
Chapter 17: Civil With a Touch of Blood

History: Some bosses have known each other since childhood.


Marlene woke up in a small bed and a splitting headache. She looked over and saw Rory sitting on the edge of the bed, happy to see her awake. She shut her eyes tight as she touched her wound and sat up swiftly, realizing Penelope had been taken.

“Oh God, Rory, Penelope’s gone- I mean Miss Eve- Oh God she’s gone, and I- I didn’t protect her,” she broke down in tears and Rory held her trying to calm her down.

“It’s okay, Marlene. Just breathe,” he tried to rock her. She kept her head in his chest and continued sobbing.

‘It’s not okay. She got hurt and I tried to kill them all, and what if she’s dead Rory? I took an oath to keep her safe and I failed and-” she kept choking her words and Rory kept a hold of her.

“It’s okay. If there wasn’t a body at the scene, then she’s alive. It’s not Penny’s first time being held for ransom (and I’m sure it won’t be the last),” he muttered. Marlene couldn’t hear him. She shut her eyes tight and clung to him.

“When we find Penny, I’m sure she’ll be unharmed. My question right now is, are you okay?” he lifted her head up and wiped her tears away.

“It doesn’t matter if I’m okay, we need to find her-”

“Marlene, I’m not putting up with that shit. Are you okay?” he asked with a stern tone that reminded her of when they were children. She wiped her tears away and nodded.

“My head hurts a little bit, but I’m fine.” she sniffed.

“Good,” Rory smiled.

“We really need to find her Rory,” her eyes welled up with tears again.

“And we will. But she’s not the only sister I have. You’re my sister too, and I want to make sure both of you are alright. Are we clear?” he gave a comforting expression and she shook her head. She soon noticed that they were in his new home. The picture of her and Penelope stood on the nightstand and another picture of their father hung on the wall nearby.

“I don’t know who took her. But I’m fairly certain it wasn’t Mr. Brooks.”

“I was going to ask considering I found a broken lollipop where you were,” he grimaced. Along with many dead bodies. Nice shooting by the way.”

“Penelope actually got the kills, I just wounded them.”

“Still impressive. Why don’t you think it was the Toffee Boys?”

“The colors. Toffee Boys are normally wearing blue somewhere on their person or just their work overalls. This gang was wearing pure back. Know any gangs that might fit the description?’

“Yup, and you’re not going to like it,” Rory’s jaw tightened.

“Who is it?” her eyes filled with worry.

“The Licorice gang.”


Penelope kept struggling as she was brought to Dexter’s office. The men sat her down in the chair and Dexter motioned to the cloth around her mouth. One of the men removed the cloth and Penelope glowered.

“Untie my hands if you want to keep this civil,” she seethed.

“You heard the lady, the hands too.” Dexter pointed. The man untied her and quickly backed away. Dexter ordered him to leave the room, and he gladly did as he was told.

“Dare I ask?” Penelope rubbed her wrist.

“Afraid I had to give you the day off. I was hired to hunt down your product upon Mr. Brooks’ request,” he gave a charming smile.

“I hired you to do the same.” she snapped.

“Oh, you did. And your offer was much more enticing. It’s a shame. I get to see your beautiful face, but it’s scowling at me while I’m doing what I was hired to do. Actually one sec,” he snapped his fingers and his assistant from across the room was by his side. Dexter whispered and the assistant left and quickly returned with a tea set and plates of sweets.

“I was expecting your arrival, so I wanted to make sure you were comfortable.”

“Fuck you. You hurt my assistant. And when I find the bastard who did that along with the one who knocked my ribs in, I’m skinning their faces off.” she clenched her fist, “And why the fuck are you doing this if I offered you the better deal?”

“Higher-ups, I’m afraid, “Or one I should say.”

“Who?” she asked slowly.

“You know who, sweetheart, you just don’t want to say her name,” he took a sip of tea.

“Fuck.” she uttered.

“It’s Beatrice, but that’s a close second.”

“Okay, but keeping me here doesn’t mean you found my product. Tear my factory and shop apart, if you can get past the trained snipers, that is. My product is not there.”

“We’re not looking there. We’re looking at Swinton port,” he winked.

Penelope’s face went pale, “How do you know that name?”

“I didn’t. Beatrice called me out of the blue and told me about it. She’s either a psychic or good in bed, to get that spot on information,” Dexter laughed. Penelope took a deep breath and drank her tea.

“Yeah. Something like that,” she said. She finished her tea and leaned back in her chair, exhausted. Dexter checked the time and realized it was very late.

“I can’t let you go tonight until we kill off all of your product. My assistant will draw you a bath and have some spare clothes ready. I’m sure you’d like to get that blood off of you.”

“Not necessarily, it’s the only victory I have tonight,” she sassed. Dexter laughed harder.

“Never change, Penelope.” he grinned.

“I haven't since we played together years to go. But after this, you’ll want me to change when I flood your halls with blood. But until then,” she stood, “I think I will have that bed and bath.” she yawned.

“Of course. Joel, please treat our guest to the better soaps while drawing her bath. And get the silk sheets as well.”

“Yes, sir,” Joel answered respectfully.


Penelope sat in bed contemplating if she wanted to escape or wait until it was all over. She decided to stay and lied in bed, feeling her heart thump against her chest. She thought back to how James was acting before they left the manor.

Her heart began to ache when she realized she had given away her hiding spot when talking to James.

“He sold me out,” she thought.

“The next time I see him, I’m going to break him.”