Chapter 148

Chapter One Hundred Forty-Eight

The Badger rolled to a stop with an ear-piercing squeak, which roused Connor from his groggy state. After groping around the harness for the release, he shoved out of the seat and staggered to the sliding door.

Each step reminded him of how badly he’d abused his body on the planet—aches and pains; a musky and grungy funk that was inhuman; and the blurry vision.

Yemi slapped the dashboard. “Yemi drives fast!”

Connor threw the door open and breathed in the air—still terrible yet fresher than the stuffy vehicle interior. “You did. How long do we have?”

“Yemi puts kilometers between the Badger and bugs.”

Kilometers would be impressive if their pursuers weren’t tireless and relentless…

…and if they didn’t still have so much to unpack.

There were only five of them still fit enough to do unpacking, and Lem would need to head to the archaeologists’ ship infirmary immediately.

Things would have to be left behind.