Chapter 34: A Picture Tells a Thousand Words

“Would you like some tea?” Loriann asked her visitors. Rashida nodded.

“That would be nice, thank you.” She settled herself at the dining table tucked into the corner of the large kitchen. She motioned for her daughter and husband to wait in the living room. Loriann filled a white chipped teapot with the tea and carried it on a tray to them, adding some of her homemade scones and mugs.

When she came back into the kitchen, she laid a similar spread between her and Rashida, but she didn’t feel much like eating now. She knew there was no beating around the bush with her alpha, but she still deferred to her before speaking.

Rashida was looking down at the strong black tea in her mug, letting it warm her hands.

“I can imagine how many bad memories this brings up for you and I can understand your hesitation in taking action with Willow,” Rashida began, her dark amber eyes looking over Loriann. Loriann had seemed to age before her eyes, she looked tired and worn.