Chapter 114 Joshua comes clean

She is looking much better there is colour in her skin.Joshua now removes the drip as he walks over to her.Hey you back he smiles.

What just happened she says to him?Well you passed out.What happened?Martha says,well you called me over and told me you are having cramps.

Martha there is something you need to know says Joshua as he looks down and notices his white shirt is has blood stains he takes off the Shirt.What is it says Martha and why is my head on your dads lap.Joshua now stands infront of her.Its best I show you, show me what Joshua?

Joshua now transforms as she sits in mezmeration That is the most beutiful transformation I ever saw.

How did you do that?Joshua explains his dads actions when he was a baby.So tell me what does this have to do with me being here?Well the baby you carrying.Wait stop says Martha.You telling me this is not a ordinary child I am carrying?