15. Tell me

"Jin! Don't wake hi-"

"Jungkook, wake up! Yoongi is in trouble, we have to help him!" Jin barged throught the door and lightly shoke Jungkook's body to make his wake up. "Jungkook, now!" Jin whined.

"Mmhm...what...?" Jungkook mumbled with his sleepy voice, until he saw the panicked face of Jin. He immedianly sprang up from the bed, ready to fight anyone in sight. "Where is he?" Jungkook asked confidently.

"Come with me." Jin grabbed Jungkook's hand and guided him to the living room, where everyone else was circled around something. Jungkook took a closer look, but gasped, as he saw Yoongi laying on the floor with terrible cuts and wounds all over his body. Hoseok was sobbing against Namjoon's chest on the sofa and everyone else was standing beside Yoongis almost lifeless body.

"Wh- what happened to him?" Jungkook gasped. "It looks like he was...tortured..." Jungkook looked away, because sudden memories invaded his mind. It reminded him of his father and his own cuts and bruises all around his body. Hoseok whined at the mention of 'torture' and sobbed even louder. Namjoon patted his head and moved his hand agaist the small of Hoseok's back to calm him down.

"As you know, we were attacked. He went to fight, and his happened..."Namjoon sighed and massaged the bridge of his nose. Jungkook couldn't look at Yoongi. It made him feel sick to his stomach. Actually, it made him so sick that he had to rush to the bathroom.

He threw up in the toilet, whimpering because of all the awful memories. "...ugh... stop with the memories already..." Jungkook's eyes were already glossy. He didn't want to see a friend looking like that all of a sudden. It broke his heart. Tears began to fall on his pants as he kneeled in front of the toilet, still feeling sick. "...hh.." He cried out.

A knock was heard on the door and the door was opened. It revealed Taehyung, who entered the bathroom, kneeling behind Jungkook and brushing his hand against his back. "Are you okay?" Taehyung asked as the younger kept throwing up in the toilet. "I guess not..." He sighed.

After a few minutes, Jungook had managed to calm himself down. He wasn't feeling sick anymore, since Taehyung was with him, comforting him. "...ugh...ew." Jungkook stuck his tongue out because of the awful taste in his mouth.

"Have you calmed down?" Taehyung asked with a soft voice, which surprised even himself. "I mean, you just rushed to the bathroom immediately after you saw Yoongi laying on the floor" Taehyung stated.

Jungkook nodded his head and flushed the toilet. He stood up and looked at his reflection on the mirror. "Ew..." He almost gagged and washed his face with cold water.

"Don't say that to yourself." Taehyung lectured lazily. "You're pretty-" He widened his eyes when he realized what he had just said. Jungkook seemed to be as surprised as he was when he turned around and looked at Taehyung with a blush that was obviously creeping up to his cheeks. "Are you-"

"Shut up Tae..." Jungkook mumbled and splashed water on his face for the second time to cool himself down. "Thank you for being here..." Jungkook murmured silently.

"You're welcome. "Taehyung beamed another smile at Jungkook, which was new to him. He was not used to him smiling at all. "And, if I may ask... can you tell me what happened in the past...? You seem to avoid all the questions about it..." Taehyung silently asked. Jungkook widened his eyes before looking away again. It was almost as if his eyes were filled with guilt, like he was ashamed of his own past.

"...I'm disgusted by my past, and...I don't know if I'll be able to explain it good enough for you..." The younged mumbled and looked at his hands anxiously.

"The explanation doesn't need to be perfect. Also, I'm not forcing you to tell, Kookie. I know it's hard for you." Taehyung let his hand travel to Jungkook's cheek, slowly caressing it with his thumb. "I'll be your ears." He smiled softly.

"Do you promise not to leave me?" Jungkook suddenly asked with glossy eyes. "I know you'll hate me after this..." He looked at Taehyung, straight into the older's brown eyes.

"I promise, Jungkook." He hummed and continued to stare at the younger's doe eyes. His eyes mesmerized him. They were beautiful, like a pair of galaxies were staring at him. It was truly beautiful to him. It was like he was getting addicted to his gaze.

Taehyung slowly hugged the red-haired boy and caressed the small of his back with his palm. "You're going to be fine, trust me." He whispered sweet nothing's to his ears. It made Jungkook blush immediately.

"T- Taehyung..." Jungkook stuttered.

"Shh..." Taehyung hushed. "Let me hear your story." He breathed against Jungkook's neck, which made the younger shiver under him.

"Are you sure?" Jungkook whimpered in Taehyung's arms. "You might regret it..."

"I'm pretty sure." Taehyung laughed. "Go ahead Kookie."

"...well, as you probably already knew... my parents were quite abusive torwards me and my little brother, Youngsoo. They always took our money and spent it on alcohol and stuff like that. It wasn't really an ideal family to be honest..." Jungkook started.

"When Youngsoo got older, we started using more food and other products. We ended up having no money for anything, so my father forced me to work as a...a...uh..." Jungkook's glossy eyes were shining in front of Taehyung. His shirt was getting wet from all the tears but he seriously didn't care. He was too focused on Jungkook's story that he forgot about everything else.

"It's okay Jungkook, I'm here for you." Taehyung murmured.

"He forced me to work as a- a male p- prostitute..." Jungkook sobbed against Taehyungs chest. "I hated it Tae,I hated it so much. I was forced to work there for six years! F- for six years I pleasured allthese disgusting men that wanted nothin but pleasure and s- sex." Jungkook's voice cracked as he cried louder.

"What?! I- I'm so sorry Jungkook..." Taehyung tighthened his arms aroung Jungkook's body, reassuring him that he was in safe hands. "I'm glad that is over now..." He kissed Jungkook's hair, slowly moving his hand around the small of Jungkook's back to calm him down. And it actually worked. It made him calm down. He wasn't crying as much as he was a moment ago.

"T- Tae?" Jungkook whispered. "Will you stay with me tonight?" He sighed sadly.

"What?" Taehyung widened his eyes.

"Will, you protect me?" Jungkook started to cry again. "I'm scared on my parents... they even killed Youngsoo..." He wailed.

"I'll stay with you, protect you and keep you safe from anyone, I promise." Taehyung hummed against Jungkook's small body.
