
Chapter 55

Elaine's heart felt as though it were a sparrow on the wind. How she had hoped Renard returned her feelings! To hear him say it was like a Christmas gift, wrapped up especially for her, a beautiful package that she could not wait to open.

"Really?" she whispered. "You really love me?" It was as though a different person stood before her. Here was not sneaky, clever Renard the fox, but Renard the man, who had taught her her to fence, and had saved her countless times. Here was the person she had danced with, whose arms she longed to be in. Now, in this moment, she felt warm and comforted, as though she had finally arrived home after her long journey.

"Yes," he whispered, kissing her forehead softly. "I have loved you ever since you left Margaret and me and went back to your family. When I saw you walking away, that is when I knew."

"Oh, Renard," said Elaine. She felt so secure in that moment, lighter than the wind that she stood on her toes to kiss him. "I love you too."