33. Slowly fading away

Everything was fine, until Taehyung and everyone else heard Jungkook's little scream coming from the front of the house.


Taehyung's eyes widened and he went straight into action, bursting out of the room like an angry bull and rushing downstairs to Jungkook. He was constantly cursing inside his head, hoping that Jungkook was okay and safe but he wasn't sure until he reached the front door. He saw the frightened Jungkook by the door, balled up against the wall, shaking furiously. Glossy tears were streaming down Jungkook's face constantly.

Taehyung gasped and rushed to Jungkook's side, cupping the younger's face in his hands and caressing his cheek with his thumb. "What happened, bambi?" He whispered, planting small kisses on Jungkook's nose in a reassuring manner. "Tell me."

"I- it hurts. . ." Jungkook cried. "M- make it s- stop." He whimpered against Taehyung, who was at a loss of words. The older raised an eyebrow at Jungkook and looked down, only to be met with something absolutely horrible.

Jungkook's white shirt was covered in red, blood.


Blood everywhere.

Taehyung gasped and his breathing got heavier as he realized that his bambi was hurt, very hurt. "Jungkook!" He yelled as the younger blinked a few times, collapsing in the older's arms. "No, no, no you're not- please. . ." Taehyung pleaded as hot tears streamed down his face, too. The sight of Jungkook in pain was enough to make him angry and sad.

"Taehyung? What happened?" Jin yelled from the house, coming outside minutes after, but seeing Jungkook in Taehyung's arms, blood spilled everywhere made Jin gasp and rush to the kings' side immediately. "What the fuck?!" He yelled in frustration as he touched Jungkook's white shirt.

"I- I-I came outside a- and he was crying a- and-" Taehyung stuttered, trying to explain the situation to the panicking Jin next to him. "H- he's hurt. . ." He cried.

"W- we have to stop the bleeding, okay?" Jin calmed Taehyung. Even though he was panicking too, he had to stay strong for the crying king. He knew exactly what to do. "Let me help." He stated, receiving a teary but confused glare from Taehyung.

"Wha- How are you going to help h- him?" Taehyung sobbed.

"I'm going to heal him."

"You're what?"

"I'm going to heal him, like I said." Jin's face darkened. He shoved Taehyung out of the way, ripping the once white shirt off Jungkook's body. Both kings grimaced as they saw how bad Jungkook's wound actually was. His abdomen had been pierced with something, possibly a dagger or a knife. Blood was spilling everywhere and they were losing time every second.

Taehyung was breaking down next to Jin as he waited for the older to say something. He couldn't handle the stress right now. His precious Jungkook was lying on Jin's lap, unconscious. Taehyung was sobbing quietly and hoping that Jin could do something to save his loved one.

He couldn't lose Jungkook. He was too attached to the younger and he doesn't know what he would do if the younger dies suddenly. All of this was happening too fast for him to process everything.

The love of his life was lying unconscious, blood seeping from his abdomen as Taehyung remembered all the happy memories they made together. Their small adventures in the forest and how they danced under the moonlight, enjoying the night as they embraced each other. Their small conversations when Taehyung sneaked into Jungkook's room at night just to spend time with him.

The younger's small giggles as Taehyung teased him by kissing his face everywhere. The passionate and loving kisses he got from Jungkook and even the night they became one at the hideout. Every precious memory was now rolling in his head like a movie. The thought of losing someone so precious to him was beyond unimaginable.

He thought he could always keep the younger safe and just when Jungkook was alone, something had happened to him. Taehyung had even promised to Jungkook that he would keep him safe no matter what happens. He even made a promise to himself that if he were to die in the process of saving the younger, he would always keep loving the younger unconditionally.

Now his bambi-eyed prince was slowly falling asleep.

For eternity.
