Chapter 70

Chapter Seventy

Connor finished his second mug of synthcaff and set the cup on the table at his side. His gut burned, protesting after having so much of the hot, bitter fluid dumped in so quickly. The bigger problem for his stomach was the acid and the caffeine.

Well, and the fact that he hadn’t had a chance to eat since…too long ago.

Add to that the air recycling system was offline, and the whole ship was as miserably humid and hot as the jungle and its stench was in everything.

Selen leaned against the entry to the galley, arms crossed. It was just the two of them now—sweaty and frazzled.

With the environmental systems offline, their breathing was audible.

She bowed her head. “So, one of the lizards managed to punch a hole in the outer skin. It’s not that big of a deal.”

What else could he do but sigh? “If they couldn’t penetrate the airlock—”

“Then it was one of those bugs. It flew up high enough and dropped something that punched through.”