30. A broken promise

Hoseok was running through the castle halls, avoiding every rogue there was. He was anxiously looking for Yoongi who had left the hideout to think. Of course Hoseok had to go after him since he was afraid the older would hurt himself again. Hoseok didn't want his partner to die, did he?

"Yoongi, where the hell are you?" He panicked, heading for their own sleeping quarters. "You better be here or I will snap your neck in two." He clicked his tongue.

He stopped in front of his room's door, afraid. What if the older wasn't inside? Hoseok's mind was screaming "Open the door!" in his head, so he did. He opened the door only to be greeted by a dark room. His eyes widened and his glossy eyes would already be visible if the room wasn't as dark as it was.

"Y- Yoongi." He called but didn't get a response. The only thing that could be heard was his own fast-beating heart inside his ribcage. "I promise to find you, no matter what." He sniffled and gathered his thoughts, sprinting out of the dark room back towards the hallways.

While he was running past all the doors that could possibly hide Yoongi, he heard something behind him. Immediately stopping on his tracks, Hoseok examined the area but saw absolutely nothing or no one in sight. "What was that. . .?" He whispered to himself, still looking around for anyone.

Another sound was heard and now he was sure someone was watching him. "Who are you?" He yelled towards the source of the sound. "I know someone is there." He added with a shaky voice.

"Damn, busted." A low voice echoed in the hallway. Hoseok's eyes almost popped out of their sockets when he saw the dark figure revealing itself from the shadows. "Missed me much?" The familiar man smirked, causing shivers to run down Hoseok's spine.

"B- brother. . .?" Hoseok's shaky voice travelled to his brother's ears, making him laugh. "Wha- How are you even h- here. . .?" He added with a forced laugh.

"Aren't you glad to see your dead brother, Hoseok?"


"Alright, let's go!"

"Namjoon, do you even have a plan?" Jin mocked him playfully. "Are we just going to Jungkook's house? Just like that?"

"Then what should we do?" Namjoon raised a confused eyebrow. "Wait for Jimin to come here?" Jin rolled his eyes and sighed.

"No, idiot. That's not what I meant." Jin chuckled, cupping Namjoon's face in his two hands, admiring his eyes from up-close. "There are rogues swarming everywhere. We should at least have some kind of a plan, okay?" He kissed the younger's forehead, who just smiled at Jin's affection.

"Yeah, sure." Namjoon smiled. "But remember, we have Taehyung with us." He smirked and looked at Taehyung, who rolled his eyes.

"Yeah sure, use me all you want." Taehyung mumbled to himself and leaned against Jungkook's back.

"But we have to find Yoongi and Hoseok first." Namjoon's expression stiffened. "We can't leave them here."

"You're right." Taehyung nodded. "You and Jin should-"

"I want to go look for Hobi." Jungkook suddenly voiced. "I feel like. . . something bad is going to happen. . ." He added with a frown.


"Please. . ."

". . .Fine." Taehyung sighed and stood up, lifting Jungkook so he could wrap his legs around the older's waist. "We'll go look for them right now." He smiled. "Namjoon and Jin can start planning for the escape route, okay?" He ruffled Jungkook's hair, who giggled a little.

"Alright." Namjoon nodded. "Stay safe guys."

"Always." Taehyung smirked and left the hideout with Jungkook clinging onto him like a koala.


"I- I thought you were. . . dead." Hoseok's voice trembled as he stared at his brother who he thought had been dead for years. "How- how are you even alive?" He added as is lip quivered, tears so close to spilling.

"Oh, you don't want to know." His brother smirked and approached the trembling Hoseok. "I've been to hell and came back just for you, little brother." He whispered into the younger's ear.

"F- for me. . .?" Hoseok tilted his head in confusion. Why would his older brother come back for him? He had been dead for 5 fucking years. "Daewon. . . how the hell are you here. . .?"

How in the hell was he even alive?

"If you want to know that badly, ask the Devil." Daewon smirked and patted Hoseok's shoulder. "I'll be back for you. Go look for your petty lover for now, go, shoo."


Daewon had disappeared right in front of Hoseok's eyes. Nowhere to be seen anymore. Hoseok furrowed his eyebrows in confusion as he looked around him. Then it hit him, he had just seen his brother who he assumed had died 5 years ago because of an accident he caused.

Hoseok broke into small sobs on the floor. Just the thought that his brother was alive was a miracle. He remembers how close they were as children. Always clinging onto each other for warmth and comfort. They promised each other that they would stay together until their deaths.

But all promises are meant to be broken, right?

"Hoseok?" A familiar voice boomed through the hallway, alerting Hoseok immediately about who it was. "What are you- why the hell are you crying?"

"I- I. . ." Hoseok widened his eyes as he saw Yoongi approach him with a concerned look on his face. "He was- he was here. . ." He sobbed.

"And who are you talking about?" Yoongi kneeled in front of Hoseok, rubbing his back in a comforting manner.

"Daewon. . ."

