After finally getting richard sat on the porch with is mutilated corpse thinking weather they should try eating it he had a bad feeling. "But often bad feeling were wrong and only were felt because of fear right....." richard thought as he tried to come to a decision. suddenly carrol came out and looked at him seeing his bloodied ears and asked hey "richie are you okay what happened to your ears" she always called hime richie and it was annoying sometimes but she was only like 7 years old he couldn't get mad at her for it could he.
Richard looked back with a kind smile and said ita okay i just heard something i shouldn't have but ill be better soon. Richard could barely make out what she said but her thought process was pretty basic on account of her age so he guessed what she asked.
Then carroll's eyes saw the piece of meat he had placed on the porch and all she could think of was how good it might taste if she could get dad to barbeque it.
"Did you bring this home to eat?" carroll said after coming close to him and sitting right next to the meat staring at it with a ravenous look in her eyes.
"Yes and no...... i don't know if its a good idea to eat it it could make us very sick."
"well Master whiskers can eat it right and if he eats it it should be good right... please can we try...pppllleeeaaasseee"
Richard had thought of this idea but wasn't going to subject someone elses pet to it if they were not okay with it but now that carrol had offered he finally had his guinea pig. After talking about it with mr stien they both came to the conclusion that it would be okay to try in on the cat but the would not eat it until 24 hours had passed and the cat was okay.
"well we aren't going to eat it raw so lets cook it before we feed the cat any." mr stien said as he turned on the gas grill in his kitchen.
as richard sat on the couch looking through the screen door he could se jason skinning the steel squirrel with great difficulty but slowly he was peeling it away.
Carrol ran and jumped on the couch next to him and asked "can we eat the animal too?" pointing to the squirrel.
All richard could do is smile and shake his head at the little ravenous monster she had become.
After 25 minutes of thorough cooking the beast was no longer pink inside and was chard slightly outside giving off a very tasty smell that made all of there mouths water. cutting a small piece for master whiskers who was already sitting at his feet with a longing look for the food he had in his hands. Mr stien dropped the food in front of him and he began to smell it and then licked it. Finally gulping it down like a snake and asking for more.
"That's enough for now whiskers maybe you can have more tomorrow." promptly picking up the cat and putting into the kennel with some regular food and water
Mr stien diced oup wat was left and put into some plastic bags. for possible consumption tomorrow and open up 2 cans of mysterious meat named sqam he hated eating these but they lasted for ever and he had a ton of them. they all ate and watched the cat. after eating the decided on a monitoring scedual for the cat. Mr stien stayed home today so he took first shift.
As everyone was laying down carroll was under the covers with a piece of the great smelling meat chewing away.....