CHAPTER 127 Confrontation

So why have you been to keep this all along with a secret? It's because I know dad would react like you reacting now. Joshua slams his fist into the wall

for you about the baby? Yes, I do thats why I was hoping you would not let that child be born.

I already lost a child I cannot lose this one also Tiffany. That thing inside is not a child it is a demon Joshua and the longer you leave It in Martha's stomach the more powerful its becoming.

Who is becoming powerful.Lucifer is now standing behind Joshua.The baby he says?Yes dad.That baby is going to be born says Lucifsd the baby will be thr most pwerful Morningstar.

Thats not a baby its a demon,well whatever it is it will be born.I am not getting into this just know there will be comsequences sacrifices will have tobe made.Tiffany since when do you know so much says Lucifer puzzled Joshua glances over at Tiffany.No dad she overheard the others talking about sacrifices.