I have always hated the royal family. I grew up with my parents drilling into us how much we should hate the king. Not just him, but his whole entire family, because they were all, and still are, parasites. Every last one of them. But what I did not know, and what my parents did not know, is that the Queen is the real power behind the throne. She is the ultimate poison in the land, ruining everything about this beautiful country. She whispers her desires and twists his to suit her own needs. Whatever she wants, she takes. And if she cannot have it, she takes it anyway.
My parents discovered that I was special from a very early age. I can transform my appearance into other people. I cannot change into animals, as of yet, but I still have hope that I will be able to increase my power. It was easy to tell that I had powers. All of a sudden, where a three year old should be, stood the neighbor throwing a temper tantrum in the middle of the living room floor.