Part 60 - The Lowest Point 3


"So the kiss that you guys did was not consensual?" asked Troy, confused.

Mahesa sighed. "Come on Troy, you know that I don't like Emma. Emma is not my type, so how can I love her"

"Be careful when you talk, what if you suddenly love?" cried Troy.

"No! It won't be Troy, Emma isn't my type at all so there's no way that would happen"

Troy shook his head slowly and was very annoyed by what his friend said, especially in his opinion that Emma was an innocent, kind girl and the most important thing was that Emma was beautiful. Even Emma's beauty looks so perfect and natural as it is, but what makes Troy confused why Mahesa doesn't like Emma.

"So what are you going to do now? Find a brand name for mouthwash?" cried Troy, curious.

Mahesa sighed. "Yep! Like I said earlier, if possible this week all the concepts have been completed"