Chapter 52

Rory felt more afraid than he had the first time he confronted the humans. He swam close to Yemoja.

"Please," he said. "Please, your Magnificent, your Beneficence, please let me speak with my beloved in private." He looked at Rani with a mixture of love and desperation. "I know that she is yours now, but please...let her be mine for a little while."

Yemoja simply nodded.

One hour, Rani heard a voice in her head. Or did it come from the ocean?

They swam back toward Skelmis's cave. The octopi hovered at the edge of the cave, although they did not seem to mind them.

The cave did not look nearly as frightening as it did before. Where once the flickering red light seemed a beacon of death, now it seemed as though it were merely dilapidate, old, and of no consequence to anyone. It was just another cave now.

Rani turned toward Rory. She began to open her mouth to speak.