Not only was Teddy leaving town, but Emily’s student Katie was going away for the rest of the summer.
“This is my last lesson,” Katie said.
Although Emily already knew it, she was sad to hear it spoken out loud. The studio had quite a few of Katie’s paintings hanging on the walls, and it would never be the same without her.
“Well, it’s been a pleasure,” Emily said, “I guess you won’t likely be back to art lessons in the fall since you’ll be busy with college.”
“Yeah, I probably won’t have as much time for art anymore. I’ve decided to take business as my major.”
“Still aiming to get that rich husband?” Emily teased.
“Of course, but this time I have a better plan. I’m going to be rich myself, and then it’ll be so much easier to sort through the rich men of the world.”
“Love the confidence,” Emily said. “And if you need a part-time job when you get back, I could always use some help around the office. I’m sure we could find something business-y for you to do.”