The Luna Chapter

Good morning, dear readers.

Or maybe it is the afternoon for you? Maybe evening? I sure hope you're not reading this late at night! Take care of your eyes! If you went blind and couldn't read my words anymore, that'd be a problem! You need your monthly dose of Lunacchi, you know?

Well, leaving your bad life choices aside...

Nice to meet you. My name is Luna. Founder of the most prestigious and fun club in the country, the Weeb Club!

'Why is Luna narrating this chapter? Where is the nameless narrator that likes to break the wall? It's not like I miss him tho.' For those of you asking that (yes, all two of you!), please do not worry! This is a special occasion! No one has actually asked for it, but I know deep inside, every single reader has asked for a Luna chapter, and so your cute, precious, talented, beautiful, hard-working, cheeky, passionate, and outstandingly amazing idol Lunacchi is here!

Aren't you glad you get to read this chapter with my voice (whatever I sound like in your head)? Yes you are, I know! This story, you has too much male stuff. It's always Alex doing something crazy and the President doing weird chuuni comments. Sure, I say something once in a while, but where is my protagonism? I -am- part of the Holy Trinity of this story! If this story had an actual cover illustration, I'd be front and center! Why is Teacher Rosaria having more scenes than me? Does the author even plan these chapters? I swear I'll gouge that guy's eyes out with a spoon and eat his goddamn brain while his dog watches...

...oh my, I seemed to have lost my temper for a bit there. Sowwyy! Super Cute Idol Lunacchi is back in the game now!

Anyway! This intro has been a little bit too long. Well, more Luna is always good, right? Today's chapter is all about me. My life at home. My idol status at school. And how my club members praise me 24/7! Please do enjoy it!


Eh, how do you do this? I've never narrated before. Ah damn, what a chore. Can't someone else narrate for me? It's not like these losers can hear me or anything, I'm literally just text. Eh? 'Your thoughts get translated into text'? The hell ya mean, you faceless bastard! Stop writing stupid crap at 5am and get a job!

...ah, it's true. My thoughts are on the screen. Well, I'll just delete the bad parts later on. Note to self: remember to delete thoughts. Ah yes, there we go.

So! We are at school. At the club, ok? And uhh...yeah I'm with Alex and the President. Not that they matter.

Alex: "Luna you're as cute as ever today!"

President: "My god you're right, Alex my boy! Fees like Luna gets more beautiful with each day!"

Suddenly, teacher Rosaria opens the door.

Teach: "Luna! You have a call from the President of the United States! He wants some advice again! By the way you're cute and funny!"

My cute me: "Ah, that guy again, huh? It can't be helped!"

I get up from my throne, my massive yet perfectly shaped breasts bounce. Time stops just to admire my presence.

As I leave the room, I can hear every single student in the school chanting my name and singing Halleluyah.

"Luna! You're the best!

"We love you, Luna!"

"I am LITERALLY going to marry Luna!"

"My classmate Luna is so cute!"

"Ah we do not deserve her, we are but scum compared to her!"

I reach the Luna Room on the fourth floor. You know, the room the school built for me.

I sit in front of my computer, built with all the latest and most expensive parts in the world, and turn my 6 monitors on.

"Well, that gringo guy can wait. It's almost time for my daily stream anyway" I say to myself (I like my voice) as I put on my cat-eared headphones and press the "LIVE" button. "Oh, 20k people already in the Waiting Room, eh? Even tho I told them not to do that! Oh well!"

The moment I appear on screen, the chat starts moving at sonic speed. There are so many comments, I can barely keep up. Half of them are Superchats. My, even tho the bank already told me they don't have space for my fortune anymore!





"キタ━━━(゜∀゜)━━━!!!!! "


"God, so many simps today" *User was banned for this comment*

As I wink to the screen, make my entrance to the virtual world. "Everyone at the Luna Nation, are you over the moon?!"

"WE ARE OVER THE MOON FOR YOU!!!!!!" appears on the chat about 50.000 times in a row. Ah, the viewer counter broke again.

"I hope you're ready to watch cuuuuute Luna play some videogames today! We have a super fun session of Mein Craft, Fork Knife and Amigos prepared! And so many guests today! Well, the girl with the pink ribbon said she was to shy to play with me, so she's not coming, but the guy with blue hair is!"

Superchat by 'Master Beast', $50.000. "Here's my daily tribute, Queen. I hope it's enough!"

Alex and the President open the door, dressed as buttlers. They bring me my Mr Peeper (the drink of Queens, by the way) and cinnamon rolls.

"Your Majesty, your gamer fuel is here" they said at the unison.

"Oh my my, you guys! I can't thank you enough for doing this every single day."

"Do not worry. It is our pleasure, and your smile is more than enough pay" says the President. Gee, he hasn't stopped licking my shoes ever since I told him he could put his name as leader of the club.

"I...I do not deserve to even be near you, My Queen Luna!" says Alex with tears in his eyes. Ah, again? He's a nice guy, but man is he boring. "You're right, I am boring!" Oh, I said that out loud. "I just don't deserve to breathe the same air as you. Also I'm super normal! I can only pay in blood!"

As he screams all of this nonsense, he jumps from the window. Well, good luck with that I guess.

Back to my stream, people are typing "F" for Alex. Good guys.

"Before we start today, I would like to make a quick review of this week's events. The Luna Hospital for Super Poor and Sick Children is finishing its 100th floor this Friday! And the album I wrote for Beyonce seems to be #1 on the charts once again! Yay, go me!"

Once again, Rosalia opens the door.

"Luna, the Pope is calling for you! Says he needs your blessing"

"Oh my, that guy again! Well, it can't be helped, can't it! Such is the duty of Luna!"

"WOOOOOOOO! LUNA! LUNA! LUNA! LUNA! LUNA!" starts chanting every person in the city, all the same time.


Yes, this is my daily life!

This is Luna's daily life!!


"No...I told you we should wait until marriage, Mr. Momoa...well...if you insist...guhehehe..."

Luna was laying on the couch at the usual club room. Her mouth drooling like a fountain, and her skirt covering just the very most important bits. The very image of a girl who doesn't know how to behave like a lady.

"Hey, President. Shouldn't we wake Luna? She's been talking in her sleep for a while now."

Alex and the President were playing a game to pass the time.

"Let her sleep. Apparently she had a massive raid online last night and had to come to school right after."

"So you say, but I think she said something about me paying in blood..."

"Isn't that the usual?"

"Well, I guess."

The TV screen showed a loading screen, and Alex took the chance to ask the President.

"I've been meaning to ask for a while now. How come Luna hangs out with us? With her looks, she could probably hang out with more popular people."

The President pressed the Start button and, without looking at Alex, replied. "It's simple, really. She doesn't want to hang out with popular people. Of course, she likes it when everyone gives her attention and praises her, but she'd rather be here with us."

"Why is that?"

"She probably hasn't told you this before. Luna is"

Something snapped inside Alex's mind.

"Eh? How rich are we talking about here?"

"Well, for starters this school was built by her father because she asked her to."

"What the hell?!"

"I once heard her allowance could help completely reform Venezuela, but that was last year. I guess it's higher now?"

"President you're scaring me."

"Well, just listen to me."

Surprisingly, the President paused the game and stood up. He approached Luna's face and with a handkerchief, started wiping her drool off.

"You see, Luna lived most of her childhood at home. Her parents believed she should be separated from society. That normal civilians would taint her mind, and drive her to a road of ruin. She had so much time for herself, she ended up dominating a big set of skills. Musical instruments, languages, math, science and history. Her parents took her to child beauty contests and won each one. The entire world was at her feet. She could do anything, yet she could not have a normal life."

"That's quite a dramatic backstory for this...gremlin girl here."

"Well, apparently he met a boy at some point that made her realize the outside world was bigger than she thought. I haven't heard the details, but she said that boy is the reason she built this school and made us form the Weeb Club. Tho I guess she only wanted to play games, didn't she? Ahaha..."

The President finished cleaning Luna's face and talked to her. "Yo, Luna. Wake up. Alex just pulled a T-spin."

"NO WAY!" yelled Luna as she comically stood up with both her arms in the air. She looked at the TV and saw a fighting game in there. "Heh, of course that guy wouldn't do that. Alex would rather get a job and form a family before having fun, that goddamn normie..."

"I am literally right in front of you" said Alex.

"I know", replied Luna.

As both of them started their usual banter once again, the President looked outside the window and started remembering the events of that day.

"This is...a game console...see? It...plays videogames..." A shy boy with a handheld system talked to the little girl. His words dragging and his hair covering his eyes, giving him a small sense of security.

" What is that? Is it fun?" asked the girl, her eyes sparkling with interest, as she had never seen such a device before.

"It's like...a board game...but it's on a've probably played them...with friends at school...right?"

"Friends? School? What is that, what is that! You seem to know so much! Hey, tell me! What is this 'eskool' you talk about? What is a friend?! Ah, are we maybe friends? Hey, tell me! The girl got closer to the boy and the boy, with a face as red as the sun, nodded.

And he would tell her about the world.

He would tell her about videogames.

He would tell her about school.

One thing would lead to another. From games to anime. From anime to manga. From manga to Japan. From Japan, to all the wonderful pieces of entertainment in the world. And how young people would get together to talk passionately about all their hobbies in one special place. The place that you could only go while you were young, and would shape you and your future.

The Weeb Club would not get founded until several years later.

But yet, one could say that was the day Luna was truly born.