll. We're just happy you're back. And like I told you, police will always be around, okay? I told them not to hang around too much inside the shop. We don't want to scare the customers."

I force a smile on my face. I completely forgot about my shadows. "Thanks, Dad."

He winks, grabs Mom's hand as they walk to the kitchen.

I slow down to a crawl two blocks away from my flower shop. I am in shock when I see four news vans. There are also tons of spectators all over the sidewalks.

This is definitely going to be a media frenzy!

I park Dad's silver Mercedes Benz around the back and enter my shop through there. No one knows I will be here.

Not even my staff.

Four people work in my shop. As soon as each one of them walks in, I make them sign a non-disclosure agreement. It basically states that if they speak to anyone about me being here, especially the press, they will be fired and sued.

Mom's idea.

"We're just glad to have you back, Samantha," Felix says happily. Sarah, Ana, and Liam agree.

"I'm happy to be back, guys! And thank you for such an amazing job. I heard you were really picking up the slack around here and how crazy it's been."

I look at each one of them and smile. "So, to show you my thanks, you'll all be getting bonuses!" My staff looks at each other and cheer. "Keep up the good work! I'll be in here if anyone needs me. The front door opens in ten minutes."

Everyone nods and begins to walk out of my office.

"Oh! Samantha! This was left on your car window," Preston says, handing me an envelope with my name on it.

"Did you see who put it there?" I ask as I open it.

"No. Sorry. It was already on it as I walked in." He walks out of the office as I sit at my desk. It's a small note—an address on it.

23 Burgess Rd. Come alone.

My heart drops, and excitement courses through my entire body. What if it's Ryder?!

I immediately call Sharon in and tell her I have to step out for an hour.

I plug the address into the GPS and find that this place is an hour away. I put my sunglasses on and pull out of the alleyway slowly, not to get the cops or media's attention.

They don't notice my car turn onto the street. I breathe a sigh of relief as I continue to follow the GPS.

This is absolutely insane, but I have to get there! I need answers from Ryder. And if he thinks he's returning to New Jersey without me, he's insane!

I arrive at a warehouse around 10 am.

The iron fence around the building is broken, and dirt lines the road. Tons of trash sit all over the property. I cautiously get out of the car and look around. Not a soul in sight.

Why would Ryder want to meet me here? This place is scary. It also looks abandoned.

I won't be surprised if I get kidnapped again.

I would've been fine if he left the address to my house. A man with his skills could've easily broken into my home.

Approaching the warehouse, I hear a weird pounding noise coming from inside. My heart jumps into my throat!

What if it isn't Ryder?! What if it's the people that kidnapped Max? Why did I make this trip alone?

I start looking for a way inside. To the right is a door. I walk closer to it and keep turning around. I don't want anyone surprising me from behind.

Twice it happened, and each time I wake up in a different state.

I stand in front of the big, rusty, steel door, but I don't immediately walk in. I'm too scared! There aren't any weapons on me or anything.

This is bad!

I can't just walk-in empty-handed. Someone is expecting me, and I'm praying I know who it is only because it can be a trap.

And I am walking right into it.

I look at the ground and find a bunch of rocks. A big one catches my eye immediately. If anyone attacks me, I can use it. It'll give me a cool five seconds head start to high tail my ass back to my car.

I inhale, exhale, and approach the door.

It's unlocked.

I step inside the dark and cold warehouse. It's one massive room that smells of mold. If it isn't for the broken windows and the sun, I wouldn't be able to see anything at all. All the intact windows have dust covering it.

I slowly walk forward. What or who am I looking for? I don't dare yell out Ryder's name either. Who knows what's waiting for me.

I turn and jump when I hear a noise. I see something scurry off near the wall. I exhale in relief when I see it's only a rat. I turn back around and continue to walk.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" I ask, an echo emanating around me. Suddenly I hear the banging noise again. I'm so terrified that my hands begin the shake. I breathe in and out, trying to calm myself down.

The noise sounds like a pipe hitting against a pipe. It's coming from the back of the warehouse! I walk a little further, carefully looking around.

"Hello?" I say again.

Then I hear a grunting noise and see movement. My heart jumps into my throat. I squint my eyes, and I see someone moving around on the ground.

What if it's an animal?! Or a crazy person?! I'm really regretting this decision.

Who gets an anonymous letter with an address and follows it? Samantha Hallowell, that's who!

I suddenly remember my phone has a flashlight in it. I pull out it out and turn the flashlight on, fixing it on whatever is moving a couple of feet from me. My hand continues to shake violently. I have to hold the phone with both hands.

I lean closer and squint my eyes. My heart stops when I see him.

He's chained to the wall! Covered in blood and bruises!


Daddy and I are sitting with Mr. and Mrs. Crawford in a private waiting room.

Max's parents are a mess. His mother has been sobbing in her husband's arms since they arrived.

Max had been admitted almost two hours ago, and we are all anxiously still waiting to hear from the doctors.

"Ms. Hallowell? I hear you found Max," detective Ramos says as he walks up to Daddy and me.

"Yes, this morning. One of my employees found an envelope on my car and gave it to me."

I take the letter from my pocket and hand it to the detective. He grabs the tip of it and scans it. He looks at me without moving his head.

God, this man makes me nervous!

"An address and to come alone? If I may ask, why did you follow the instructions? Weren't you scared that your kidnappers might ambush you again?"

Ramos squints at me. He hands the letter to an officer who is standing next to him. She places the letter in a clear ziplock bag and walks away.

"No! I mean, yeah. I guess...I don't know. I wasn't thinking! I just felt like I had to do this, and I'm glad I did. Who knows how long it would've taken someone to find Max!"

I look over at my Dad. He doesn't seem as convinced as detective Ramos.

Just then, a doctor comes out. "Family of Maxwell Crawford?!"

We all immediately stand!

"Please, doctor," Mr. Crawford says, trying to be strong. "Is he okay? Can we see him?"

The doctor puts a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "He's severely malnourished, missing his finger and a fractured rib. A lot of bruises and cuts. In all, he's going to be fine. He's in a lot of pain, but he's strong." The doctor nods at my dad.

"My name is Dr. Julian, and I will be taking care of Maxwell. Mr. Hallowell wants to make sure your son gets treated by the best. We are hydrating him and making sure he eats plenty. Okay? The worst is over."

Mr. Crawford grabs onto my dad as the doctor continues to speak, sighing in relief.

"He actually wants to see you both. So if you want to follow me," Dr. Julian says, turning and walking away.

Mrs. Crawford runs off with the doctor, while Mr. Crawford hugs my dad. "My family and I could never repay your kindness. You've been there for my son for years now. Thank you for not giving up on him. Nor me or my wife."

Dad shakes his hand. "Go be with your son. He needs you."

Mr. Crawford turns to me and touches my chin. I smile at him, and he walks away.

Daddy puts his arms around me, and we sit back down. I exhale loudly. Detective Ramos follows Dr. Julian.

"Aren't you glad this nightmare is over?"

I'm not paying any attention to Dad.

I was so sure Ryder left me that message!

Why else would I run to an abandoned building without thinking it through thoroughly?

"Sweetie? Sam?"

I jump! "I'm sorry, did you say something?" I smile and tuck a strand of hair behind my ear nervously.

Daddy looks at me in confusion. "Can we talk, Sam? I mean, seriously talk."

"Of course! What's up?"

He laughs. "Baby doll, I think I should be asking you that."

I grin at him, pretending I am confused. "What do you mean?"

He scratches the back of his head and looks around. "Usually, when people are kidnapped, they go through some kind of trauma once they are home. You are showing the opposite. You don't even seem scared."

"If anything, you look like you're worried about something, and I don't think it's about someone coming back to kidnap you. Then someone sends you an address, and you run to it? I'm sure I've taught you to run from danger. Not towards it!"

I smile and try to hide the pool of tears forming in my eyes. "I am always scared. I'm just trying to be brave and show strength for you and Mom. Am I wrong for doing that?"

I purposely look down so the tears can come out. This is all for a show, of course! My Dad isn't stupid. However, one way to trick him is to cry. He's a sucker for my tears.

He grabs my chin and makes me look at him. Seriousness spreads throughout his face. "Don't ever apologize for being strong and brave! It's who you are, Sam. Always have been, always will be. I love you for who you are. Okay?"

His words make me feel even worse. "I love you, Daddy."

My Dad had left shortly after. I told him I wanted to stay and see how Max was doing.

About thirty minutes later, Max's parents walk back into the private waiting room. They tell me he wants to see me and they will be back in an hour or so. They are going to grab some of his belongings from his apartment.

The walk to Max's room seems like forever and all I can do is think about Ryder.

Why hasn't he contacted me?

It's eating me alive that I'm not able to touch him, to kiss him.

Is he still experiencing his night terrors? Is he even thinking about me?

I knock on Max's door and open it slightly, peeking in. The entire room is bathed in sunlight. I squint my eyes as I look around for the bed housing my fiancé. I chuckle wryly to myself.

Yeah, fiancé.

The room doesn't even look like a normal hospital room. The entire back wall is a giant window with an amazing view of the city.

Max is laying on the bed. His head is facing away from me and he's talking to a nurse.

The old, Asian nurse shows Max a needle. It's pain medication that is going to be administered to him through an I.V.

"This will take the pain away in a couple of minutes, okay? If you feel like the pain is coming back, just hit the button. Someone will give you more. Okay, sweetheart?"

Max nods. She sticks the needle near the opening of a bag filled with a clear liquid.

He winces in pain as he turns his head. Max does a double-take when he sees me standing at the foot of his bed.

My heart sinks when I see how he's almost bandaged up from his head to his feet. He also has a swollen eye and a busted lip.

"Halloween is soon. You think I should dress up like a mummy, seeing as though I look like one?" Max asks hoarsely.

I laugh and then I stop when I see a little red seeping through the gauze on his stomach.

Max looks down. "Sorry. I was stabbed there."

I give him a sympathetic smile as I grab a chair and place it right next to him. I sit down. The nurse excuses herself and leaves.

"I'm so sorry," I whisper to him, placing my hand on his arm.

This is all my fault!

All the news conferences and talks about money made him a target. It kills me to see how badly he is hurt.

"No, stop! Please don't be sorry, " Max says wincing. He grabs his stomach as he tries to sit up. "This wasn't your fault."

I stand and grabs his hand, telling him not to move, my eyes pooling with tears.

Deja vú.

I had experienced this with Ryder not that long ago. When he was shot in Italy. He tried to put his arm around me, in the car but winced in pain. I shake my head trying to rid myself of the thought.

"Sam? Can I ask you something?" Max asks as he winces again, trying to get comfortable.

I wipe my tears away and scoff. "Anything, you know that!"

His face looks confused and serious. "Who's Ryder?"