Ch 2. The rebirth

On the 268th year after Aegon's Conquest(AC), for the first time in history, The Land of Always Winter(a/n I'm gonna abbreviate it to TLAW), where raging snowstorms cover its vast landmass and is said to be so cold that even fire freezes there, was silent. No wind nor storm only the dreadful cold that was always present, lingering ever so gently in the air as if death were dancing and you were it's only audience. It was a clear day no clouds in sight, the sun rising, lightly caressing the Shivering Sea and turning the icy waters into golden liquid shimmering as if inviting you to take a drink, it was a sight to behold but not everything was as calm as they seem the Nights Watch, The Wildlings, Thenns, even the Children of The Forrest noticed the oddity or miracle and was bewildered. Plans to go and scout the land to see what was on the other side were being formulated by everyone, the Crows were running around Castle Black like chickens with no head trying to prepare for the trek while the Wildlings were taking down the tents as fast as they can because they knew what was to come in their journey, the Thenns seemed eager for blood, or new meat, was sharpening their blades and axes getting ready to ambush anyone that comes their way, while the Children of the Forrest went to the Three Eyed Raven seeking guidance only to be met with silence and eyes shut. But as Fate has it their hopes of adventure soon faded when an a devastatingly freezing wind blew from the north, slicing through the Frost Fang Mts. brushing across the The Haunted Forrest swaying the trees like ripples on water and slammed against The Wall causing a few cracks spread like shattered glass. The wind was so strong that it made even giants take a few steps back before they can regain their bearings. The Wildlings were thrown in chaos as their tents were blown across the frozen tundra some of the Thenns heard rumbling and looked and saw a wave of snow crashing down their valley destroying everything in its path it didn't matter if you were the fastest, strongest or the most clever the avalanche did not discriminate against life whether it be plant, animals or even Thenn, the Crows didn't fare any better either all the men on top of the wall were thrown into the wind littering the sky as black blots falling to their death leaving a sight of horror and disgust as the bodies of their brothers were no longer recognizable what occurred that day was pure and unfettered destruction. But amidst the all this chaos came a second wind but this one was gentle, neither cold or warm just wind. It took people a few minutes to calm their nerves, until they heard cries that seemed to come from a newborn, at first they were confused but upon closer scrutiny it was discovered that the cries were carried by the wind. From the deepest caves to the highest peak, from the Frozen Shores in the west to Hardhome in the east, the whole North the REAL North blanketed by soft cries of a newborn was shivering not because of the cold but because of fear. They don't know why but they could feel the anger through the winds, feel the pain piercing through their spine and up their necks. The cries were too painful to fathom and they wouldn't dare to search for the source, even if it was the sound of a newborn. They weren't going to take the risk for this day was one filled with hopes of traversing new lands but ended only in grief and sorrow. As the cries went on for a few minutes the Three Eyed Raven (TER) suddenly opened his eyes and said "hello young one" at that moment the cries suddenly stopped and with it the gentle breeze soon dissipated, the clouds started to form and cold winds started to bellow. And with that the North soon went back to itself almost as if nothing had happened but an interesting event was taking place deep in TLAW.

In TLAW was a cave so big that it can house Castle Black and still have room for a jousting match, the entrance of the cave was in the shape of jagged teeth ready to swallow everything that was brave enough to enter its jaws even light upon closer inspection you would find that the reason why no light can be seen in this black abyss is because the cave was made out of Blackstone. It was a type of stone found only east past the Bone Mts. Of Essos and into the the Shadow Lands, not many really know why it absorbs light so fiercely like a man without water trapped in the desert lands of the Dorne dying for a drop but only to find air or why it always gives an eerie feeling as though the grim reaper has his ghostly hand on your shoulder ready to take you to the after life, but it is most a mystery as well as unsettling and unwelcome.

Three Eyed Raven (TER) POV day before the event

'WHAT!! Wh-what kind of magic is this? Gods have you finally decided to descend and grace us with your presence' I stated with emotions of weary and astonishment, while I had my gaze facing upwards towards the ceiling of the cave trying to pierce the stone, dirt, and wood to see the sky and stars. I felt a horrifying amount of magic approaching from sky and crash deep in TLAW, with countless thoughts flowing ceaselessly through my mind I decided to fly to there to investigate. As I was flying for hours through this frozen hell where my only guide was the massive amount of magic, I was getting closer and closer then suddenly a wind crashed into my feathery body and sent me back a few hundred feet the wind was so cold that it felt like a block of ice tore into my body grabbing my soul and flew away leaving a lifeless husk but I still continued forward until I was near the source, it came from a cave so black I felt that light bend to the caves every whim I entered the cave and what greeted me was a sight of wonder and fright. There was a ray of sunlight shining down from a hole atop of the cave it shed light onto a gigantic ice dragon but what was odd was that there was a hole in its body I glanced inside and found a cocoon type of what I assume was a meteorite with the dragons blood in it but it wasn't the only thing, I found a newborn boy floating in the dragons blood he seemed to notice me approach but what occurred after was befuddling, wind started to drift towards the entrance but it was neither cold or warm just wind that carried his cries of pain and anger that was when I noticed that he was changing not physically but his aura seemed to transform into something hateful and that hate was directed towards life. I went near him and said "hello young one" and in that moment the aura was carried away by the wind that came with it. I didn't do anything because he was still crying and wailing but I felt no more malice from his voice just pain, then I noticed that one strand of his hair turned white I flew over him and grabbed his shoulder very gently with my claws and started to flap my wings but to my surprise he was awfully heavy for a newborn. I decided to get out of my trance and what I greeted me was the Children of the Forrest(COF).

"What is wrong?" I asked

"We were waiting for you, something happened in the north while you gone." Said Leaf one of the leaders on the COF.

"Ahh yes for that I know the cause, you need to travel to TLAW. Head northeast from here there you will find a large black cave and in it an ice dragon, at the heart of the dragon lies a cocoon and there you will find a baby floating. Yo-"

"Wait a baby in TLAW are you sure you haven't gone senile old man there is barely anything we know about that place and now you say there's a baby." Interrupted Leaf in an disbelieving and annoyed tone

I looked at my old friend and said with a sigh "I know this sounds ridiculous and highly improbable but I have seen him myself and there no denying it. You have to go and get him otherwise we might have something far more dangerous than the night king his hair is already turning white I'm afraid that if we are too late then mankin- no, all life in the world will be lost." I responded with a heaviness in my voice

"Very well I shall go now" 'my old friend I pray to the gods for your safe travels'

"Take Boag with you"

With a scoff Leaf was very hesitant to agree, 'I don't why she always like that, the Giant was always gentle I guess it's because he defeated her all those years ago haha'

"And one last thing if you get there and it's too late.....Kill him" it was a horrible thing to do but for the sake of all life it had to be done

"I know" and with that Leaf left

Leonidas POV (in space)

Leonidas: 'Bruh that asshole just snapped his fingers without even giving me a warning, I thought I was gonna teleport here or at least be born from a woman but this muthafucka literally made me into a baby, bitch didn't even listen to my wish. Whatever I'm just gonna go with flow ...wait a min I see light ahh don't tell he played me. GOD YOU SON OF BIIIIITCH'

GOD: "Shut the fuck up idiot. I'm sending you to Game of Thrones"

Leonidas: "Oh haha my bad" I said with a low chuckle it was at that time that I found out that I was in what I assume was a pod type of thing

GOD: "Anyways kid I'm out but before I leave I forgot to tell you to get your wishes granted like the body that you created and the ability to command animals your gonna have to earn it and the way you earn is gonna be a surprise. Hehe so good luck oh also instead of the laptop I made it to where all the knowledge of earths past and future, all the way up to it destruction, is downloaded in your brain same with the Game of Thrones universes past and it's gonna be extremely painful but on the good side you get something like the slime from the anime 'I got reincarnated as a slime' so good luck and have fun in your heaven"

"You piece of sh-" as I was about throw a few more profanities at him I went threw the light and what greeted me was a loud bang. I hit my head on one of the walls of my pod and heard a loud roar that caused my eardrums to bleed "fuck that's loud" I cursed at the owner of the voice then cracks started to form on my pod then.....CRACK it split open and instantly I got a good wake up call, cause that loud roar was from a freaking ice dragon a big ass ice dragon. I noticed that the pod that I was in was actually a meteorite but what happened next disgusted me. Blood came pouring out of the dragon as it filled my pod/meteorite and when the blood touched my skin, it felt like electricity was sent coursing from my skin through my body, I was in overwhelming agony as pain pushed my limits what made it worse was that when the blood reached my ruptured eardrums it went straight to my brain and at that moment I lost consciousness. As my mind went kapoof I was in an ethereal state, I can see the changes in my body I was becoming stronger and my mind seemed to become more clear and more sharp I guess this is one of the ways GOD made me earn the knowledge that was gonna be downloaded into my brain. "I swear when I see him again I'm gonna (our mc here thinks he can do something to god hah how laughable) shut it narrator your supposed to narrate not make snide comments (you know what I hope u do something stupid next time you see god I hope he makes you a horny dickless guy instead of turning you into energy) fuck you and let me get on with story (whatever) as I was saying, you know,what forget anyways, after what felt like an eternity I was finally able to wake up and think but that was short lived because as soon as that thought came up I felt an overload of information crashing down onto me, at this point I was numb to pain but what was weird was that I felt a vast amount of force flow outwards from my body this continued on for a few minutes when the information popped up in my head as a data box like one of those rpg games. But I found out that it just has an analysis, search and a assessment function, then something odd happened I noticed a Raven it was too dark to see but I can tell he was friendly the force in me started to leave my body but it was different this time it was a lot more gentle. I was still mad as hell like wtf GOD I'm here alone, I'm in pain, and no ones here you bastard, except a bird, but then I heard someone say "hello young one" but no one was around except the raven wait minute he has three eyes yes finally GOD did something right he brought me the Three Eyed Raven (TER). I think he took my excitement for something else but he tried to pick me but ultimately failed. Then all of sudden he left but the moment he left the entrance of the cave i fell asleep

(3 months later)

(Will Leaf and Boag make it in time? Will our MC ever have brain "Hey fuck you"{Leonidas}..see, or will this damn virus go away find out next time on A Spartan in Game of Thrones). :)

A/N: hey guys hope you enjoyed the chapter I just want to say that I'm tryna make this fanfic a little bit more light hearted than GOT but there still will be gory shit happening I'm just tryna put some comedic relief also I'm gonna be posting a chapter in the next 7 days and it's gonna be like that for a while it's gonna be consistent into where I don't go over 7 days without posting a chapter but sometimes I might post a chapter on the 3rd day or 5th day point is every 7 days I will post a chapter but I won't know exactly when so please bear with me and yea peace