CHAPTER 2 -Welcome to my dark world-

Sunny day morning, the new family on the block moved in. They had to relocate because the climate was too cold for Joshua's baby brother Rowan. Rowan was born with Cerebral Palsy. Joshua accepts the change for the sake of Rowan.

Rowan was born with a condition that made him dependent on others. He was vulnerable due to his inability to walk, sit, or move his hands to do things for himself. Rowan's condition made him completely helpless and powerless to 24/7 care.

Julia was a kind-hearted woman who knew what was to be expected with Rowan's inability to do things. But she never saw it as a challenge; instead, she cherished it as a beautiful gift. Their mom was a woman who would not let life get her down. She protected the things she loved and loved the stuff she covered.

They arrived at their new home, 218 Paarl Street, Actonville, Benoni. The first thing they noticed was how curious people were. The streets were bustling. It was like one big community where everyone knew everyone.

Joshua was the confident type who was well-spoken. Joshua noticed the spray-painted fences and walls with different gang signs when they arrived at their new house.

The area was much quiet compared to where he had been born and raised. The surroundings seemed different. He saw a few guys sitting by a tree in a vest and funny-looking tattoos. He was familiarized with every gang. Those tattoos were familiar to him since he was raised in an area where a 6-year-old carried a team tattoo. Lucifer's reputation was known internationally.

After unpacking and exploring the house, Joshua asked Tiffany to walk with him to analyze the area.

"Hey, mom, we are going out for a walk."

Julia was a god-fearing woman who came from a family that was gifted. She believed that she met lucifer for a reason and that everything in life had a reason and purpose. When Rowan was born, she took it as a sign and the greatest gift God had gifted her.

Joshua and Tiffany left the house as they approached the street. There were houses on both sides of the road. People were drinking alcohol while sitting outside—the music from the place listening to Tupac music in the middle of the street.

They were being new to the area. Neighbors were curious to know who these new people were and who had moved in.

The guy had short hair, dark skin, and a scar and on the neck was a number written on his neck twenty-six and a dollar sign next to it.

The other guy, about 5.4ft with dreads, wore Adidas greyish tracksuit pants with a white vest. He had a snake around the dragon tattoo; below that tattoo was another tattoo saying barely visible. "what ugly tattoo is that?'

"That's a gang-related tattoo."

"American flag," said Joshua

Tiffany was familiar with the American tattoo; she had seen that tattoo in her area.

The guy with the American flag tattoo then said,

"Who are you?"

Joshua saw the number twenty-eight on his hand. He is the main guy between them. The number is a prison tattoo initiated from the prison; it served as a high ranking.

When you serve a few in prison, you choose a ranking of twenty-six, twenty-seven, or twenty-eight. You need to go through an initiation to get that number, as Lucifer had gone through.

Then twenty-eight is one of the higher ranks. They rule the imprisoned inmates. They are the highest number. They give out orders for the twenty-seven to kill. They make the food. They are also known for dominating youngsters sexually by performing sexual acts.

"Continue walking, Tiffany,"

Joshua approached them; there were five of them. The other three have the same tattoo. The one with the dreads says, "sit." Joshua let out a faint smile.

"No. I would rather stand."

"Hey, sit down I said"

Joshua glances over at Tiffany. Tiffany shakes her head.

"These poor guys do not know whom they are dealing with.'

Joshua, only ten years old, knew how to handle himself when it came time. He had a mafia tattoo with a dagger to his heart.

Joshua is 6.7 feet tall and has short hair, light skin, and green eyes; his T-Shirt covered the MAFIA tattoo. He looked at the twenty-eight and American.

Joshua sat down; Tiffany's jaw dropped; "did he do what that guy told him?"

She knew Joshua well; being who he was and these guys not knowing whom they were dealing with would not end well for them.

Her brother would long time have killed them. She kept quiet and let it play out as this guy asked who he was.

This is the step where they establish where he belongs and who is his associates.

The American had offered him the blunt, which he respectfully declined

When he said no to the blunt, the guy with the jacket looked him down and up, saying,

"Listen to this newbie who has no rank."

The American then took out a gun and pointed it at Joshua. Joshua moves backward as the guy with the flag sees the top of the dagger on his chest. MF

"Hey, six stands back. This guy is bullshitting us."

As they all stood up, dreads pointing the gun at Joshua, told him, "lift your shirt."

Tiffany covered her face in her hand as Joshua raised his shirt. The gang saw the tattoo as they stepped to the back.

Joshua looked at the guy with the leather jacket staring blankly over to one of their own as they saw his weapons marked MAFIA.

"Sit down," he says as they all sit down.

"You have wasted ten minutes of my time feeding me bullshit. Now you owe me for taking my time."

They bow their heads as Joshua points over at the one with the Jacket.

"stand up. What is your name?"

"My name is skittles."

"What is your real name?"


"Johnathan, when I leave here, you will remember you all owe me. I will call you, and when I do call, don't disappoint me."

While walking away, Tiffany can't help but smile.

"Must you always be such an ass to them?" She was looking up the street at the tall trees and the birds in the tree chirping.

At the corner of the street, a small shop was selling the basics.

They bought them refreshments; looking down the road, they saw the cop car stopping in the Centre of the road.

The two cops climb out of the car as Joshua notices Johnathan approaching them, handing them cash.

"Just as I figured, bribery."

This gang is the biggest on the inside. The cop gets back into their car and drives up the road glancing at Joshua and Tiffany; when the car suddenly stops and reverses, one cop climbs out with a baton.

Tiffany turned around as the officers approached them. Stand against the wall and spread your legs and arms apart.

"Why do you want to search us?"

"We suspect you of carrying drugs."

"Officer, what makes you suspect us of carrying drugs?" Says Joshua

"You were sitting with those guys; enough with the questions, do as we tell you."

"I am afraid we can,t do as you say because you have no proof, and you just took a stack of notes from them that look suspicious. Bribery?"

The shopkeeper closed the door; he knew this would end badly.

Joshua stepped closer, looking down at the officer as his eyes grew darker.

"Your fucking with the wrong Family."

The two Officers start laughing; "we run this place, and any family who messes with us will regret it." "Who are you, someone we should fear? Are you threatening us?" The officers start laughing.

"I am glad you find humor in what I said, but I am serious, officer Lance!"

"Officer, are we being detained?"

"Yes, you're distributing drugs," Joshua starts laughing loud. "Your joking, right?"

The cop shakes his head. "You are under arrest for suspicion of distributing drugs."

The officer then grabs Tiffany's wrist, trying to place handcuffs around her wrist.

In a blink of an eye, Joshua disarms their guns and drops the cops to the ground. "You piece a shit; how dare you put your hands on my sister." Joshua's eyes are darkening.

Joshua lifts the officer in the air with one hand choking him and throwing him against the car. As the other officer attempts to hit Joshua with a baton, he grabs his hand and squeezes the officer's wrist; "no one puts their hands on my sister, you piece of shit."

Tiffany squeezed Joshua's shoulder. "Relax, Josh, I am ok."

The officer steps back and sees Joshua's eyes darken while lifting his partner from the ground. "we will be back." as they take off. The guys in the center of the street were speechless at what they had just done.

"Let's go back home; this neighborhood seems safe enough" When he gets a call, it's their mom. "Dinner is ready. Where are you?" "On our way, mom," They head back home.