Other choice


Emma burst into tears, she can't stand it anymore if she has to lose Shaka for the second time. Emma woke up from her sleep, her dreams had shattered. Her breath was gasping, and soon Mahesa woke up and tried to calm Emma down.

"Emma, ​​what's wrong with you?" asked Mahesa softly.

"I dreamed of meeting Shaka"

Mahesa sighed and immediately gave Emma a glass of water. "This is Emma, ​​drink first. Calm your heart" said Mahesa.

Emma immediately drained her drink, after which Emma tried to catch her breath.

"Thank you, Mahesa" said Emma, ​​who immediately gave the glass to Mahesa.

"So now you try to sleep again, okay, it's only 2 pm"

Emma nodded slowly and lay back down, she tried to sigh and then closed her eyes again.

Mahesa, who saw that Emma was back asleep, was surprised because Emma was so fast to sleep. Meanwhile Mahesa became unable to return to sleep.