

Upon waking, I borrowed myself into the warm, soft sheets rubbed the remainders of sleep from my eyes and gazed out at the horizon; its vivid light extended across a rosy sky.

The egg yolk sun poured through the cracks in the blind and awaited entrance into my eyes. Sight still in the clutches of the night's glue, I hesitantly rubbed the dreams away. Thoughts of the visions in sleep come and go in waves, clinging on to the very last memory of the night but with little success.

"A pleasant day Mister Magnus Hadley Zarchief." The robotics maid said.

"Fix my bed and give me some coffee to drink." I answered.

I turned my attention to the things around me. I suddenly smiled because of the joy of being proud of myself.

Those things around me are my inventions. talking rice cooker, singing refrigerator, robotic maids and many more.

You know what, they are more trustworthy than real people. Mankind will look down on you as if your just Gods faulty creation while my inventions will look high over you as if you're their almighty.

"Sir here's your coffee enjoy it and have a nice day."I smiled, its downright amazing to have this kind of things around me.

I was just continuing to drink coffee when suddenly the holographic picture from my phone emerge.

"Hello Mister Magnus Hadley Zarchief, a WIBO AWARDS is inviting You tonight. Your new invention got their attention!" 

I've won alot of awards before because of my inventions, but what im feeling right now was so outlandish. The bizzare feeling was unexplainable! My new creation was a remarkable pen!

It's not your ordinary and common pen, its a portentous pen. This pen is useful for your everyday living, it has a camera, recorder, an everlasting ink and guess what? It can move by itself. It has six tentacles, just dictate it and it'll do the rest!

I named it EX-P K07

There's such many codes for it to work, somehow it an help you when it comes to the worst case scenario.

I did not stay long and I immediately went to a room opposite my room there are my occasional clothes.

I chose a gray coat paired with gray slacks and gray topsider, just a simple clothes for a simple awarding night.

After chosing what to wear I went to the bathroom to take some shower and tooth brush. Don't worry my pals can manage my time.

Before leaving the room I decided to stop and stare infront of the mirror. One word is not enough to describe the man infront of me.

His eyes were the green of fresh dew glinting in the sunlight off a leaf of green emerald. His lips were pale and thin and his nose slender and rounded. A prominent jaw curved gracefully around and the strength of his neck showed in the twining cords of muscle that shaped his entire body; strong arms, bold thighs and calves, a firm chest and abdomen.

He was unique among the other men who's  pale in each comparison. One look and both women and men swooned at the sight of him no matter their sexual preferences and one word passed from his lips had even the straightest of men flushing shades of red that no one ever knew was naturally possible.

"Stunning Indeed." I was smiling from ear to ear.

I finally left the room, and get dressed.

When I got finished I went out and ride the car to the venue of WIBO Awards. One of my creations RUFFIAN C-504.

Ruffian can control everything and he can even talk.

"Master you look great."

"Thank you Ruffian."

Gazing straight ahead, only half-aware of the world outside the claustrophobic comfort of the car, my hands were infront of my chest the almost soundless changing of the gears, the pattern of traffic lights.

"Welcome to WIBO AWARDS Mr. Magnus Hadley Zarchief"  the robots welcomed me.

"Thank you for the great invitation and what's your name?"  I asked in confusing face and weird smirk.

"Jay!" he answered, I just gave him a smile and proceed to the entrance walking on a red carpet.

The crowd flowed down the wide avenue. The mood of the people swirled in unseen currents beneath the dark surface of their faces. In a thousand strong men there wasn't a single smile or expression of doubt. Every one of them must have been feeling the first bite of winter through their tired clothes and worn boots.

Two hours later but the program is still on going. I'm quite bored and sleepy because of their chit-chats.

I was about to stand and get some wine when someone called me with a wierd tone of voice.

"The one and only!! Mr. Magnus Hadley Zarchief! Please give him a round of applause!!."

As I heard my name, the mood got changed in an instant. I felt like every fiber of my being was vibrating with anticipation. I was coursing through my veins. My hands trembled and my eyes were wide. 'This is what a cat must feel like waiting to pounce on a mouse'

"Good Evening everybody, I won't make this drama more longer, I wanna present to you my new invention. EX-P K07 by Magnus Hadley Zarchief. This new invention of mine is a pen. It's not your ordinary and common pen, its a portentous pen. This pen is useful for your everyday living, it has a camera, recorder, an everlasting ink and it has six tentacles just dictate it and it'll do the rest."

Fun and envy are on people's faces, yes they envy me, they envy Mr. Magnus Hadley Zarchief.

Just continue what you're doing Jerks, It won't add your fame.

For over seven years I've been scrounging with so many awards, seven years straight!

And in that years I've been in a lot of difficulty, there was a bunge of people who wouldn't believe in me, someone who tried to steal my creations, somebody who tried blackmail me, but I didn't care co'z I believe in my self. And that's all that matters.

I take a bow, go downstairs, walking through the judas-coloured carpet and leave an insulting smirk!