Chapter 7:


I slowly open my eyes as I regain my conscious when a bright light was forced into my right eye blinding me for good. I quickly drew back and closed my eyes tightly.

"Hey, Hey! I didn't finish checking it yet", Cave complained while he forced open my eye again.

"Get away!!" I swatted his hand away. But NO, the jackass didn't get it and persistently kept on irritating me.

"OWWWWW!!! Damn woman! What's that for!?"

"She's awake."

"Oh! Right."

I slowly opened my eyes again. I had to keep blinking for a while for my vision to return normal. Once I could see properly that is when I REALLY looked at my surroundings. Last time when I was conscious, I remember standing in the woods with the fairies. But right now, I'm in a very cozy room that looks like somebody's office. It has a fireplace lit up and a sofa beside it. A huge bookshelf filled with thickly bound books. A wooden desk sat in the opposite corner with neatly piled up papers and a pen stand filled with pens; The walls were painted a dark maroon color. A large arc-shaped window that looked out into the woods.

I then looked at the people surrounding me. I was laid on the sofa near the fireplace and Cave sat beside me while Isabelle stood right next to me. A boy with brown hairs and green eyes stood near the door, shirtless, watching me intently with his sturdy arms crossed across his chest. He was huffing and puffing as if he came here right after running a marathon. Strangely enough those green eyes reminded me of a certain someone. Someone I never want to forget, but I have to.

"What happened? Why were you in the woods? How did you fell unconscious?" Isabelle bombarded me with questions. And that is when I realized I'm in a huge trouble.

What do I say? Tell them that I was in the woods with a bunch of fairies enjoying a hot spring hidden behind a waterfall?

They'll think I've completely lost my mind. They will not believe me. Besides, Isabelle was giving me this cold stare that readily meant 'DON'T YOU DARE LIE TO ME'. As I racked my brain for a perfect excuse, Cave interrupted the interrogation.

"Hey now, take it easy. She just woke up and I bet she's starving. Why not we continue this some other time after filling her stomach a bit?"

Isabelle was about to protest when Cave got up and pushed her towards the door.

"Come onnnn, I'm starving." He turned around winked at me and pointed to follow them.

"Ugh! Fine. Don't think you are getting away with this." Isabelle muttered.

When we walked out the door, I noticed that the boy from earlier had already left. It was really dark outside; I wonder what time it is now. The hallway was deserted and I couldn't be anymore grateful. I don't have anymore energy to deal with those pricking stares and noisy whispers right now.

Soon we reached a door that covered the entire length of the wall. A huge and grand double door that I had no confidence to push open alone. Considering my weak body, I don't think I can budge it even a little. Not even after using my whole body. It was that massive. Behind the doors I could hear chattering and clinking of plates. It was as noisy as a street market. But what was noisier were the thoughts that were flowing out. It was like riding a motorbike on full speed while it's pouring oceans. That painful!

Okay Renee. Let's calm down. No need to get nervous. Its just a bunch of birds. Yes, think of them as crows. Look straight. Don't look at their faces. They all are busy in their own world. So, no one will bother to look at you. Everything will be fine.

I blocked all the thoughts as I gave myself a pep-talk. I stood there feeling like a wonder woman who is ready to attack whoever is standing across that door the moment the door opens.

It's okay. They'll not notice you. It's okay. They'll not notice you. It's ok-

I kept chanting it like a salvation mantra when suddenly the grand doors opened and the once chaotic market like place turned into a desert. The silence was so thick it could be cut with a knife. All the eyes turned at me like a laser light. I felt like a human stuck in a zombie world. And there goes my confidence and pep-talk.

It's not okay. It's not okay. It's not okay…

My brain kept repeating like a warning alarm in a broken-down spaceship. I felt my body going all jelly and I soon felt like hyperventilating.

Okay listen. Let's take this slow and steady. Take a deep breath and let it out slowly. Don't look anywhere. Look straight. They are all scarecrows.

Cave nudged me from beside and nodded his head forward. I walked slowly and carefully not to trip and embarrass myself. The room was huge if you ask me to explain the dining table in one sentence then I would say, "The same as Hogwarts dining room." What differs is, there are no flying candles or spirits or a special seat for teachers in the front. There were grand chandeliers hanging above. The teachers sat with the students to eat. The tables were filled with delicious looking food. The sight of food made my stomach grumble a bit. I got all flustered up thinking somebody might have heard that.

Once we reached the front there were three empty seats. I and Isabelle sat side by side while Cave sat across us. People resumed to whatever they were talking or eating while sneaking a glance every now and then. I tried to focus on the food ignoring the stares they were giving me. Most of everything here was meat. I was particularly not a fan of it. So, I sat there looking for something green to eat. Cave was already making a mountain of food on his plate. While Isabelle who was cutting a steak to bite sizes in a plate noticed my hesitation and asked what was wrong.

"I am a vegetarian"

"Here have some fruits and salad. I'll ask them to prepare something good from tomorrow." As she passed me a bowl of fruits and vegetable salad. I picked an apple and started munching on it.

"You should eat more. You're as thin as a stick." Cave commented.

"Yeah, look at Cave. He looks like he was starving for days." Belle teased Cave who was wolfing down the pile of meat on his meat.

"Hey a man needs to eat well to look good"

"yeah, so that you could go around flirting with every female."

"You are my only female, Honey!", Cave commented faking a hurt expression.

"But you said you are only into hot and sexy, blonde girls with long legs?" I said it loud enough for both of them to hear. Both of them froze at my statement. At one side we have Cave who was froze midway to stuffing a huge piece of meat and sweating tons looking like he just shitted in his pants. On the other side we have Belle who stopped midway at her steak and had "the death glare" at Cave.

"And when did he say this to you?" Belle asked not taking her eyes off him daring him to look away.

"He told me about it when we met at the airport. He also told me; he says and I quote 'Don't worry, you'll find another guy, although he won't be as perfect as I am. I'm sure you'll find a good one.' after trying to flirt with me like a stranger." I said innocently trying to hold back my laughter. Cave gulped nervously.

"Oh? is that so? My, Cave, I think we have a little talk after this." Belle said in a very threateningly sweet voice that I felt so accomplished.

Take that. That's for embarrassing me at the airport. Now you're oh so done.

"I-I c-can e-ex-explain Belle-" Cave hurried but then the shirtless guy from before interrupted it. He was dresses in a uniform like the rest of us. So, he was a student in this academy. I see. He was whispering something into Belle's ears when I felt someone kicking me from under the table. It was Cave.

"I hate you.", he whisper-shouted at me.

"The feeling is mutual. I hope you choke on your meat." I whispered like an innocent and sincere kid but not before giving him an evil smirk.

"I hope you choke on water"

As we were bickering with each other Belle got up from her chair.

"I have some work to finish. Renee come to my office once who have done eating. Cave come with me."

"Alreadyyyyy? But I didn't finish eating yeeeeeeetttt." He sounds like a whining kid.

"You ate enough to survive for two days. Now come on. Renee you remember the way to my office right or should I send someone to pick you?"

"No, I'm fine on my own. I'll be there later."

She nodded and dragged Cave by his ear, who had a lamb chopstick in his hand and mouth stuffed with food. I chuckled at the sight. They'd make a good couple.