Part 37 - Signing of Cooperation

Anoko Corporation will cooperate with the Blossom Group company, which is the largest company in the Korean ginseng country. This time, Anoko Corp's cooperation has penetrated the tourism sector. This time, Anoko Corporation will build at least 6000 rooms consisting of 30 hotels and resorts that will be built in 2 countries, namely Indonesia and Korea.

The memorandum of understanding will be signed by both parties today, therefore all staff involved in this meeting must look perfect because their client is not a random client. Long story short, Blossom Group is a giant tourism company, many hotels and resorts have been built by this company. Meanwhile, their collaboration has gone global and this time it is PT Anoko Corporation's turn to successfully qualify for cooperation in hotel and resort development projects. All the staff immediately stood up to greet their client, Sabrina immediately stared wide when she saw one of her clients this time.