I still feel your presence around me;

Chapter 1:


It is the evening of a Mid-summer. The sun is majestically setting in the far end of west, casting a golden orange shadow over the clouds, as though, the sky seemed to be so. Flock of birds rushing back to their nests. Fallen leaves scattered everywhere around the old cemetery. I stand with a bouquet of fresh orchids in my hands, before the resting place of the soul that once belonged to me.

Allowing the warm summer breeze to brush a few strands of my hair, I kneeled down to wipe out the dried leaves covering the grave.




May your soul rest in peace, for we all loved you.

Reading his name; knowing that he was lying beneath this stone, the very thought was causing a painful ache in my chest. My legs were trembling, as if to collapse. A huge lump of grief formed in my throat and was tightening into a knot, making me choke. My eyes were burning from the tears pricking behind, asking to release them, blurring my vision. I was fighting back the urge to cry, to give out all the sorrow buried in the depths of my heart. That's when I heard the honking sound of a car.

I turned to the direction of the car and found my dad pointing at his wrist watch indicating it is time to go. Even from this distance, their conversation was clearly audible to me. One of the abilities that came into being a few days ago inside me.

"Do you think it was right bringing her here? We are already getting late for the flight. "

"Stella, it's been months together that our daughter has spoken anything to anybody. She didn't even respond when we asked her to pack her things and go study abroad. When she said she wants to meet him one last time before she leaves, do you have any idea how happy I was that finally she is trying to move on? And, moreover, as her father, perhaps this could be the least I can do for her before seeing her off. "

"Honestly, I told you, it's just puberty hitting in teenage life. She's just being melodramatic about it. *scoff*. Was there even a need to spend so much money on all those professional counsellors and heap of medicines? Did it even change anything to begin with?"

"She's just a kid and had to go through something so huge lately. Have some mercy on her. Please Stella-"

"Yea yea. You will never change. Will ya?"

With a heavy sigh, I placed the bouquet on the grave and walked towards the car. I seriously doubt the fact that Stella is my real mother. I never found that connection between us. Wish... Wish I could kill that lady. Such a nasty woman! I have never loathed a person as much as I do to her in my entire life. My temper was rising steadily. I clenched my hands into fists, digging my nails deep into my palms. As I got into the car, Stella spoke in a mocking tone-

"Oh, look your mourning princess has finally decided to show up. Will you hurry up? We're gonna miss the flight."

Shaking his head slightly with a brief sigh, he continued to drive. Closing my eyes, I leaned back on the seat blocking every single thought around me. I do this every time when I feel I'm losing control over myself. It calms me down eventually.

A/n: I know, it's a really short chapter. The next one will be long, I promise!!!