Joshua we got to get going, Tiffany is all packed and ready to leave as Kelly is making sure there is nothing left behind heading outside they ready to leave. Joshua now steps out the door walking over to the car. It is 6 am and the air is a bit cold as they on the car ready to take off.

Glancing up Joshua notices a pedestrian in the rearview mirror. Who is that he says to Tiffany turning around. It looks like a hitchhiker.

Just go already, I am sure they will find their way around there is no space for anyone else in this car it is full. Joshua then glances up to the house and sees a blonde girl. Hey, see there, Joshua points to the window of the house.

I do not see anything, says Tiffany he then looks over to Kelly. Can you see what I am seeing? No says Kelly as Joshua looks back he stares directly into Kelly,s eyes she has these beautiful dimples as she smiles back at him.