Larry, Boss we got those guys. Good says Lucifer take them to my dungeon. As Lucifer dismisses them. Larry stay I need to talk to you.

Yes, boss? Well since you exceeded yourself exceptionally well on that trip to Iraq and finding these bastards who hurt my son. I got you something as they walk out to the garage where it was covered with a rug, over there that's yours. Larry pulled off the rug and there is was a diamond black JAGUAR XRJR-15. Thank you, boss, as Larry climb into it and felt the leather interior the smell of a new car.

He then stepped out. Boss permission to take this vehicle to my place?.Permission Granted. But first, we need to talk as Lucifer lit his Cigar in the Garage. Yes, boss? Well, there is this girl my son is dating and her brother,s who is American I think it's the Americans who did this to my son?

Boss permission to speak? Granted! We captured the guys and yes they are part of the Americans.