22. The enemy's plan revealed?

"Aw, come here." Yoongi cooed and wrapped his arms around Hoseok's body in a protective manner. In the end, the two of them fell asleep on the sofa together, Hoseok still in Yoongi's arms.


It was now the next morning, and Yoongi and Hoseok were slowly waking up after the chaotic night. Both males were obviously tired and wanted to relax for the day, but of course that wasn't possible since all these rogues were surrounding the area. Hoseok was the first one to wake up. The said male yawned and stretched, standing up so he could head to the bathroom for a bit.

"Hobi...?" Yoongi mumbled when he realized Hoseok wasn't by his side. He quickly stood up to go look for him, only to be relieved when he found the younger in the bathroom all by himself. "You alright?" Yoongi raised one of his eyebrows at Hoseok who was looking at his reflection. Hoseok only nodded and kept looking at the mirror for a while.

"I look... tired." Hoseok sighed while rubbing his face with the palm of is hand. Yoongi scoffed and scooted closer to Hoseok's body, wrapping his arms around the younger's body, resting his head against Hoseok's back. "Yoongi, there's something... weird going on..." Hoseok furrowed his eyesbrows while he thought about something.

"Hmm?" Yoongi hummed a response. He felt something was wrong with Hoseok, so he turned to look at him. Hoseok was obviously puzzled by somethin, which sparked some interest in him. "Something weird?" He asked while nuzzling against Hoseok's shoulder.

"I can feel something around the castle... like a weird but... evil aura." Hoseok murmured. "It's like something is constantly watching our every move. It's starting to creep me out." Hoseok sighed and hugged Yoongi.

Yoongi, on the other hand, started to get a little worried about the whole situation. "I know." He suddenly huffed out. Hoseok widened his eyes. "There is definitely something weird going on, and... I actually saw something..." Yoongi confessed.

"What? You did?" Hoseok raised one of his eyesbrows at Yoongi who was quietly nodding at him. "What is it?" He questioned.

"I saw Jimin talking to one of the rogues..."



Yoongi was walking around the palace grounds, waiting for everyone to evacuate to the forest, and while he was at it, he saw some rogues outside the palace gates. It was obvious they were planning something, so Yoongi decided to hide next to the wall so he could listen to their converstation.

"Do you think the kings are already at the hideout?" One of the rogues thought out loud.

"I don't know, maybe they are. That would just make things easier, since Lord Jimin is with them." The other guard huffed. Yoongi widened his eyes in disbelief.

"What the actual fuck?!" Yoongi whisper-yelled to himself. "He's working with those little fucks?" His thoughts were disturbed by the guards yelling at someone really familiar to Yoongi.

"Lord Jimin! Is everything going as planned?" A guard ran to Jimin.

"Proceed with the plan, although there might be some problems coming, but I'll take care of that." Jimin clicked his tongue in thought. The guard looked at Jimin with a puzzled face.

"Problems?" The guard dared to ask. "What kind of problems?"

"That little 7th king might be able to ruin everything if I'm not careful." Jimin rubbed the bridge of his nose in thought. Yoongi was shocked at the fact that Jimin was working with these rogues. Was there something bigger going on that he thought was going on? "He's actually able to use magic... which I had not seen coming." Jimin sighed and walked to the other guard that was standing next to the gate, dangerously close to Yoongi.

"You, find the 3rd king, he might be helpful." Jimin commanded and the guard only nodded his head. Yoongi couldn't believe what Jimin just said. They were looking for Hoseok? Why the fuck were they looking for his Hoseok? "Oh, and if that 2nd kind tries anything, use this against him." Jimin smirked and handed something that was really familiar to Yoongi to the guard.

"The Sun Stone...!" Yoongi gasped next to the wall.


"The Sun Stone?! Why does Jimin have the Sun Stone?!" Hoseok yelled in frustration. He was obviously nervous about the fact that Jimin had the fucking Sun Stone with him. The only thing that could kill Yoongi. "H- how does he-" Hoseok's eyes were glossy again. He didn't want to lose Yoongi, after all.

"Hey. Look at me, Hoseok." Yoongi grabbed Hoseok's chin so he would look at the older king. "He isn't going to hurt me, nor you." He reassured softly.

"But he has the-" "Shh, he isn't going to do anything." Yoongi hugged the younger in a protective manner. "And he isn't going to touch you either. Don't worry, I'll keep you safe." Yoongi tightened the grip around Hoseok.

"Are you sure?" Hoseok sobbed.

"I'm really sure." Yoongi smiled weakly. "Now, do you want to visit the others?" He smirked and grabbed Hoseok's hand in his own. Hoseok nodded weakly and closed his eyes for a moment. Before they knew it, they were in the castle's hideout, standing in front of Jin, Namjoon, Taehyung and Jungkook.

"Hello there everyone." Yoongi gave everyone a lazy smile and sat next to the others, who were still looking at the pair with widened eyes. "Hey, don't look at me like that." Yoongi chuckled. "I'll explain everything to you now, so hear me out, alright?"

After Yoongi explained everything to the others, they were furious. Namjoon was quiet, as well as Jin. Taehyung looked as angry as ever and Jungkook was looking at the wall in deep thought. The first one to break the silence was Jin. "I can't believe it..." Jin let out a chocked laugh. "He actaully betrayed us...?" He added with a sad tone.

"I can't believe it either..." Namjoon sighed and patted Jin's shoulder.

"Well, he was a little suspicious, not going to lie." Taehyung pointed out. Everyone else nodded in agreement. "And what Yoongi just said, confirmed everything." He added.

"You're right." Namjoon nodded. "But one thing is bad, they are after Jungkook and Hoseok. Plus they have the Sun Stone." He sighed. "Although, I don't know why that's so bad." He chuckled nervously.

Yoongi rolled his eyes and spoke again, "I'll tell you about my power if you want to know that badly." He stood up from his chair and closed his eyes, as if he was concentrating.

Suddenly the whole room was pitch black. It was like all the light was gone in an instant and nothing was left. The small dim light that used to light the room was gone immediately when Yoongi closed his eyes. All that was left was darkness.

Jungkook flinched a little in Taehyung's arms and looked at Yoongi's direction. He noticed a purple glint in the older's eyes. Purple light illuminated the room immediately after Yoongi had opened his eyes. His hands were glowing with a purple tint as well. All this energy was actually coming from him, which surprised everyone expect Hoseok of course. Namjoon's eyes were wide open as he noticed what Yoongi actually was.

"You're...a shadow mage?!" Namjoon gasped. Yoongi only smirked and all of a sudden the purple glint was gone from his eyes, the dim yellow light was once again lit in the middle of the room and it was like nothing had happened. "I thought your kind was gone." Namjoon raised an eyebrow at Yoongi who seated himself next to Hoseok again.

"I'm a little different, Namjoon." Yoongi confessed closing his eyes and resting his head in the crook of Hoseok's neck. "I'm actually from the Old Age..." He added quietly. Namjoon choked on his saliva after hearing what Yoongi said.

"WHAT?!" Namjoon yelled, eyes wide open as if he had seen a ghost just now. "OLD AG-" He shut his mouth by slapping the palm of his hand on his mouth. "The Old Age? How in the hell?" Namjoon blinked in confusion.

"I'm cursed for eternity. An immortal, that's what I am." Yoongi tightened his fists in annoyance. "Although, it was pretty long ago. I should probably be underground by now." Yoongi chuckled to himself. He felt Hoseok's hand slap his arm in annoyance. Yoongi gave him an apologetic look before continuing his explanation.

"And yes, I've lived long enough to see the Dark War too. It was a crazy bloody mess in my opinion." Yoongi sighed and rubbed the brige of his nose. "Not a wonderful sight to see." He added.

"Wow...I can't believe it..." Jin gasped. "You're actually older than me!" He chuckled playfully, recieving an annoyed glare from Yoongi. "Alright, alright, sorry." He wiped his imaginary tears off his face.

"Uh..." Jungkook suddenly spoke. "What's the D- Dark War...?" He cutely asked, looking at Taehyung who was a little surprised that Jungkook didn't know about the Dark War.

"Oh baby, it's the bloodiest war that has ever occurred in humanity's history."
