Explanation And Talks About The Future 10

"Why do you have two sets of memories instead of one and I'm not talking about Drax but you know if we known that we would have been a lot sooner."

"W-Well you see..." I say akwardly not knowing how to answer.

"You see it's kinda complicated and I don't know how to properly explain this." After saying this Kushina said.

"If that's the case you can just show us your memories and also don't worry too much. No matter what we won't leave all on your own."

After Kushina said that I started thinking if it was a good to tell them the truth or not.

When I made up my mind I answered them.

"Ugh... Okay but you guys can't tell anybody what you see and when I say anybody I mean it. Not even to my parents for now."

"Alright Understood. So why do you have 2 sets of memories instead of only one? It's the first time I see this even in split personality people this phenomenal hasn't accured yet." Minato asked.

"It would be better to just show my memories then to tell a small amount of it as of now."

"Sure come closer then hold out your hand and after that concentrate on the memory you want to show us and we will be able to see it then but while this happens do not remove your hand do you understand?" Kushina explained & asked.

"Yes."I did just as she said and I just showed everything since I was just too lazy and tired to filter everything.

After 10 minutes they take a deep breath and said this.

"Well that's the weirdest thing I've ever seen so far."

Minato just sorts the new information than he just got in his mind and hugged me together with Kushina.

"Kakashi don't worry too much. You know that they care about you deeply too ya know. We all are here for you." Kushina tried to relieve some stress and anxiety from me after seeing all of my memories.

"She's right you know. From what I can say is that they deeply cared for you even though you didn't interact as much the last couple of months." Minato added.

Hearing those word I could feel my tears flowing down my checks alongside feeling less stressed and anxious than all these 6 years. It seems I was subconsciously worried and anxious about them.

After a couple of minutes they let go of me and then started asking some questions.

"Can you explain to us why we exist here even though we weren't in that so called anime MHA?" Kushina asked.

I explained my encounter with the so called God and what happened since he blocked anyone from seeing those memories and for convenience I left the fact that I asked to look somewhat like this.

"... and why you exist here also in this world I think it's because it is a deferent universe than the original one resembling both the MHA and Naruto but I'm not so sure about it."

"So basically it's like a multiverse. If it's so then it's possible that other reincarnated people were or still are here this also means that there exist other universes than ours like Original Naruto universe." Minato gets to an conclusion.

"Seems like it."

"Okay but what are we going to do about the future events as of now I'm weak and you guys aren't capable enough to fight them head on. Especially him." I asked them.

"What else? /said sarcastically\ We're going to train you to the best of our abilities and knowing that you can do basically everything as in that show we have a lot things to do before you're going to UA."

"Well if we're doing this then I'll help you with transformation jutsu Kakashi and if possible to create a more effective version of it." Kushina said that while giving a scheming stare at me.

'I have a bad feeling about this.'

After a few moments she continued speaking.

"It would be great if we can export your former world's media into this one. This worlds media is like dumpster fire compared compared to that." (To avoid misunderstandings this paragraph has different meaning compared to the last one.)

"Well we could make it all from scratch." I suggested.

"Alright but if you're going learn transformation jutsu then I'm going to supervise you. Especially in different gender transformations. *especially when the new fashion clothes come out./She added in almost hearable voice possible.\"

'It feels like you just basically want me to transform into someone like you so that you would know what clothes to buy or wear don't you.'

"Okay but make sure you don't create something related to MHA. If you want to create Naruto series then just change the characters that are the same and then it's okay. Oh also change name from Naruto to something else for example like Menma since Kushina wants it to be our future childs name."

"Sure can do."

"Okay let's go back then. Your parents are worried sick, aren't they?"



After we woke up I quickly dressed up and got up then I, Minato and Kushina walk out of my room.

Walking into the hallway I was greeted by my mom who started embracing me into an hug while crying and my dad who visibly could be seen that he was really stressed.

After explaining what happened without telling anything about what happened after the fight.

The rest of the day went as usual we all hang out together and bit farewell.

"Oh I almost forgot Kakashi the next week your going to be an elementary student so we were going shopping tomorrow for the necessary school items." Emiko added before me going to my room.

'Wait isn't it too early for school to start at this time of year. Almost half of spring has passed for god sakes.'

Couple seconds after realization hits me.

'Oh... yeah... I'm in Japan where schoos first semester starts in April. Ugh... the event really messed me up this morning.'

I went to sleep trying to forget about what happened and what to do about the coming school semester.



Hello guys. How's it been the last 2 weeks?

Sorry for suddenly disappearing for this long but I was fed up with school and lacked motivation because of that. Also I got tired of writing kindergarten some sort of arc you could say.

I also have to clarify that only Kakashi has chakra and no one else in this world. Since someone was confused about it so yeah.

I plan someday to do a Time skip until first episode of MHA and maybe a Time skip to UA entrance exam after that. I have not made my decision as of now but I'm considering this possibility.

Were these chapters interesting for you guys since there are not many novels that do this so I want to know your thoughts about it.

To top all of that I'm bad at writing too detailed everyday talk since I'm sort of Introvert.

I also have plans to make maybe a fanfiction about a guy (Who's a reincarnation of 02 'from Darling in the FranXX' but has no memories) that gets reincarnated as 02 and is in shared multiverse where the people who reincarnated or Anime, Manga characters can travel and live in. He tries to gets use to his new (in other words old since he was only told by god that he is her 4th and soon the 5th reincarnation) body and life. Also meaning that this is multiverse different versions of the same world can also travel here. What do you guys think? Should I do it?

Also I DON'T PLAN ON ENDING THIS NOVEL so don't worry. There will be times where I won't be making chapters because of school or wondering how to progress the story but will be as long as 2-3 weeks.

Anyways have a nice day guys.