17. The start of the plan

"Maybe he is the one behind this attack." Taehyung suddenly voiced.


"He has been a little different lately. It's like he's completely a different person." He huffed. Taehyung was right. Jimin had been acting a little strange lately. The way he had been annoyed because Taehyung wanted to help Jungkook with his training and even when he said that Jungkook had visited his room without his permission, it all sounded too suspicious. Was he working for someone?

"You're right, Jimin has been acting a little weird. And it all started when Jungkook was selected, too." Jin scrached his chin in thought. "Joon, what do you think?" He turned to Namjoon, who was also deep in thought.

"Hmm...I think you're right, but we shouldn't assume anything yet. We don't know why he's been acting like that." Namjoon stated.

"I have a plan, Namjoon hyung." Jungkook suddenly said and everyone was lookig at him now. "I might know how we could lure Jimin our, whatever he is doing right now." He smiled weakly.

"You do?" Namjoon raised his eyebrows in shock. "Well, tell us, go ahead." He smiled.

"Uh, actually, Jin hyung is a big part of the plan..." Jungkook caughed. Namjoon furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, when his lover was mentioned. "I know, I know, it might be a little dangerous, Namjoon. But Jin hyung is the only one who is immune to these kinds of spells..." Jungkook fidgeted his fingers nervously.

"But what if-"

"No, Namjoon, he's got a good point there." Taehyung said proudly. "Good job, Jungkook." He smiled. Jungkook blushed a little because the praise he got from Taehyung so suddenly.

"Are you saying we should use Seokjin as a fucking bait then?" Namjoon fumed with anger. "That's crazy, you know that don't you?" He added.

"Namjoon, dear. I think they're right. Plus, it's the best plan we've got so far." Jin gave Namjoon a weak smile and cupped his face in his palms. "I know you might be against this plan...but think about it, please, for me." He kissed Namjoon's forehead and smiled.

"Fine..." Namjoon sighed. "Just don't get hurt, okay?" He hugged Jin and turned to Jungkook. "Do you have anything else planned?"

"Uh, no... a- and we don't have to, uh, do this if y- you don't want to..." Jungkook looked at his feet and closed his eyes from all the nervousness. Suddenly he felt arms going around his waist, carefully holding him from behind. He let out a small whimper and as soon as he realized it was Taehyung who had him in his arms, he blushed furiously. "T- Tae..." Jungkook gasped.

"Namjoon, you know you can't go ans accompany him when he goes looking for Jimin, because our plan will be revealed." Taehyung annouced. "I'll go back to the castle with Jungkook. I'll get more medicine on the way, since Yoongi's healing has used a lot of it." Taehyung hummed and tughtened his grip around Jungkook's body.

"Wha-" Jungkook gasped silently. "You want me to come with you?" He widened his eyes.

"Of course." Taehyung chuckled. "Hobi obviously wants to be alone with Yoongi for a while," he looked at the two, especially Hoseok who was watching Yoongi's body with worry in his eyes. "so let's let them be alone for a while, no?" He added. Jungkook nodded in agreement, blushing a little since Taehyung was still holding his body close to him.

"What are you going to do, Namjoon?" Jin asked. "Are you going back to the castle as well, or...?"

"...yeah, I think so...but Jin, inform me if something happens, alright?" He kissed Jin's forehead and took his hands in his. "I'll be there if you need me." He said and Jin let out a small giggle, nodding as he smiled at Namjoon.

"Namjoon, what do you mean inform me...?" Taehyung raised one of his eyebrows. "Is it your power or...?" He tilted his head a little.

"...you could say that it's a part of my power, yes. I'm actually able to link my mind with someone if I want. I chose Jin, for obvious reasons." Namjoon explained, hugging Jin at the same time. "I've been linked to him for as long as I can remember." He chuckled proudly.

"Yes, yes, now, Jungkook and Taehyung. Are you going to go before or after me?" Jin disturbed Namjoon who seemed to be lost in his eyes.

"We're going before you. Just to make sure no one is there to hurt you, alright?" Taehyung smiled.

"Alright, I trust you with Jungkook, so keep him safe this time, okay?" Jin smiled and looked at Jungkook. "And Jungkook, I know you'll be okay, so don't be too nervous about everything." He chuckled and ruffled the youngers cherry-red hair. The younger only nodded and smiled. "Good." Jin smiled proudly.

"Don't worry Jin, I'll keep him safe, I promise." Taehyung hummed and turned to look at Jungkook who was fidgeting in his hold. It was obvious that the younger was nervous around Taehyung, and it made him a little happy. He didn't know why he was growing fond of the younger king, but he didn't really mind. He began trusting him again.

"Alright, now that everything is settled, shall we begin?" Namjoon voiced, and received nods from everyone except Hoseok who was still silently watching Yoongi's figure. "Hobi-"

"You... you can call me Hoseok..." Hoseok suddenly said, surprising everyone.

"You...! You're real name is Hoseok?" Namjoon said with widened eyes. He had never heard the 3rd king's name, until now. It surprised him, it surprised everyone.

"Yes... there is no point in hiding our secrets anymore. They'll be revealed soon enough anyway." Hoseok gave Namjoon a weak smile, who was a little puzzled by Hoseok's words, but he decided to ignore them.

"Alright...but, as you heard our converstation, is it okay if we leave you here with Yoongi for a while?" Namjoon asked with a soft voice, knowing that Hoseok wasn't in his usual bright mood. It actually broke everyone's hearts knowing that Hobi wasn't smiling like usual.

"Yeah, I'll take care of him." Hoseok smiled and looked at Yoongi again, as if he would disappear at any time.

"Alright, thank you Hoseok. Be safe." Namjoon smiled and turned to Jin who was already hesitating a little. It actually scared him, the thought of beign a bait was scary, but what could he do? "You'll be okay, Jin." Namjoon kissed him passionately, making Jungkook blush furiously. Taehyung chuckled as Jungkook turned his head elsewhere.

"Thank you Joonie... I'll be fine, I promise." Jin reassured the worrying king, holding his hands tightly in his own. "I love you." Jin smiled and leaned in to kiss his lover once more before putting the plan into action.