Volume I : The Beautiful Mind Of Life

The Escapes of Life

Far from the crowds was our life due,

They never understand how it feels like;

How the chains has froze me still.

Now I found myself my sanctuary,

My hiding from the prying eyes,

My safe haven, safe from all obituary.

It feels good, it truly is,

To be away from the chanting of cities,

To further be sent to peace of mind.

And I find myself calm,

I find myself finding my soul tranquilized,

The plants stood still; life is good.

Whispering Clouds of Uneasy Mind

Let the nature speaks for itself,

And thy shall find it is quite a talker,

They overrun your thoughts with thoughts.

Beyond just this living is a life,

Might not be that easy to find,

But it is that easy to discover your insecurities.

Look into the clouds, they judge you,

Seek beneath the forests, they pity you,

Gaze unto the sun, he mourns you.

For the uneasy mind comes an uneasy life,

The calling you shall find deep in life,

Lies on your soul calling your dreams; find it.

The Willing Birds of the Unwilling Minds

Mother bird cares for her hatchling,

And she gives them warmth for ages long,

She loves them full heartedly.

The eggs hatched out and she could not be any more proud,

The little dearest of hers began chirping,

Never was one moment they be silent.

As years gone by, mother sends them to fly away,

Some were ready for the life outside,

Some took comfort in nests ever in their life.

When the time comes and mother flies away,

All the willing birds of the unwilling minds,

They shall face the world differently and accordingly.

Flower of the Seasons

The lone daffodil blooms during summer,

It was the most beautiful one yet the only one,

People cherish it and people envy it and people pity it.

It refuses to wilt during the autumn,

The leaves all around her turning maroon,

But she persists to keep herself blooming.

Comes the winter freezing her so,

The plants and animals keep themselves warm,

Not a moment for once she wants to cut herself short.

And for all the seasons throughout many years,

She keeps on being herself until the time finally came,

She is happy to see the world as she sees fits.

Up There

Once a bird was scared to venture to the new world,

Often times she saw himself going on a same route,

Looking at same old places he seen again and again.

Took him many years to realize his timid nature,

Before preparing himself to the world he wishes to see,

He says to himself that he is ready.

And away he goes into the world of unknown,

'Twas full of unfamiliar faces but with kind heart,

Crowded with strangers but a smile.

Never before he is ths happy throughout his whole life,

Not ever he regretted his choice to seek his world,

To be the best he can be in the world up there.

The Green Road

The watchmen wakes up early in the morning,

To the sound of chirping birds,

To the sound of the waterfall and the breeze of the winds.

His cabin of woods attracts many deer,

His scrambled eggs gets eaten by squirrel,

And his hat is being chewed away by raccoons.

Yet he still find good laugh with all those animals doings,

He wanted no such things to happens,

But then they happen anyway to his life.

It is the nature of life really,

We intervene them and how much we try to blend in,

Nature always finds a way to let nature be nature.

The People of All Kinds

There was once a garden full of pretty flowers,

And a lot of people like to smell them and admire them,

It was never closed and it was never lonely.

A rose blooms beautifully in all of her deep red,

Her thorns speaks for those waving too close,

Her smells lies deep her warning of all kinds.

A dandelion in bunch delights people,

With her aroma and her openness invites people to see more,

Her skinny self and her warm personality comforts.

An orchid makes awe as she displays her stunning colors,

Her one of a kind flower is a statement of her,

Lies beneath is her stems and leaves supporting her.

The House of Our Home

The white picketed fences stood still and tall,

As a man turn on his water sprinkler,

And his labrador soak himself in water.

Joining him is a boy dressed in his overalls,

And his mother busy making bed sheets,

The older sister making milkshakes.

And each for every one people in here,

They are doing things happily,

They are living their life happily.

Because despite everything and anything,

Life goes on and we carry on,

Learn from the boy and get wet already.

Some Things Never Change

As every boy that is laughing as they see the world,

There is one that took joy from his eyes,

As he drives here and there everywhere.

He loves his world, he loves the world,

He loves the hills and he loves the rivers,

Almost everyday he ride his bike everywhere.

As every man that is sighing as they see the world,

There is one that took joy from his heart,

As he drives there and way there everywhere.

He loves his world, he loves the world still,

He loves his life and his loved ones,

Almost eveyrday he puts his heart into everything he do.

Pursuing Dream

It is late night already,

The sun already at the corner showing it's rays,

And the boy never once thinking about sleeping.

He sips his water and still working late,

But he loves it so much,

He loves his life and his time alone.

In this life we know,

We may be famous or we may be not,

We may be known well for our work or it gets thrown away.

Do it anyway,

Do not care about what people might say about you,

Do it for the sake of yourself.

The Imperfect Moments

There was a boy alone in the streets lone by himself,

As he bravens himself to make acquaintances,

Little did he know he made friends for life.

A family that has long missed their daughter,

Called a phone that once belonged to her,

For their shock there is a familiar voice at the other end.

A girl lost her lover out of the years he has been gone,

Only to met him the following day,

And he actually misses her too every single day.

The imperfect life of ours takes much of our worries,

Knowing so little yet worries so much,

The perfect moment has already just began.

Musician of the Times

A man with the full strings of his guitar,

Mumbling to the tunes of his liking,

His head looks down to his hands strumming along.

His chair is old and rusty and fragile,

His house smells of old wood and antique,

Everywhere you only found cobwebs of spiders.

Thought everybody passing him time to time,

He could have been the man of wealth,

Should he have took his talents to where it must be.

To that, the man smiled sincerely,

For he knows precisely what he wants and what he likes,

Truly was he knew the deeper meaning of art.

Let the Days Take You

Some days were just appropriate enough,

Those days were not an ounce too much nor too less,

Simply being alive makes the hours go by unnoticed.

The other days takes you away for an amazing ride,

They can either makes you scream,

Or they can make you laugh all the way to the finish line.

And the beauty of life lies in not the vessels,

Not even the destination you are approaching,

It lies in how you move your lips towards the end of the day.

For the days take you and they make you,

Do not ever walk away from a world full os surprises,

Do not trade it away for appropriate days in your life.

Life is Sunshine, After All

And amongst the brightest stars out there,

Yours truly shine the brightest of it all,

Let the world know it well.

Days gone by and I never even once saw the moon,

I still miss the day you tell me the stories,

But you still do it every now and then.

Lie ahead is the journey I spent with you,

Let us do it all over again together,

Let me hold our memories dearly.

Life is a heaven when I am with you,

Life is a slice of cake and a wholehearted one,

Life is sunshine after all.

For All That Happens

For all that happens in our life,

For good or for bad or even for worse,

For everything it have caused in our life.

Be grateful and be thankful,

Not for the chances we get,

But for the chances we may not get.

For life is short and it is outright ridiculous,

Any attempts of our life towards everything,

It could have worked if only we do it well.

Not the days that we expect sometimes,

But the days helps you take it by surprise still,

Enjoy everything for all that happens.

As Pretty As the World

A girl all braided and fully clothed in her emotions,

Runs around and around at the prairie,

She chases the dogs and the cats and everything.

Unbroken in her spirit and unchained by the shackles,

Rushes herself into things she did not understand,

But stilled was the eyes of whole determination.

Yes, as the eyes of the beholder might have see,

She has freckles and rabbit tooth and every nooks,

She is that captivating.

Let her takes you to her world of carousel,

Do not worry about a thing or a moment wasted,

She is as pretty as the world.

The Road Less Traveled

One cannot choose what is simply what he wants most,

The feelings misjudged,

And the heart of one began to fly elsewhere.

Far from the misconceptions of the mind,

Near was the sense of one feelings,

Looming around was the judgement of universe.

Now we might not see this well,

Albeit not clearly enough as well too,

The only thing ever mattered was the soul.

They cannot borrow one's mind from the others,

Might as well do best with one's own,

The road less traveled is the one you loved so.

The Life that Stood Strong

The life that we live is often times get lost,

During the misunderstood thoughts of ours,

We often times took things and never cherish them.

Fear that mongers our minds,

Sadness that lingers our hearts,

Often times happiness gets taken from granted.

Not the road that we have taken is wrong,

Not again that the choice we made is false,

Rather the emotions of ourselves gets stirred away.

Falling deep in life is by no means a danger,

And somehow we learn from our experiences,

Do not ever get taken down by this life.

Solemn Promise

We all have made a promise in our life,

Whether to our loved ones or to our hated ones,

To our brethren and families alike,

We all have had our chins up in our life,

And the promises made us do it,

Let it be known to our soul that we are strong,

And since forever was the promise kept,

Since the beginning it was made to the very end,

We keep on held our promises high,

Whether smiles or whether cries,

What truly matters is what started this all,

This solemn promise of ours.


People smiling during my way to work,

People still smiles while I am working,

It seems they are smiling all day long,

Nay, it was but the moment that makes them,

Should ever we been into the one,

Then a thousand smiles were not enough still,

And somehow the sins left us be,

The times stood still and frozen,

Only us and the memoirs we long so,

Remembering every smiles were not important,

Creating every day a new one is important,

And the smiles shall last all day long indeed.

To Wait is To Be

Often times I found the same old man,

Waiting on the same bench everyday,

Moments later, the lady showed up,

There were many of the moments similar,

Kids waiting for his friends at the field,

Lover waiting for his loved at the park,

All the same and all the sane,

Was the heart longing was any different,

Was the heart yearning creates something same?

Let us wait, not because we have to,

But because we want to and we love to,

Some things were worth the wait though.

Catching the Sunset

Everything happens at the sunset,

Lovers being honest with their loved,

A lot of child running around with smiles,

A men goes back from work,

Calling his family and told them he is fine,

Then going with his friends for a cold one,

And the sunset never betrays anyone,

For the good times it had gives us,

Sometimes, the bad ones also happens,

Do not blame it on the sunset,

Be grateful that the sunset is there for you,

Be happy that the sunset is here.

Coming Home

Coming home is the one thing I misses most,

And I wait for it every single day of my life,

Knowing full well home never disappoints me,

Packing my bags has that happiness within me,

I never could have had enough with the memories,

Once again appearing in my head one by one,

I loved the people and the alleys,

I loved the summers and the winters,

I loved everything about it,

Nothing could have been better,

And nothing could have been worse still,

I am coming home.

The End

Often times we seen old people,

With their heroic tales of the world,

Of them taking on the challenges of life,

They seemed so enthustiastic,

With gestures and emotions alike,

Describing everything with neat little detail,

And we will experience something similar,

We will became just lke them,

Same old stories with different twist,

To recall life is something good and well,

To live it on is something even more better,

And to tell it to people gives hope.

I'm In Love

Something that needed to get off my chest,

And the butterflies swinging in my stomach,

Not to mention my heart going up and about,

I wonder about a lot of things,

Some were purely nonsensical,

Am I delusional as I am realistic?

I have been practicing my speech since weeks,

My postures and my suit and my hairdo,

Perhaps I worry too much about myself,

But it was because being with her smiles me,

She makes me nervous and she makes me happy,

And I do not want to let go of her.

A Dream Come True

Through the life of mine,

Only one thing I have ever wanted in life,

And that is to make my dream come true,

But I also knew that others have dream too,

It varies in a lot of ways,

And a lot of ways to achieve it,

I can only say this to the people,

To pursue something is a good deed,

To help someone across their dreams is better,

And a dream can only comes true,

For the days that counts as your hardwork,

For the dreams to come true.

Take A Step Back

How many times we forgot to count our blessings?

The sun above our head did not scorches us,

Nor did the thunder of the rains petrifies us,

Amongst the million steps we have made,

And for another million to come,

Never take anything for granted,

Still for the days to come ahead,

It was filled with adversaries waiting,

Do not regret every single day you fight it,

We may be never in it for the second time,

Enjoy our time while it lasts,

And as always, take a step back.

And I Still Walk

I began to walk the road ahead of me,

Remembering just how far it took to get me here,

Feeling forever grateful that I do,

To be able to walk is a blessing we forgot,

Often times we get mad over things,

Never look at how blessed we were still,

I still walk the road ahead of me,

The thoughts of good and bad during my life,

They brought smile towards my face,

As I ponder life and it's purposes,

Might have been best for me to just live,

To walk another road and the meaning will come to me.

Making Moments

We did not realize of our life dwindling so,

Often times we take it for granted,

But I hope not for the other times,

We never forget the moments that make us,

Our wedding and our friendships we hone,

The moments that breaks us too as well,

But to life, everything was of the moments,

Cherishing the ones that made us grown so,

Truly was the life is so wondrous at heart,

So next time life takes us for another ride,

Grab a seat and pick a partner to share it with,

These are the times that made life so amazing.

Dreaming Now

The rainbow with a pot full of gold,

With leprechauns and unicorns,

We dared to dream so high once,

We learn to change and to move our dreams,

But still the desire to dream is still there,

Shifting the mind of ours and became just that,

When did we start to leave our dream,

To dislike the life of ours with all in it,

But did we forget to appreciate it as it is?

To dare to dream is to dare to achieve it,

And to achieve it, one must dared to dream,

Dreams we left should be picked up again now.

All Done and Fine Now

A boy running around in his overalls,

He worked all day and all night,

Knowing he'd make it someday in life,

Running errands and throwing newspapers,

Carrying milk jugs, packets and foods too,

Of sweats that profusely made that day,

Earned him a valuable lesson in life,

Gained him something to look up to life,

And so the life goes on for little errand boy,

Hath life has noot ben rough on him since,

Never before he could have been here,

All elated in life, the errands of yours truly.

The Universe Does

Do you ever think that the world loves us?

That somehow our plans worked so well,

Our life changing one at a time, piece by piece?

Well, the people inside of it were good,

Once we realized we grew with a family,

Be the bonds formed or by blood of similars,

To the last corners of the earth shall you find,

Kind and humane were the message of humanity,

We never thought each other to spit and hate,

The universe does love you so much,

Befittingly to your vision of the world,

I hope you find this one eternally.

A Touch of Magic

Of the things people do,

Some always gets done no matter what,

I admire the magic the universe gave us,

Even the miserable can be turned over,

Life of ours and yours and mine can be better,

All it takes is our effort and a splash of magic,

Be it believing or not in this one,

All it ever takes was actually to just go with it,

The things we do wil always be the proof,

I believe in what the god believe in us,

Be it that the universe loves us too,

Or the people around us helped us ahead.

Fighting Again

It is dawn again I see,

And a night without a sleep is of again,

Life and the routines has the best of me,

The rooster cocked,

Only this fatigue of mine lasts this moment,

As I battle the fights of the life everyday so,

The leap of faith,

Do I ever know where life really takes me?

Am I to row the boat or to sit back?

Now I know best,

Or maybe I am just learning from it still,

For the fight will begin again tommorow.

Up Until We Finally Fall

You know, my dad always told me,

That you should dream as high as you can,

Be it that the moon that you were after,

Live life as if it was your last,

He always said so, and he'd always done so,

He fight and battle this life as if he'd die trying,

I cannot fathom how he can find such strength,

Me myself could not have done the things he did,

The person so inspiring he could move the world,

He looked me right in the eyes,

I know that he trusted me so much and well too,

And the thing I could have ever done is to show him.

The Story of Ours

Some of us like writing diary of our life,

Some remember it well deep within their brain,

And the rest likes to recreate the moments,

We may not be the best there is,

But memory of ours take a liking so much,

We never wanted to trade shoes with others,

May be that our unbecoming of desires,

That our life being molded inbetween,

The story of ours that we are making,

The diary of ours being written the very now,

We smiled and we cried and we cherished,

Distilled deep within our heart was our story.

And You Smiled

We have been together since then,

Times have been on our sides forever,

Be it good or bad, you were here still,

Be it I am crying out loud for days,

You will be there giving me hugs of hope,

Not ever in my life I will forget it so,

Not that I would be here forever,

No, I am not staying a long time,

Nor that we would be here years ahead,

But your smile is all I need,

Your smile is all I could have ever wanted,

Your smile only, dear.

Your Special Day

It is your special day and we will celebrate it,

To hell what day is it or why do we do it,

All I know is that we deserve this day to ourselves,

Just throw a party and invite all of our friends,

Be present and carry a present and live in the present,

Know no limits of our happiness we pour unto,

Let the world know of our moment now,

No, let ourselves know it best and let the rest fall in,

I do not care for anything else at this moment,

Be it that we have a bad day or even a bad year,

Always remember to treat ourselves good and best,

Be happy sometimes and all the times.

Keen On Living

Sometimes I do forget to live it up,

To forget about what day it is and what about it,

Of the schedules and plans best left unanswered,

Trade your shoes for a more colorful one now,

And leave your house with a wide smile,

Listen to the voice your heart always left unheard,

Now is the time to do just about anything,

Everything you have always wanted to do,

We deserve this very day to ourselves, are we not?

Yes, the key to life is to live it up sometimes,

Be it that you find peace here or you want more,

Do with this very day as you pleases.

The Days of Better Us

Waiting for a moment of a best intentions,

We spent our time looking for a gold ore,

Probably it will lead us to better life indeed,

I do say that our hardwork is good enough,

We were bound to be successful anyway,

Yes, I do believe it best to this very moment,

Let alone being ourselves and trying best,

Is not spending our time looking for a gold ore,

An unjust action of unjust future of ours?

Trust yourself, trust yourself deeply now,

For the days of better life is coming soon,

The days of better us is coming alright.

Raise Our Voices

I do realizes the moment of our time,

Truly a wondrous time and I loved it,

Needs no further mind to tell me that,

Being either here or way over there,

They bring little meanings to me,

Because I truly understand the meaning now,

We can still be real with ourselves,

We can raise our voices and mold our world,

Find the people of our liking and build a life,

If only I could spread the word everywhere,

To the farthest continent shall I go,

For I believe this life carries a meaning deep for us.

Will Of Continuing

Everything is here for a reason or else,

At least that is what everyone else told me,

At the very bottom of life, remains purposes,

Countless days passing by us and we wander,

We wonder whether the weather will be nice,

Taking gander of other's doing and thinking still,

But by continuing this life can we ever found,

A reason which we have pursued our entire life,

Buried deep within our routines and our loved ones,

I believe of life and of lies, of both and everything,

That things will finally work out for us is inevitable,

Just keep on carrying this journey with a heart attached.

Trying Our Best Now

The degree of our life is not measured by wealth,

Not even the slightest amount cents of it,

Correlating is the way you acquire wealth given,

The level of our life is not seen by your love life,

Be that you are a vagabond or a playboy,

But how you earned that love is important still,

That is the way of life we are living is important,

Noted well is our journey and our rewards,

Endeavours of the highest meaning gives meaning,

So take a step back and realize the life of ours,

Measure by others is no mean to live this life,

Rather just by ourselves, we can put a faith in it.

Not Ever To Back Down

Of the freezing chills of the winter forever,

And the summer haze heating up our bodies,

They will not bring us down and we will not give up,

Let the world copulate with the devil as long as time,

Fine by me, let alone the rest of the world,

I can no longer gives my upmost attention to it,

The trigger to the findings of our soul discovered,

Was just a mere seconds away of being found,

The threads of our very mind being battled still,

It is not over yet by a long margin, not yet,

As the people trembling down in cause of one's mind,

Yet you shall comes out emerging victorious.