Chapter 7: Pain

'It hurt..' Hans thought that as be opened his eye, he try to move but it seem like he couldn't, He then look around, he was wrapped in vines that seem to break his fall.

He was probably 2 meter off the ground, he can feel so much pain as he try to move. ' my right arms isn't moving' he then glance at it.

The arm look twisted, it in a weird position and it swelling, Hans can feel blood dripping down his head. He use his left arm to find his bone knife, thankfully is still there on his makeshift belt along with his pouch but his bow wasn't there.

He then slowly cut the vines, he cut 2 of them which seem to drop him down a little before he cut a few more, ' this is going to fucking hurt' he felt tears already, right when he cut the 6th one his body drop on the ground.

thud-he let out a moan of pain follow by a few tears as he hit the ground,his back is probably pretty bruised from the fall and that little drop didn't help.

He coughed a few time, ' i am surprised my back isn't broken' he put his left arm over his head as he look up the ravine, seeing the little crack of light. he also noticed that one of his arrow was next to him,but it was broken.

After 30 minutes there in pain ' i need to move, i am thirsty and i don't know if i can find water here' Hans thought, he use his left hand to sit himself up,he can feel like his back was going to break any second.

He took a few minutes pause before getting up, using his left shoulder against the wall and one of the vines to pull himself up.

he then let out a growl of pain as he feel like he got bruised all over his body, ' my fucking arm' he thought again as he realized how bad it was.

' this wouldn't heal easily ' he got a deep feeling of dread that grow over his feeling of pain for a second but he force himself to think of the problem in hand first.

He looked at both side of the ravine, the right is blocked but the left side seem to have a cave, he look up to see if he can climb but with his condition, it would be incredible for him to even climb 1 meters. he got no choice but to go the left way

He slowly limped there, using the wall, he felt pain every step he take. he felt Dizzy but continued limping.

After a few minutes he stop at the entrance of the cave, it seem to have craving on the wall, he didn't pay too much attention to it and continued walking in.

He can barely see a thing but he press forward limping, he saw some mushroom that seem to glow lightly, he never saw this before,instead of eating it he just grabbed a few and put it in his small pouch,just as last resort.

after 10 minutes of walking,he stopped to take a break, he couldn't go very far, he felt like his body was on fire, he feel oddly tried, he then slowly closed his eye ' maybe i will just take a small nap'





Hans wake up sometimes later, he still feel tired but then he remember what happened to him ''Fuck i fall asleep' he try to quickly get up but it made him grinned in pain as his body remained him of his condition and he got up slowly,using the wall again.

he noticed that the cave now shines brightly, the ground of the cave had a small blue glow and the wall too, he was amzing as he slowly limped forward.

The grass seem to glow as well and the wall with closer inspection seem to be made with crystal, ' this would be amazing my body isn't kiiling me' Hans said while looking around

after more minutes of limping and looking at the new lighting, he stopped as he saw what is in fornt of him, it look like those buildings from the Roman and greek.

half the building seem to be embedded into the cave wall ' well shit, do i need to go in there?' Hans asked himself, he slowly limp away from the wall, and try his best to walk normally.

Having no other choice as if he go back the other way he would probably need to climb, he chose to walk in the building, Hans try to think positive but he was worried there were going to be trap.

as soon as he step inside, the entrance of the building close up with a loud bang as the touches on the wall light up like those videos games and Movies.

' Well this seem like a bad idea-' Hans thought as he look back at the entrance, Hans then took a deep breath and with shaking leg, he walk forward.

He know damn well if anything wanted to kill him in here all they had to do was just to take his other arm.

As Hans walk deeper inside, nothing seem to happened, no Trap, no monster,no nothing. He then took a stairway leading downward, he couldn't tell how long he was walking down as his leg burn from the pain but after sometime he entered a large room.

he wasn't kidding when he said large, the room ceiling was at least 3 floor high and a football field wide.then he noticed 4 big statue around a alter in the middle.

He then slowly limped to the middle, on the alter seem to be a book that was very old, then when he look up at the Statue, he can see what kind of creature they are.

Starting from the nord of the book was a statue of a wyvern, it had one of it hand on a ball that was cover in gold like material while it wings were half opened,making it look majestic, and it had 4 wing,talk about looking badass.

In the west was a Big bird like creature, he couldn't tell much about it, the only thing he can say is that it look like a normal crow mix with an eagle, it seem to watch with careful eye at the alter

On the south of the altar was a sabertooth tiger with a holo on it head, it seem to be looking like it ready to attack.

And lastly on the east was a 8 legged horse, which had majesty mane flowing as the horse look like it was Rearing.

' should i touch the book or something?'