Part 172 - Emma's deepest feelings

"Christian, Anna, I'm sorry. Because the patient file giving birth at the same time as Anna is not here," said Laura.

"Then when will the doctor find the file?" asked Anna curiously.

"I can't confirm Anna, because I also have to ask permission again from the boss"

"Okay Laura, it's okay. Hopefully there will be some good news soon" Christian calls out.

Christian immediately shook Laura's hand, as did Anna. The two of them immediately rushed out of Laura's room, although this time it felt very disappointing. But at least they both have traits in their child.

Disappointment gripped Anna's heart, she didn't know if she could find her biological child or not. Christian knows very well how Anna is feeling, therefore Christian tries to calm Anna down.

He decided to take Anna to lunch at a famous cafe in the city of Bandung. All the way to the cafe, Anna was silent and didn't speak a word. Christian tries to lighten the mood so Anna doesn't get lost.