Volume III : The Quintessence of The Life Of Ours

To Be is To Believe

When I see a kid dreaming ther lives deep,

I could only smile and greeted them so,

Congratulate them on a journey they believe in,

Look around and tell me what happened since,

All the ages does not seem to cherish their will,

And their dream also, if it is exists at all,

Most of the time we grew up drastically,

No longer trying to be the dreamer we once were,

We took precautions on every corner we see,

Yet no longer of the warnings we still heed,

We only cling ourselves to the false sense of comfort,

The balloon we hold on tight is now out of reach.


As I was cycling through the neighborhood of mine,

I looked at an old lady smiling to her grandson,

And the grandson too, apparently,

Time looked stood still and froze itself,

Nobody can ever tell what year it is right now,

If they looked at the very moment,

This I know best, for the times in motion,

Civilizations were built and destroyed,

Couple of times again and again and again,

Stood still and pictured perfectly,

Put it in a frame and hang it on the wall,

Time will stood still perfectly throughout the time.

So Long

After a heated conversation between the two,

Spewing out words nobody should have said,

Then it all ended abruptly,

Length of the peace was just a strand away,

Somehow seeping through the mind of own is regret,

Deemed too late for a chance for the second time,

Yes, the body is unwilling,

But the mind someway wants to forgive each other,

For the times today does not define the past,

But look for the stars and reach it,

As the brain says again and again and again,

Thus, so long.

Everything Of Our Lives

'Twas a boy with a million dreams,

Talking his way of life passionately,

Dreaming of going to the moon and back,

His beliefs soared through the roof,

Ignorance sided with him everyday,

As people stubbornly shoves him back down,

But he cares none of it,

He gazes deeply into the world,

And he sees it as he see fit,

He feels pity for the people losing their colors,

As he ran through the crowds denying him,

Knowing full well he will show them all.

The Man of The Ages

By morning, the alarm went off loudly,

And a moderate aged man wake up,

Rubbing his head gently and opens his eyes,

He walks wobblingly and grabs his towel,

Pops his pills to his mouth and swallows it,

He looks at himself in the mirror,

He showers and takes some deep thoughts with him,

His life and his living and his lives,

He smiles that he can still tackle the days,

We are all the competitors of our own worlds in our hands,

So suit up your jacket and bring your bestest smile,

With steps filled with confidence.

World of A Million Colors of Ours

He stares from his attic every night,

Fireworks that being lit off made him happy,

All the colors made his pupils dilate,

His mome discovers him peeking away,

Ground him and scolds him and shouts at him,

But the cheers and the noises dampen her screams,

By the morning he wakes up,

He sees a balloon of a million colors,

A cotton candy with a smiling face,

The world has always been the same,

But the colors we seen in life has move us so,

As the rainbows gone and they will return again.

Chapters of Our Life

Truly bright was the days ahead of us,

'Twas full of surprises and gifts,

A wise man once called it a present,

People walks on different chapters of their life,

Some mourns, some yells, some other smiles,

Never take anything for granted,

And the next day was full of chapters too,

Some were to be continued,

Some were about to get themselves a new chapter,

This I know, that the life we are living,

They are exceptionally good at making us happy,

Look around them all and tell them your story.

Then You Happened

So bright and shiny is this sunshine beneath me,

As I carry this roses in my arms,

And smiles never leaves my face as I stand tall smiling,

Everybody is looking at me and they smiled too,

From time to time they give me a word of wisdom,

At one moment even a passionate faces with smiles too,

It has been some time but I beg to differ,

The sunshine has been down since moments ago,

Still I do not care about it at all,

Finally she came with her most beautiful dress,

She smiles and laughs and runs at me,

Life is different since you happened.

The Tears Of Joy

At some point in our life,

A man got accepted to his dream college,

Another one had just beaten his cancer,

The lady on your right might have been proposed by her lover,

The boy you bumped earlire got news from his lost brother,

Everybody once was having the time of their life,

And it does not stop there really,

For the things that happens in our life was genuine,

They were honest and they were kind,

No need to find your way to it,

They will eventually finds their way unto you,

And tears of joy of yours will be bursting out soon.

In the Morning As It Is In the Night

Just before the sun sets,

She got up and already made her bed and pray,

She had finished brushing her teeth,

And as the sun goes higher,

She knows only one thing on her mind right now,

She really wants to make the best of today as possible,

The sun now falls away out of sight,

She had already done much of her work,

Never wasting any moment of her life as it passes by,

Now the night had already came,

To bed she goes with the spirit all burnt out,

But she knows she is ready to face it again tomorrow.

The Journey We Loved to Walk

A million times my mother has scolded me,

That I should not choose my life or my choices now,

She said that I bring only humiliation to her family,

And father was no different,

For the times he looks disappointed in me,

His heavy breaths and his sighs happens all the time,

And it is only because I want to be who I am,

Doing what I love and finding what I want,

A dream of a million journey waiting to be ventured,

And so the journey of mine begins instantly,

And I really want you to remember,

That the life we build is the life we can proudly say our own.

The Life That Makes Us So

Whilst making my bed and brushing my teeth,

I discover that I do this every single day yet nothing changes,

I do a lot of work but otherwise my feet stays put,

And every nine to five I realize it more and more,

Should we as a soul true to our spirit,

Left our heart and leave what our heart wants,

Should we partake the journey of our own destiny,

Not the one the world mold on us,

But the one that we have inside of us,

Should we accept life as it is or begin our adventure,

All I need is a moment of choice of our life,

And the rest will be written for the rest of our life.

Ready for the Life

Little girl waiting for the train early at the morning,

She saw a middle-aged woman sweating profusely,

Trying hard to sell her homemade lunch,

The train arrives and people jabs others to get in,

Little girl got in and saw a man misses his chance,

He cries and throw away his briefcase,

Little girl sat at the only seat available,

She saw an old man with his cane,

Shaking his whole body while trying to stay stood still,

The doors opens and the train stops,

A woman applies her lipstick and fixes her eyelashes,

Little girl got off, ready for the life she has to face.

Loving the Night

Be it night or be it dawn,

Be the people crowding the streets or be it empty,

Let it be just the way it is,

The life of the people are all unique,

Each to their own holds a story so sincere,

Each have a person dearest to their heart,

We may not realize that each of us is beautiful,

That the fight we fight is all similar,

That the life we live is all but a journey of self-love,

Find yourself just one reason to smile,

For it might be the break point for a person you met,

Do not waste our life becoming something redundant.

All Lined Up

A young man with his tight tie and his white tie,

Waiting in line for a dream,

Or rather for a routines masked in a chances of a million,

A young man beside him with his black tie and red shirt,

Waiting in line for a dream,

Or rather a statement that he can say in front of his family,

A young man behind him with his suit and oxfords,

Waiting in line for a dream,

Or a certainty of success followed by an afterparty lined up,

An old man at the end of the line with his dirty clothes,

Waiting in line to feed his sick wife,

All of his estranged children are all in front of him now.

Look Away

Some might argue that the best of life,

Is the best of our life right now,

Some says to change it towards the life we wants,

Everyday we keep on raising the same question,

Expecting different answer every time,

Elaborate with the reality and elope with it,

Walking through the same road every night,

And we keep on believing what really should not there,

Relying our dream unto something we cannot have,

Look away, look away, I need you to look away,

For the life of your liking can only be attained,

If only you di not forget to take a choice only you can.

Start of A Million Steps

There was once a man,

All alone in his thoughts and dreams,

Never once dared to stand up for what he believes,

And yet he sees the reflection of himself,

Pure act of cowardice sees him back on the mirror,

He was never disgusted before in his life,

The more he sees his reflection again and again,

The more he sees his life not going the way he wants it to,

The days present is shrouded over a black cloud,

So he starts on pursuing what he believes to,

Not because the once tolds him to,

But because he wants it to and he will face the reflection.

For Yours Truly

I sat down at the porch and opens your letter,

There were so many of them over the years,

I forgotten about them and carried on with life,

Ever since I was a girl,

All I could ever ask is just you write about me more often,

That you could know that I am right here smiling for you,

Over the years and the mails keep piling up,

Some got flown away by the wind and I do not know,

I have married another man ever since,

But the husband of mine died years ago,

But you still writing to me over the months again,

Written by yours truly.

And It's All Yours

Guitar get played all the time at the garage,

And I cannot get my minds off you,

I cannot get my life off you,

If maybe someday this song of mine gets heard,

Let alone my body and soul gets noticed,

May be the day I truly has been long gone,

Seemingly off the penchant and off the chords,

I was out of play,

I cannot ring any bells on my brain and I froze,

And it is all yours,

My song and my empty soul poured into it,

Maybe only the heaven has the forgotten mind of mine.

Days of Forgotten Memoirs

Be it three or two or one moments in life,

One should always remember it correctly,

Tethered deep to the brain as always,

Years later and the said memories remained intact,

It must have been the work of the mind,

No longer being ignorant with remembrance,

Swelling huge is our ability to trace back,

But it is okay,

We were good with the life that we had,

Forgotten memories of ours come and they go,

At some point we even forget what is what,

Days gone and we only wait for making new ones.

Even More Than Itself

An icecream may mean an acquired taste for one,

But maybe for others, it holds another story,

It may be someone else's memories of childhood,

Soon after every seconds of our life,

We realize the amends of memories of ours,

They do not change and they do not walk away,

Look beneath just the surface of life itself,

And the dreams of ours might came true,

Or they might have not,

But the days will still be the days we still live,

And rather than letting yourself go away,

Why not holding the thoughts of our and smile away.


It is the habit of ours to capture moments,

To make photographs out of them,

Making the best to make the moments stays,

Often times we doo it way too much,

The other times we take it for granted,

Truly is the best thing to do is just watch,

Not because the moment will not be misled,

But because our eyes needed every moment of it,

To capture is not enough,

But to remember it for the rest of our life,

To hold it dearly as the time went by,

Was not that ever the reason?

On the Verge of Life

The wise man once said,

That you does not know how strong you really are,

Until being strong is the only option you have,

During the busiest hours of our life,

The thoughts of anything else became pointless,

And the life on the other side became simply impossible,

Aging well but not welt,

Is the souls of the millions following others,

Without realizing what life really has for us,

On the verge of life itself,

You can never really know how much you can do,

How big can you ever be.

Seeing Red

On every alley on every street on every town,

All I could ever see was a glimpse of red,

Nuanced deep with the black and white surrounding it,

They splatter and they spread and they splash,

Everywhere on every nook and cranny,

Expanding everywhere like a bad plague,

Fear not the town condemning itself,

Rather the act of crude beast evoked into a man,

Then tallies on to the brethren,

Upwards and we see the clouds are getting away,

Leaving the sight of a red painted city,

Polluted only be the red itself again.

The Thoughtful Minds

Challenging is the mind of the people itself,

And throughout the life we live,

Behave the mind so deepeningly from the inside,

Dreaded and wild and wicked,

We realize that life has a way to rip ourselves apart,

Torn piece to pieces by mind alone,

And I cannot keep complaining on it,

Bacause I know one thing at best,

I am alone is uncapable of calming the thoughts down,

Humans is the epitome of the darkness,

Yet they like to bask within the light,

Nowhere else would we have liked to go.

Toss of a Coin

Taking opportunity in life is one thing,

But realizing the odds and ends of an action,

Is what led us to be brave and confident,

Deep and thorough was the sight of heart,

Narrow and shallow is the sight of eyes,

Together makes for an excellent toss of life,

This I do not know well,

Whether the outcomes predicts the actions,

Nor the signages was already in the beginning,

To take life to the happiness of ours,

Certain action at certain point needs to be made,

Let us toss a coin.

No Strangers Now

Recalling events and moments of life,

Has us dreaming high above the clouds,

Could it be we still remember the people?

We may stumbled across them at one point,

We may never meet them again in our lifetime,

Could it be that we regret our meeting?

And times may have changed us so,

The winds and the raindrops never feels the same,

The streets no longer echoes our memories,

But regret is one thing we should not be,

The people will come in our life at some point,

And they are not a stranger to our memories.


Wisest is the man with the pain,

And God forbids the wise to spreads,

Wiser was the man to travel far,

The virtue of everything,

Or the epiphany of the living,

If somehow people find it and live it,

Then every man known is wise,

Every man for himself is the epitome of life,

To be wise then is to be live,

Eyes seeing life is the eyes watching poems,

Series of chapters of others life drawn unto us,

Making each other wiser than ever.


Often times we found ourselves in dire,

Often times panicked and often not,

Left to fend off and picked back up,

The strings of life works mysteriously,

Branching along the way and finding places,

Long before you know what is going on,

Turns out we were at the right roads,

Showing up at the exact moment,

Everything turned out well in the end,

Or so it was, or it was our mind playing games,

Was it really the life we ever wanted,

Or was it that the life is not done yet with us.

As We Believe It

Placed with thoughts was the road we travel,

And circumstances circling them too,

With the judging mind of ours as well,

Riddled with questions is the path we took,

Might have been our paranoid self,

Or was it that the chills give meaning?

Here is the thing about the decisions,

You took it, and you deserve it,

There is nobody who can tell you otherwise,

Less so was the glares of others from outside,

Mind a thing, they did not control our life,

The path we chose is the path we believe.

Of the Memories of the Fainted

Young as we are and dumb as we look,

No longer a stranger to chances,

Not ever the foe of timidity,

But the years passed and molded us so,

Look at we are and look how we look now,

Years of nothing and we still here somehow,

Perhaps was not a mere plan of subjugating life,

Maybe the calling is ourselves playing tricks,

It could be that life itself is useless?

Now march ourselves together side by side now,

Unto the life lived again with remorses,

And look wherever it will take us next time.


Every time I sees your face,

I began to blush and I smiled widely,

I could felt this thing inside my heart,

And I could see my families coming,

And warmth I feel deep within me,

I know I feel safe and secure and loved,

Then another man approaches you,

And suddenly something sparks in me,

I feel hateful and deeply angry,

Then I feel it all combined altogether,

Seldom times I feel something like this,

I feel so alive.

The Very Soul of Ours

Everyone has a trinket and a pendant,

A hobby and a living routines,

But not everybody cherishes it so,

As the days keep passing by again,

We forgot how much we treasure life,

We realize to just keep on going on,

Seems the eyes has lost it's pupils,

Looking at dilated world with no meaning,

Seeing things with no desires,

Everyday working out and coming late,

Is it that the soul needs to be cleansed?

Or is it that you too scared to seek?

Towards the Horizon

A wise man once said to his pupil,

To seek the happiness of life,

To run fast towrds the setting sun,

And look where it all has us tangled up,

This I know best,

No dream was ever the same for everyone,

A wise man knows no wiser than you,

And you were none the wiser than anyone,

Be the wise you achieve to be,

And listen to no one's sermons of nonsense,

Place you bet calmly and roll the dice bravely,

To which horizon; only you knows best.


For every call that we hold up,

And every calling that we had lined up in routinity,

Towards every conversations we had muted to,

Never willing to give in to people,

Let alone be there for an occassion,

Everything becames an option,

Did we forgotten thy neighbours,

Feasting on the idea of a man for himself,

Trading warmth for false sense of serenity,

Be that it may be,

For some people that do keep being busy,

Do so that what your heart wants most.

Walking Down

I grew up watching the street lights,

It dims during the days,

It lights up during the nights,

Somehow they comforted me,

And the roads reminds me of a journey,

Of a dream yet to be fulfilled,

I grew old watching the street lights still,

Watching as the cars went by loudly,

Passerby with all of their dreams,

Reminds me well that to walk is to grow,

To question is to answer and to dream,

Maybe someday, the answer will appears.

Be It that It May Be

I long for the days to come get me by,

For the moments that I get carried away,

How I misses being me so much,

Look beneath your roads,

And look again with deep heart,

You will find your desire there,

Be it that it may be,

That the journey carries hope,

As they carries memoirs and memento,

And do not overthink it at all,

It will comes to you as soon as you might think,

It may be.

Mistakes Made

And for the choices we make,

For the opportunities we choose to be,

The things that have had happened to us,

Not all of them ended up well,

Some costs us a thing to be taken,

And some others costs everything,

Life works in various and a couple of ways,

But not one thing can be reasoned about,

But life will continue on afterwards,

Look at the mistakes that we have made,

Not that they have destroyed us so,

But how we has recovered so much since then.

You Never Disappoints

It has been years since I have married,

The little family of ours has had it's upbringings,

Our fights and our downfalls,

It all turned out alright,

Because of one thing I know,

Everything was because of her,

It has been long since we have been together,

This promise of ours has had cries,

Of happiness, and of sadness,

It all turned out to be just fine,

This one I just discovered since forever,

You never disappoints.

The Best We Could Have Asked For

Begging for another shot of life,

Was the life of a man undecidedly,

As the way we see live is often tainted,

Some spent years looking for her loved one,

Some others raced to death with greed,

Also the petty reasons of live unworthy to be,

To the chasms shall they go,

Never to be seen again,

Only missed by a few of men,

Of the times we could have been doing,

Instead of wishing for the life we long for,

I still believe in the life of ours is perfect.

To Be Is To Live

Be it insignificant or not,

Chances are our life is filled with choices,

Some mold us into the way we are now,

We beg for choices but to be blunt,

We always have a choice to choose for,

Was never the best but you play the cards,

Look just beneath the surface of life,

Find the meanings behind every steps,

Be the man you want to be always,

Rocky roads shall not define you further,

Deep chasms shall tremble you no more,

But of the time you had left in life now.

We Grew Up

A boy of a village has a bestest of friend,

Everyday they plays until noon comes,

Of every fight, they always make it up sooner,

They go to school everyday together,

Their matching satchels and their solemn promise,

To not ever leave each other behind,

But the suns has come to an end,

And the noon they always miss will not come,

Far from the promise was their lives,

And they grew up and they never see each other,

For the life has a promise of itself,

That any human could never overcame.

Places to Go

Did you ever wonder why people loved to go?

To see the world was a dream of millions,

And to visit countries brings joy to some,

We all have our places we want to go,

Somewhere only we knows best,

It might be out there or it might be next to you,

You bring meanings to the places you visit,

And everytime you come back it will stay the same,

Rooted deep in our thoughts of our memories,

So I suggest you start making new memories,

They loved to go because they loved to remember,

Be it good or bad; grab your luggage and go away.

The Epiphany of Our Life

A balloon gets slipped through a kid's grasp,

As he watches it gets higher in the air,

Almost gets head-to-head with the sun,

Life itself has a lot to offer and to give,

Only by discovering the world can we learn so much,

This the moment of our life and it is precious,

Uncover the bits of world one by one,

Be the one to seek and discover and seek more,

As you yourself gets more mature in the process,

Let go of the routines that stopped you so,

Break free of the chains that shackled you much,

Take a gander on yours truly with the life.

Of Life, Of Dreams

I once had dreams of becoming an astronaut,

And as an action movie actor and a doctor,

As a lawyer and becoming musician too,

Being a child at heart really moves you on,

The tremblings of life never drag you down,

How awful is it that we forget dreaming?

Of the roads less taken lies a dream forgotten,

Beneath the rocks of the journey was thoughts,

Buried deep and never to be found again,

This time will be different,

As I began mumbling to myself again,

And I see myself playing kite outside.

Of the Life We Been Through

There was a couple and the whole streets,

Of the people loved her and hated him,

And of the people loved him and hated her,

They locked their hands firmly and vows,

The tree growing alone was of the only witness,

Flowers moving along and giving their support,

They know only one of one thing,

And that is to be together forever,

Be it rain or hail or snow, so be it,

Flailing was the thread of the red needle,

They shared to the end the life they choose,

To be together until the time says enough.

Nestled Warm

I once had a friend so close,

Even though it was only days of seeing him,

And the day before was the warm hugs,

We never seek each other again,

Nor we had the opportunity to do so,

The life continues and our heart stir far,

Years passed and I forgot him completely,

Suddenly I met him by accident,

Surprised but warm hugs followed soon after,

Feelings never gone nor they fades away,

Guessing heart was the mystery of the life,

Better to be better than to be bitter.

It Goes Far

Of wiseness, comes the peaceful state of mind,

Chaos sparks a disruptive soul to the core,

Treating life as it was a countless waves of emotion,

Albeit being here, sometimes the mind is there,

Wary of the times and how it goes over boundaries,

Letting loose of the things of the very moment,

We knocked down a shell to make a castle,

Buried deep inside us was a desire to make,

Was it a desire to mold life to our likings?

Heart of ours beating still again and again,

Not by the terms of the world but by ours,

Seemingly true if we were the warrior of fate.

The World Elsewhere

The prairie of grass you can find elsewhere,

Or the desert so vast too, the mountains high,

This alone tells us so much about life itself,

The people might dislike you so much,

And your mind telling you it's not going to work,

Life was falling apart here and there,

Mind you that you can always start over,

Elsewhere is a world waiting to be found for you,

If being here brings no joy anymore, then go,

Leave everything else behind and pack well,

Uncover the side of yours nobody ever wanted,

For this time is the time that you will live happy.

It Goes On

We have all been through tough times,

Some other times we laughed and smiled,

And the rest is the days often forgotten,

Be it that you have a bad day or a good one,

One thing I always knew best was,

That you could always try again next day,

That the life begins with a new paper tommorow,

And this chapter of our book still unwritten,

We have the opportunity to make it good,

Make the best of what you can today,

And that one thing I knew about living life,

It goes on.

As We Flown Away

As the birds flocks away in groups,

Be it the doves or the pidgeons,

We know it best that they were families,

But never were written were the lovers,

Of the same brethrens born with the same blood,

They were forgotten as fast as the gust of wind,

Never remembered too was our folly,

Our journey through the skies being alone,

The people seen us with their disgust so,

They never understood our world, they do not,

Caring was the word only both of us knows best,

They seen us as love that never should have.

Not Again This Time

I always overlook the patterns of life,

Out of failures comes hope creating success,

Walking pace creates a remembrance of soul,

I never look back and create the same ones,

Be it mistakes or the same venturing roads,

Be it my rekindled memoirs of things similar,

The path of life branches out unevenly,

Here I am trying to dream which is which,

Here I am unevenly grabbing a tiny hope,

Of a speckle dust comes out a gusting wind,

Choices of the tiniest creates a waves huge,

Not again this time,

In Pursuit of Happiness

Here I am, five in the morning,

Staying up all night trying to make ends meet,

Working late and coming to work early,

For the sake of myself dearly that I love most,

I must not grew out of my mind now,

Not every sweat of mine has been dried out now,

I will try again next day and the day after,

Until I can see the red ribbon of my race ahead,

My sweats now all dried up and my smile wide,

That is through the life I am enduring now,

I believe that such things is real as it gets,

My dreams are mine only to be believed.

Broken Love Song

Dear, you left me now and I miss you,

I still thinks of you and even your family,

Has they been doing well lately?

I miss your mom and your sisters,

They used to laugh at me and I loved them,

Even so; yourself too,

Dear, do I want to start again now?

Besides of anything and everything,

Staring again is anything but yes to me,

I love you but I hate you and I feels both,

It's midday and thinking of you is foolish,

Let me begin somewehere else now.

The Clue I Have Been Missing

Mysteries of life is as puzzled as it looks,

The more I try to guess, the more it scatters,

Lengths of unbelievable road has been treaded,

Perhaps that some things have been missing,

Blinded and folded firmly was my perspective,

Do I really have what it takes to tackle life?

Older and the questions remained the same still,

They were forever the same since the dawn of ages,

Longing the nights to work out for us is a riddle,

Waiting to be answered and we wasted the day,

Of the life whomever gave to us, make the most of it,

Make the best of anything and everything imagined.

I Do Not Know The Answer

I was looking at my wardrobe full of clothes,

Not wanting to buy anything new, not at all,

Every day sparks something somehow I do not know,

And if picking my best clothes for my best occassions work,

Then let it be just like that for all of the time now,

Let my heart loves anything it could ever loves,

The days moves us so much and I do not keen on it,

Perhaps the clothes itself is not the answer,

Even our heart maybe playing the fool's game with us,

Stay true to this day and do anything that could be done,

Not the clothes, the days, or the heart restricts you so,

For everybody is just simply do not know the answer.

The Same Differences

Of the places, they reeks of the same smells,

Maybe our brain will get used to the mirrored,

Perhaps the world is of the eyes of the beholder,

"I used to go there and I now go to here,"

"But it just feels like the places I used to go,"

"Is not the atmosphere nice?"

Far besides our inability to process thoughts,

Was the heart telling us we are going in circles,

Tumbling here and there and way over there,

Now we begs for something different still,

But the reality is full of differed thoughts of ours,

Of the same ones comes out the different ones.

Now Let It Takes Us

I am as exhausted as ever and as long,

Now just finding reasons to drag myself to bed,

Just trying to live hour after hour,

But the things started to falling in place,

Be it life of a better times waiting for me now,

Or that of a hope I long for,

I realized that above all things we work out for,

The thing mostly we have to care about,

That life will work out for us in the end,

Let the gust of wind takes us on an adventure,

Believing things of higher being supports us so,

Breathe long and take your time to nap nicely.

Not the Life, But the Person

A million singers have been made in this world,

What makes it different one from another now,

Is it that our minds were pretty much alike?

Ask yourself this very thing next time you endured,

For the life is short and to wander is to seek ours,

That for each their own, life is but a journey yet,

Just trying to pursue is not a bad dream after all,

Finding the best version of ourselves is noble alright,

Million hours spent on finding our lost soul in life,

The life belongs only to the person living it,

Do not let anyone dictates us so, let alone drive us,

We are the ones shaping our very own destiny.

The Acquaintance

I meet a lot of people and a lot of people again,

Thousands I know and few I understood,

And a very select few I do truly cares for now,

Life takes us back unto what was unbecoming,

And truly one of those was through the people,

Lest the chances of a conversations can takes us,

Just being here with the people we do not know,

Gives us this feeling of the world we do not understand,

Of the whole ensemble of life we try to feel it,

Do not poke a hole at someone's backpack now,

Rather just shook their hands and carry on,

Let the life unravels the deserving to the people.

Of the Raindrops Falling Down

The sound of the heavy rain accompanies me,

How the smell of the fresh earth seeps down,

It is so cold out here being alone still,

We always thought of the things during the rain,

The umbrella, the raincoat, and the life going on,

Some take cover and the others dared the rain,

Some others were lucky enough to have a car,

The others were at home busy doing something,

And the homeless sheltering his loved dog,

Of everything that happened during the moment,

Everything is a choice waiting to be made,

Make sure you make the most out of this second.

He Wandered Far

I once had a friend so close to me back then,

Somehow, and for an apparent reasons,

He went away and never to be seen again,

Everybody has that same friend, I believe,

Missing him is the only thing I can do right now,

Apologizing for the past will never change anything,

Due was our days of being together again,

And I know we might never see each other,

For the rest of our life as we know it best,

But the occupants of the heart remains the same,

Our minds telling the story to ourselves,

I believe life will always remain good to us.

Now We Know

I wandered far and near and here and there,

Only to understand a few, yet know so many,

To bring thoughts to the table but remain silent,

Judging others miserably in my point of view,

The things I understood still confuses me sometimes,

If only we can be a little humble in our understanding,

A song can only goes so long, our minds too,

Now that we understand so little of ourselves,

I hope that we can walk away with questions intact,

Remembering teachings of wise is wise,

Of ourselves growing in between cannot be blamed,

And somehow we finishes up more loving indeed.

Length of Life

From the deep plethora of our emotions,

Arisen high was our eyes of seeing life as it fits,

Not alone by anything said by the people,

Volatile is the word we will be using on repeat,

Of life we have been given and our steps,

The journey so long and excruciating still,

A piece of our soul gets broken and glued again,

Of new pieces shall we find during this voyage,

Life dearest gives us every reason to find it,

Peeking through the lens of ours since then,

Has it became blurry or even more clear?

Oh, why bother, it will not be the last day of ours.