Chapter 124

Chapter One Hundred Twenty-Four

With the glow stick fading, Elise led Connor through a surprisingly intricate series of passageways peppered with the occasional doorway.

There was no sign of damage to the walls, no debris piles, and their steps echoed quietly and evenly, furthering the sense that the damage that had plunged them underground was very localized.

Every now and then, the smell of the giant, black serpent oozed from a doorway, and Elise hurried past.

Sweat dripped down Connor’s brow. “Why’s it so warm down here?”

“If I had to make a guess, I’d say for the same reason that snake was here.”

“So it wasn’t drawn here by the warmth.”

“Maybe. They were definitely connected.”

“Well, I’m lodging my official preference for the cooler air above.”

The archaeologist smiled over her shoulder. “You’re not alone.”