The Puffball

Pam came out of the change room in a dress that did not suit her at all. It looked like it wouldn’t suit anyone. It had a short skirt that gathered in at the hem, making her butt look comically big. The neckline seemed to have some sort of paperbag-like fabric sticking up all around her chest. The whole thing made her look like an over-decorated puffball.

“Okay, I know this is a bit unusual,” Pam said, “but I really like this one. What do you all think?”

Pam’s mom and dad, sister and several friends including Byron and Emily sat around in a semi-circle as the bride-to-be stood in the center. Everyone stared at her, most people humming in uncertainty. No one dared to say that it was horrible.

“Haha! April Fools!” Pam exclaimed, laughing uproariously, “Isn’t this the worst dress ever? I just wanted to see your faces when you saw it.”

“Pam!” her mother reproved, “You’re being silly. And Laurent is probably not impressed with you making fun of his dresses.”