The Search

It was too late to get a refund for her flight, which wouldn’t leave until next evening, but Emily didn’t care if she lost the money. Instead, she booked the next available flight to Vancouver, which would leave the next morning. She had to get back to Byron, and to her company as soon as possible.

The next thing she did after re-scheduling the flight was try to call Byron. If he had seen that awful email, she would have a lot of explaining to do…

The dial tone rang once, twice, and several times, but then the voice messaging service came on. Emily tried to call him again, just in case he didn’t have time to grab the phone, but he didn’t pick up. It was pretty late, so he might have been sleeping.

Emily tried to call Sylvia next, but she wasn’t picking up either. Emily sighed, thinking this was probably what Ruby wanted, to make her panic. She decided to get a good night’s sleep to spite the evil miscreant.