The next day, Sylvia came over for lunch, and the meeting of the parents took place. Emily found it amusing to see her parents and Byron’s mother side by side.
Emily mother didn’t look as polished as Sylvia, preferring to wear no makeup and casual clothing, but she had natural beauty and much more warmth and laughter than Sylvia did. Her father looked like a macho, slightly balding, and not too sophisticated guy, but he too had a lot of charisma, even if he was at times overbearing. He was almost as bossy and opinionated as Sylvia.
Emily couldn’t wait to see who would win in a battle of wills.
“It’s great to finally meet you,” Emily’s mother gushed.
“Yes, I’m glad,” Sylvia said in her reserved way.
Emily detected a note of snobbishness. She didn’t take offense because it was not as if her parents were singled out by Sylvia to be looked down on. She was snobbish when speaking to anyone. Maybe if Queen Elizabeth came to visit, Sylvia would have been slightly less arrogant.