Ascension Academy

While Xuan Li was passed out from exhaustion, Iris chased after Charles through the streets.

"Wait! Charles!" She called out.

Hearing his name called, Charles turned around with a pleasant smile "Oh? It's you! The tier 3 mage."

Iris stopped once she got close to him and asked if they could talk in private. Hearing her request, Charles folded his arms while thinking.

"Hmm, sure" He gave a smile that brightened iris's eyes! 'Ah!' She squinted her eyes from his dazzling smile.

Charles led her to his manor where a white haired butler guided them to his study room. His manor was the biggest building in the entire village but compared to Charles family villa, it was relatively small. The manor had a medium sized back garden and only two floors to accommodate Charles.

They walked to his private study on the top floor of the manor, where Charles set down on his leather chair and his hand resting on his chin. He looked at Iris with curiosity and friendliness.

"So, what do you want to ask?" He questions while beckoning his butler to make some tea for them.

Iris sat down on a wooden chair opposite of Charles.

She didn't want to waste time on the small talk and went straight to the point "Do you know where I can find a tier 5 lesser dragon eye, a horn of a minimum tier 4 demon, perfect grade mana crystal, tears of a unicorn…" Iris continued to list a bunch of items to Charles who just watched her with wide eyes while writing down everything.

After a few breaths, Iris finished her list of required material to Charles. The butler came back with some green tea for the both of them. He placed three teaspoons of sugar in Charles' cup and stirred it. Afterwards, he asked Iris if she would like any sugar, to which she shook her head.

Charles began to drink his hot steamy tea with joy.

"These items are quite precious. Honestly, some of these items are very rare even. My sect probably only has a very small amount of a few of those items. However, if you're able to pay, I can provide you with everything on the list except for a unicorn tear." After finishing his tea, Charles began to speak in a professional manner while brushing through his written list.

A frown appeared on Iris's delicate face "Is there any other way? I lack spirit stones at the moment"

Charles chucked "Don't worry, I already guessed you wouldn't be able to afford the cost. Luckily for you, most of these items can be obtained through the black tower!"

'Black tower? What the hell is that?' Iris looked at Charles with a tilt of her head.

"Hm? You don't know what it is? The black tower is a massive tower located at the edge of Wylde on its northern border. Before you ask, to enter the tower, you must be associated with the Ascension Academy because they officially own the tower."

Iris nodded to show she understands.

"Oh, you also need to be at least tier 4. The tower is filled with powerful monsters but also a lot of treasure"

Iris questioned Charles for information and Charles patiently answered her with a smile.


5 hours later…

"GRANDPA!" Xuan Li jolted up from his bed with his arm outstretched to the ceiling, sweating profusely.

The baby panther woke up from Xuan Li's screams. "Argh, mortal! You can't keep doing this every night!" He glared at Xuan Li which made him very adorable because of his baby form.

"Sorry." Li breathed heavily and opened his window to get some air.

For a few minutes, he and the baby panther sat in silence with both having different thoughts.

'Shit. Why? I'm so sorry Grandpa. I tried to save you. Fuck…' Tears started to flow from Xuan Li's eyes.

'Every night, he shouts that name. Dammit, this mortal is very fragile. What do I do? I've never dealt with someone who's dealing with loss.' The baby panther stared at Xuan Li with frustration.

As if a light bulb turned on above his head, the panther's eyes shined with inspiration! "Hey, mortal! You want to die right?"

Li looked towards the panther.

"Yes," he replied, squinting his eyes wondering what he will say.

"Let's head to the Ascension Academy!"

"What's that?" Xuan Li cocked his head sideways.

"It's a very prestigious Academy that was created after the great war between the mages and cultivators. It was made to create harmony between the two different arts and have them understand each other."

"Ok? Why should we go?"

The panther rolled his cute eyes "Idiot! This academy is the best place to be raised as a cultivator and mage! It's even sponsored by many sects and the different magic associations!"

He looked at Xuan li, hoping he would catch his drift. Sadly, that blank look on his face told the Panther he is still in the dark.

"This means there will be many talents! Maybe one of them can kill you! And even if they can't, there are many powerful teachers of the fifth tier! And if that won't work, there are many dangerous missions the Academy sends their students off to! You'll have plenty of chances to get your wish."

Hearing the panthers words, Xuan Li's eyes brightened once again. "Seriously? There's such a place!? Alright! Let's head to the Ascension Academy!"


The baby panther slapped Xuan Li on the head. "Idiot. You'll have to first pass their trials to get into the Academy. Lucky for you, they are accepting new students again. So, we need to first travel to one of their trial sites."

"Ok? So where is one of the trial sites?" He questioned the panther.

"...uh. I don't know. That's one of the trials itself. To find a trial ground." The panther looked at Xuan Li with its big eyes with confusion.

"Calling me an idiot when you don't even know how to get there!" Li tried to flick the panther's forehead but it quickly dodged his attack.

"Stay still!" Xuan Li began to chase the baby panther around his room, creating creaks and squeaks throughout their game of cat and mouse.