Chapter 182

Its been a full twenty four hours and we still not heard of him. Lucifer is pacing back and forth and starting to panic since he has so much enemies and his bike was found however there is no stains of blood or anything.

Tiffany? Do you not have some sort of power to bring him back or you capable of tracing him, the wolves huntes all over and there is no sign on him.

His phones rings, Lucifer looks at the number its a unfamiliar number, answering the phone there is no one talking on the other end they just breathing heavly, whoever you are you better release my son, the caller now hangs up.

Lucifer slams the phone furiously, this people is in for a surprise, Lucifer gets on the phone with Santiago, you have all my calls traced right? Yes Sir, that is correct. Good trace my last incoming call and get back to me as in now! 

Right on it Sir. "thank you"