Chapter 119 Lucifer pays the inmates a visit

Lucifer now enters the prison, Walking through the passage to the administration. Behind Lucifer are Larry and five of Lucifer's most well-trained soldiers. I am want to speak to the person in charge here. An old officer comes out. Immediately recognizing Lucifer.

Mr. Morningstar this is a pleasant surprise seeing you here, how can I help you?

Daniel, it has been a while yes. I believe you have my son here? Where is he? Who Joshua? Yes, I just got back from leave let me check here on the list. Immediately Officer Daniels's eyes go wide.

I knew about this. I do see where he is in the cell block.

Please follow me Sir, Lucifer, and Larry, s crew is now following the officer. Why is my Son being held with other none parolee inmates? Mr. Morningstar, I never knew your son was here till now, but I will ensure action gets taken against the officer. Open this door. Yes, sir, the officer is searching for the key amongst his dozen keys.