"Max?!" I was more surprised with what I heard next. I looked at the door and I saw Mom standing there.
I don't know what to do. I want to explain but they have caught me in the act. I was ashamed of what I have done. I can't look at their eyes directly. Shit! What have I done?
I can now feel different vibrations filling my nerves and my sight slowly fades. I lost my sight as I feel dizzy and fell into the floor.
"Hey, Max! Max! Wake up! Hey, Max!"
As I slowly open my eyes, I was leaning on my computer with all the junks lying on the floor. My room was messy since I had to finish my project.
"Max!!" I heard mom yelling downstairs.
Oh? What a big relief knowing that it was just a nightmare. I thought they caught me already. Thank God it was just a dream.
"Oh, there you are sweetie." she smiled at me as she open the door. "Good morning." she greeted.
I didn't mind her instead I was thinking about what happened last night. I thought I was helping dad with his wine? Haaaayst, I am just daydreaming. Oh, didn't I took a nap after I pushed him away out of my room and he was walking murmuring words I could not understand, did I? I sighed and went out on bed.
"Are you done with your project?" mom asked as she grab my cluttered clothes around to wash.
"Naaaah. I'm still working on it." I replied as I enter the bathroom to clean my face.
"Hey, are you still wearing these?" her loud voice distracted me.
I hurriedly open the door and face her. I was surprised when I saw her lifting my underwear up pinning her nose with her fingers and acted like it has a strong unpleasant smell. WHAT THE FUCK?!
"Oh dear, why are you still wearing these loose underwear? Haven't I told you to update me sometimes so I could buy you a new one?" she added. I quickly grab it and put it on the box beside me.
"Mom, I can buy it on my own."
"Seriously Max? But why are all your underwear loosen already?"
To be honest, I am not fun wearing briefs. I was more into boxers since it were very comfortable.
"I didn't wear those anymore. I have boxers."
"Boxers? Does your dad know about this?"
"Should I tell him about it?"
"Yes because I bought him new underwear and he wanted to give it to you since he doesn't like the cotton."
Oh? I am being curious to what size of underwear could it be.
"And I have never thought that you don't like to wear these anymore." she added.
"Mom? May I ask something?"
"Sure, what is it?"
"Does daddy has its size?"
--(Seriously Max? You've been thinking how really huge it was?)--
"What do you mean he has its size?"
**[Max referring your husband's pretty bird. Don't you get it?]**
"Uhm... I mean..."
"Oh, the underwear? I am not sure if it fits you."
"Ahh yeah, that's what I meant."
**[Never mind, mommy dear was so slow.]**
"Hey, you can check it on our room. He was there changing clothes, try to ask him so you could determine its size if it suits you."
**[Max still have available boxers to use, duuhhh.]**
What happened? Why did I ask her those nonsense? Ugh. Maybe I was carried away with what I had been dreaming of. Silly Max.
Minutes had passed I decided to take a bath while I let mom hang in there. After a moment, I hurriedly grab my clothes so I will not be late for class but I cannot find my boxers.
"Moooom! Uuuggggh c'mon?!" I yelled.
I rushed into their room hoping to find her but I just saw my dad fixing himself in the mirror with his towel.
**[Wow, he even look younger after taking his bath. From his daring and appealing mustache on his face down to his sexy and seducing abs on his waist were KYAAAAAAAH! Stunning!]**
"Hey Max! Have a great day!" he said.
"Same to you Dad. Uhm have you seen Mom?" I asked.
"She went outside. She took all our clothes to the laundry shop since she can't wash it off by herself. Is there anything a problem?"
SHIT?! And she took all over my boxers without permission? I can wash my own clothes. What should I do now? Should I wear jeans without underwear?
"Ahh nothing, it just all about undies."
"Undies?" he asked while shaving his mustache.
"Uhm. I mean boxers. Mom took it all and I don't have anything to use right now."
"Poor Max. Oh yeah by the way, your mom bought me new underwear but it's too small. It doesn't fit me."
**[Yeah, he knows that's why he's here to check it out. He's very curious about its size and now I can imagine how huge it is since you've told him it doesn't fits yours.]**
"...you can grab it since I am planning to give it to you."
I am just nodded at him since I don't know what to utter while he suddenly snatch the underwear from his closet.
"Here," he smiled and winked.
**[Oh my gosh! Max will be melting for sure! Why is he so cute? Naaaaaaaaaah.]**
--(Oh c'mon. Don't put some meaning on his actions. He doesn't mean it.)--
"Uhm. Thanks." I smiled back at him as he tapped my shoulders.
"You're welcome."
"Uhm. Did she already washed it off after you fit this thing?"
--(Seriously Max? You even asked him about that stuff? What the fuck?!)--
What the hell was I thinking?! I hope he doesn't mind. I saw his sarcastic reaction that confused him more why did I asked.
"Uhm. Honestly, no. I didn't give it yet to her after I tried to fit it. Why?" he left question mark on his head.
**[Ayiiiieeeee. You don't have any idea how Max really wanted to know about it since he prayed that it's better you never wash it! It could be more exciting indeed Ayiiiiieeeeee!]**
"Nothing dad, just asking."
"Sorry son, you can still use my other underwears since it had already been washed, unless if you don't want to."
"No dad it's okay. Thanks for this, again."
I was about to go back on my room but I stopped when he took off the towel and saw him back-naked.
--(Here we are again Max. You will absolutely making new chapter of your fantasies.)--
He has very soft skin and glossy butt while he doesn't care about me seeing him wearing his stuffs. Maybe because it just the two of us.
**[Now Max, look under! LOOK UNDER!]**
--(Don't do it Max, go now to your room and mind your own business. You will be late for sure.)--
It totally dragged me out of focus since I was trying to find a perfect angle to view his horn but he was too quick.
I hastened up the stairs and went to my room. I closed the door rapidly and took out the underwear he gave to me. I don't know, it just that there's something more sweeter. I closed my eyes while I sniffed his undies as I pleasured myself. I am now making another fantasy with him and it's weakening me inside.
--(Oh Max, please stop it! You will be late.)--
Just do it later Max when you get home from school.
I was having a moment but it stopped when I heard dad making a sound of his car outside - beeping the horn repeatedly. I went downstairs after I finished fixing myself and entered the car.
"Come on Max, we're going to be late."
Sometimes, we only take our breakfast at Wendy's especially when we are on a rush. Mom already had prepared our meals but we are on a hurry, so I bet she'll be the one to finish it. We dropped by Wendy's for a minute and bought some burgers and fries. While we are on our way to school and to his office, he broke the silence.
"Thank you, Max."
"Thanks for what?" I asked with full of loads in my mouth.
"For allowing me to be your father."
Oh yeah, you may probably surprised but you read it clearly.
Unless you have catarac on your eyes.
He was not my biological father. I am just his stepson and he is my Mom's latest boyfriend. I mean, after all she's been through. She is always chasing guys out there to look after me and we were lucky enough that he never left mom. He is the only guy whom I treated like a real father among of all mom's ex-boyfriends, he's with us for almost twelve years and I still considered him as her boyfriend except the fact that I called him as my real Dad - because I loved to.
Honestly, it's really hard to adjust at first since I don't really get it from the beginning. It's a bit weird that I had many Daddies to call. But then, he's the one I treated most like a real father.
You know what, I am just six years old when he came to our lives and he was too young to be my father. He's now fifteen years older than me and two years younger than my Mom. Well, maybe it's normal since I don't even know their whole story - how they met or even how their romantic story began. I just knew that Mom got pregnant when she was seventeen and my real father can't handle the news so he left us. When I was three years old, that's the time my Mom introduced different guys in front of me (to be my father) but she had failed; not until she finally found him.
Max, it's too confusing.
And not until you finally loved him, ayiiieeeeeeeee. Don't deny it Max.
If he was just my biological father, maybe I don't have this kind of feelings at all. I could see him now as her husband, and we're supposed a complete family.
"Small thing Dad. I must be thankful enough because I had lovely and amazing dad in the world."
You mean it but you forgot to say that he's hot, he's yummy, seductive, and you had crush on him.
"What happened to your project? I thought you will pass it now. You told me last night that's why you did not join me drinking the wine."
"Yeah, it's almost done. I'm sorry about last night, I know that you and mom argued. I've seen you drunk sometimes when you had a problem with her."
Hey Max, please apologize yourself for chasing him always. He doesn't like you, always think of it.
"It's okay Max, your mom and I are getting fine."
Suddenly the car stopped and I just spilled my coffee on his pants. I was shock that can't even think faster and he was surprised too when the coffee hits him.
"Woah I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to..."
I hurriedly cleaned it with my handkerchief and I have just found out that I was totally rubbing his dick. He was just watching me until he stopped me because it's slowly getting hard.
Hmp. If I know Max, you want to tease him too.
"It's enough Max, you don't have to." He said with sibilant sound and his face turning red.
Did he blushed? OMG Max he's blushing, his cheeks were pink and he can't even give you an eye-to-eye contact!
You're overacting again, he's not blushing. It just that his cheeks were naturally pink and what if he doesn't look you in the eyes, Max? Does Max need to mind that? And for your information, cheeks will turn red if someone is blushing duuuuuuhhhhh.
Shut up! Could you just support him?
Support your face!
"Thanks for the ride Dad." I went out and closed the door leaving him inside the car.
"Max D! What's up?!" I have just heard someone's calling my attention.
"Hey, Shaaaaane!" I saw him waving at me while on his way.
Oh by the way, let me introduce him to you. Shane is my super, ultra, mega, gigantic, enormous, massive, monsterous and paranoid best friend! He is with me since I hit my puberty and he never left me through my ups and down. He even know my secret about my Dad.
And that special child liked to call Max with the initial letter 'D' of his surname-Dawson.
"I missed you already!" he suddenly hug me tight.
Missed? Have you lost your mind? You two always together since the earth wasn't born or let me say when the big bang theory didn't yet happened.
"Oh, what a sweet ride with my secret lover huh." his eyes pointing to my Dad as he joked.
Because he has a crush on him, too!
"Hey Mr. Hottie brightly shimmering splendid, thank you for bringing my useless bestfriend back to school!" he yelled at him. I have just saw my Dad laughing while on his way out.
OMG! Why is he look cutier everytime he smiling?!
"You know that he likes yo@ %%€ x?$¥ #£$& %€#¥ $%." I chuckled as I put my hands on his mouth to shut him out.
"Shut up Shane!"
"I was just kidding."
"What if he hears you."
"Well, it's still up to him if he believes it. If it's not true then you will just let me..."
"Blaah blaaah blaaah enough Shane. Let's go inside now."
"I'm sorry, Max." pitty Shane.
"By the way, are you done with your project?" I asked.
"Nope, and I don't have any plan to finish it.."
"Eh? But why?"
Because he's lazy!
"It's just that, I know Mrs. Brentt will never read our outputs. Don't mind me Max, I'm a genius compare to her. You know me."
"You're an idiot!"
While we are on our class, I was still thinking about dad. I don't want to listen to every discussions. I'm only making fantasies with him again. I was being mesmerized by his underwear and rubbing his dick. Gosh! I saw his face wherever I go and it really ruin my day.
I will just call it a day since I am not in the mood. I am not in the mood thinking that I can't resist thinking about him. I don't know, I don't really fucking know what is happening.
You don't know because you keep thinking about him all day long! Well it's simple Max, suck his dick and move on.
Don't teach Max like that. Hey Max listen to me, it's normal since you are still in your puberty. You can recover it if you only chase girls.
Chasing girls will not be a big help. Sucking his dad's dick will do!
I don't want Shane to know about this yet as I promised him that I will never think dad being more than just a father.
But how could I avoid him? Everytime I saw him I feel something strange. Everytime I keep myself busy, he always appear in my sight. I am not distracted however but somehow it inspires me.
Oh Max, you must stop what you are feeling. It's dangerous since he is your mom's property.
After class, Shane gave me a ride back to my home since Dad couldn't pick me up at school. While we are on our way, my silence really concerned him a lot.
"Max D?"
"Maaaaxxx D?!"
"Yes? Are you calling me?"
"Am I talking to a dog here? Could you please pay some attention?"
"Oh, sorry."
"Is there anything wrong? Why you are so silent all day long? We didn't even talk like we use to." his voice seems so mad.
"Uhm... Nothing, it just all about...."
"Still thinking about my secret lover? Does his image still bothers you a lot?" now he's curious.
I don't know what to say instead I sighed deeply.
"Hey, would you mind to let me know. Maybe I can help, Max?" he added.
"Shane? I don't know what to do anymore. I couldn't understand myself why I keep thinking about him." I explained.
"Poor Max, did you follow what I told you before?"
"Aye, but it did not help me. I can't help myself anymore."
"You should cut it as soon as possible Max before it will explode."
"But how? I flirtted many girls but his image really hypnotizing me."
Correction Max, not his image but his dick. As in D.I.C.K - dick!
"Oh that is sad indeed. So what if we try to chase guys instead of girls? Maybe it could help too?"
Seriously Shane? I don't know what to say!
Maybe it could help but it could make the situation even worse.
"Ugh. I don't know Shane."
"Tell me, are you interested too?"
"Is it very interesting?"
"Naaaaaah because I was just concern. My secret lover really bothers you a lot, so if you could flirt other guys out there maybe it could help lessen your affection with him. Also, it will drag your attention out of his world."
"Ugh. I don't know either."
"Max? There's nothing wrong if you would try it at least. How could we know if it's effective? And I know for sure it is!"
"How do you know? Are you sure about this?"
"Aye aye, a hundred million percent sure." he's acted like he knows.
"Why do you say so?"
"Uhmm.. because I can now see your true color?"
"True color?" I was confused.
"Yeah, like pink violet and rainbows?"
"Did you mean I'm..."
Gay, faggot, pervert who always chasing Shane's secret lover and his mom's love affair. You're gay Max. YOU ARE!
No he is not. He was just confused about his feelings because of hormonal imbalance.
"Indeed. It's okay Max, you still have me."
"What the fuck are you thinking?! I am not what you're thinking about!"
"Well, if you're not then why do you have strange feelings towards your Dad?"
Absolutely!! Congrats Shane, you're making sense.
"Ugh. That's why I need to cut it out!"
"Cut it out? You can't deny what's inside Max. You can't control your feelings."
"Ugh. I know, but I should have to Shaaaaannne!"
"Yeah, you are right indeed."
Time passed by.
"Max, do you really like girls?" he detached the muteness and started the conversation again.
"Shaaane? Of course I do!"
Nooooo! He likes his dad even more.
"But do you like him even more than girls?"
"Eh? What's with you?!"
"What's with me? No! What's with you?! Don't deny it Max. I understand, you don't need to hide it. You can do nothing about your identity."
I sighed. "Shane, if being with you can change my identity should I avoid you?"
"Hey, do you have issue about my identity?
"Nothing. I just want to let you know that I am still confused because if I am what you had think of, then why am I not attracted with other guys out there? Why am I only attracted to him?"
"Maybe because you want him forever?"
"Want him forever? What do you mean?"
"Maybe because you loved him, the way that you want to marry girls."
Shane is really the genius!
"Ugh! That's weird!"
"No Max, you are weird! I don't understand what's with your Dad. Why are you so attracted to him? I know he's hot and handsome but he's too far to become your Mariah Carey male version what the fuck!"
Oh? Imagining male version of Mariah Carey...Hmmmm... can't picture it out, nevermind.
"No, it's not. Tell me, what part of him are you attracted the most?"
His DIIIIIICK! He got that perfect size sizzling dick!
"Uhm. All I knew is I feel horny when I see him naked. Also, I can't resists myself everytime I'm with him."
"Oh, that's really disgusting. When it all started?"
"When I was eleven. When I saw him topless for the first time. Seeing his bulge, his hot body, his handsome image were totally dragged me out."
"Oh, I see. Just remember that he stand as your father. He's your mom's husband."
No Shane! He is his mom's boyfriend.
"Yeah, I know."
"Tsk tsk... Don't worry, we will find a way. Uhm. Hey! Would you mind coming with me tomorrow?" his voice changed.
"Tomorrow? Why? Where are you going?"
"We will going somewhere you don't know."
"Shane? I'm serious!"
"And do you think I'm joking here?!"
Yes, because your face is already a joke.
"Then where is that 'somewhere' ?"
"Somewhere down the road Max!"
"Ugh just come with me and you will find out, okay? I'll pick you up."
Ugh. I rolled my eyes over him. "Uhuh? Just beep me then."
The sun was already set and I arrived at home late. I had already took my dinner at Shane's. I hurriedly went inside and enter my room. After fixing myself, I heard mom and dad downstairs yelling at each other. I want to intrude but I don't want to meddle with their personal business, so I take some rest. While resting, images of him suddenly popped again. Damn!
I closed my eyes while breathing vigoriously. I surprisingly saw his perfect gorgeous image once more appearing in motion. His kissable lips, canoodle neck, bulky chest, hot abs, ravishing V-line and even his remarkable dick which gives me a total desirable fondness. I can't get enough and by that I pleasured myself, again.
I get the underwear he gave me - since I had my shorts as substitute - and my handkerchief on my bag. I sniffed those things as I pictured out that we do the delectable intercourse.
"Uhmmmmm yeah mother fucker." I moaned.
My body is getting hotter as my nipples and dick harder too. I massage my thing up and down continuously while thinking that I give him a blow. I licked my outerlips circularly foreseeing that I was licking his cock too. Oh shit! If could have a chance to sleep with him, I would probably grab the opportunity!
While still thinking about him, I couldn't help myself anymore. I knead my hungry cock incessantly until I splits cum on my pillows. Fuck! What a mouthwatering body of him?!
Minute had been passed as I went downstairs, I saw my Mom on the couch crying alone. I came near and comforted her.
"Mom? What's the matter?"
"Nothing son. It's between me and your dad."
"Why the both of you didn't want me to get involve? I should know about it."
"Too soon Max. Too soon."
"No mom. You can lean on me. Jut tell me, what's your problem? Why both of you keeps arguing?"
"Son? You are too young for this."
"Not again Mom."
"Don't worry about us, we can fix this okay? It just that it's really hard to fix it as of now."
"Okay Mom, I understand."
"Now go back to your room and take some rest. I'm too sleepy already."
"Okay Mom, good night."
"Good night dear, I love you."
"I love you too, Mom."
As I went back, my eyes were shocked as I saw dad inside. He was only wearing his boxers and the bulge was the apple to my eyes.
"Dad? What are you doing here?" I asked as I closed the door.
"Oh, there you are. Would you mind if I sleep here with you tonight? Your mom was so upset and she doesn't want to sleep with me." he explained.
OMG Maaaaaaaaaaax! Your prayer was heard! Now it's your chance, it's your chaaaaance! Ayiiiiieeeeee.
"Uhmmmm. Sure! We could still fit in." I smiled.
I laid down as I was eager to rest. He took the lights off and hugged me so tight.
SHIT! I could feel his bulge hitting on my ass so hard.
His warm body gives me exciting pleasure I could not understand. His breathing behind my back also catch me up. Oh please, don't tease me again! HUHUHUHUHU. You don't know how far I can go if you will let me to, Dad.
"Max?" he whispered, and it stirring me up, something that it tickled me.
"Yes Dad?"
"Sweat dreams"
Ayiiiieeeeeeeee why he's so sweet?
"Good night Dad."
"Good night Max, I love you."
KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Max is melting! Max is meeeeeelting!
What did he just said? He loves me?
He loves you, as his beloved son. He doesn't mean anything Max.
"I love you too, dad."
And I mean it, if you only know.
As I took my rest, I felt uneasy since his warm body bothered me a lot. My eyes were closed but my mind started thinking licentious and dirty scenarios in which it really annoyed me.
Gosh! Why do I feel uncomfortable?! Tsk tsk... Here I am again.
It is already twelve in the midnight and I still couldn't sleep. I don't know. I must be happy because he's sleeping beside me. But why? Why I just couldn't... ugh! What the fuck Max?!
As time goes by, I was awaken with a tickling sensation in my ears. I suddenly feel his lips doing such indecent pleasures on my neck which invigorates me. My heart starts beating faster.
When I faced him, I saw his eyes filled with sparks that's telling me something. He bit his lips and winked at me which really turned me on.
OH GOOOOOSH! He's teasing me right now! Please don't do it! I am not responsible to what happened next. He just put his pointer finger into my mouth and...
"Shhhhhh." After that, he started pleasuring my whole body.
"Dad? What are you doing?" I whispered.
He didn't mind me instead he just kiss my lips. I felt his actions that rouses and were eager to do something. His tounge was brisk, playing inside my mouth while his hand were doing crude bodily pleasures.
"Dad?" I stopped, breathing deeply.
He sweats a lot and suddenly laid above. Sheeeeeeeeeeeeet! I can't even move! His six packs toned abs, V-line on his waist and sexy body enormously drawn aesthetic sense. He grab my hands and placed it on his body while he flick, moving in lively manner.
I could feel it and we are getting hard. He moved my hand slowly down to his thing while he was just smiling like he really wants it. His huge dick clawed and rake my attention which teased me a lot. He now pulled his boxer off and his dick was eager to play with me.
"Dad?" my voice were shaking as I don't know what's going on. He put my hands on his dick and gives stroke flaterringly. He faced towards the ceiling and produced intensity of sweet sound.
"Ohhhhhhh Max uhmmmmmmmm yeah"
His dick was hard and its viens were hungrily to be suck. He retrograded his cock on my outer lip continuously and it reach on my mouth. His body has a sweet pleasant smell that also gave me more excitement. Shit! I want to stop him since I think mom in the first place but my body did not cooperate wherein there's something pulled me to move on a course.
Stop him Max! It's displeasing!
Just go on Max, he was just your stepfather remember? Don't stop in the name of lust!
He tried to push his body on me so I could suck his dick while he flicked, until it finally inserted its whole inside in my mouth and he...
He uttered a deep moan. His groan really instigates me to blow his dick so hard. He even pushed it harder that reached unto my throat and I choked as I can't take its size. FUCK! His dick clenching my mouth so bad honestly.
He bit his lips again while he moves even faster.
"Ohhhhhhh fuck Max! Just suck it baby uuhhhhhh yeaaaaaaah."
I sucked his dick as I licked its body inside.
"Please don't stop honey... " he moaned again.
I started off slow with light pressure and slowly increase my pace. He hold my head steady which I know he loving it while he's getting closer to the climax.
I look at him, giving eye contacts while sucking and that was super hot. I don't know, I just loved it for real. I am now voicing my enthusiasm as he also appreciated it. I moaned, taking heavy breath and even slurping on the shaft- showing that I loved licking its head with the vibration from my mouth that really feels him amazing.
I take my tounge a tour of his genital region. I know that the entire area would be a place of wonderment and nerve endings longing to be explored. I enjoyed much licking his cock, especially the little ridge of skin on the underside of his dick where the shafts meet the head, while swirling my tounge aroud its head and letting my mouth take over to switch things up.
"Woah, yeah don't stop baby. Please give me more."
I never neglect his testicles too. I found it even more palatable. I licked circularly his penis shaft down behind the testicles and I gave it both equal attention. I could see his reactions that he really enjoys my wet mouth and talented tounge around his balls.
"Ahhhh yeaaaaaaah that's it Max, that's it!"
He moves even faster as he was eager to cum and I did the same way until...
We heard the creaking of the door.
is that...
He suddenly takes my hand to hold his dick under and started to give pleasure of it.
"Don't you want it, do you?"
I'm totally shock! I've never thought it will be going this way.
He point his finger into the two fleshy folds surround my mouth and "Shhh. Just don't tell your Mom about this, okay?"
"What are you doing?"
"I am now turning your fantasy, real." He speaks softly into my ear as he strokes continuously of his thing.
DADDY'S SECRET AFFECTIONWritten by:JGA BEQUILLA©️2020All Rights Reserved