CHAPTER 105 Adrik attempts to seduce Rose

Adrik I gave you one simple task and you could not complete it. Boss, it was as if they were expecting us they shot Frikkie.

Listen do not blame me for your fucken incompetence. I thought you were this high shot person but even my son can do a better job than you, now you made more mess for Adrik?

How were they able to know you were coming for them is it because you selling drugs out of the house my son has barrow you? Boss, I don't know what you are talking about. Lucifer grabs Adrik pushing him against the wall holding a knife to his throat.

I regarded you as family and you could not even fulfill a simple task? Adrik aback is against the wall as Lucifer is holding a knife to his neck.

If you were not family I would kill you long ago. I want you to pack your things and get the fuck out of my son's house. On the side of his waste, Adrik is busy taking out a knife ready to stab Lucifer. As he slides out the knife and is about to stab Lucifer in the back.