The Student Council Chapter (Part 1)

"This might be a little sudden, but starting today, The Weeb Club has been disbanded."

Thanks for reading!

*Credits roll*

"You can't just drop that news and leave like that!". Alex got up from his chair and yelled at Luna, who was nonchalantly fixing her hair while looking at a small mirror.

"Well, you know, it can't be helped and stuff, right?"

"It can be helped! Please care at least a little!"

"Gee, what a kid. I wasn't such a crybaby at your age, you know?"

"We're literally the same age."

"I'm actually an 84 years old woman, but got reincarnated into a beautiful JK and now you guys are my harem. Truly a tragedy, but at least I can ditch you once I find something better."

"You're not making any sense now..."

"Shut up, Billy. Go get grandma her happy drink."

Of course, Luna meant lemon tea. I am legally obligated to tell you these characters are all over 18 even if it makes no sense.

The President approached Alex and handed him a letter. Signed by the student council president, it stated the club had 48 hours to clear the room from any and all personal belongings, followed by the immediate disbandment of the club.

"It really can't be helped, as Luna said. The student council has too much power. They're basically above all teachers and students. They are the number one mastermind in this prison."

"It's a school, President. And how come there are no other people above them?"

"The student council is always the most powerful entity. It's common knowledge."

Luna nodded. "That's just how it is in most manga, isn't it? The student council president is always the most powerful person out there. They can do whatever they please and decide everything for all students alike."

Alex looked confused and pointed a finger at Luna. "But you're the one who decided to build this school, aren't you? Can't you do something about this? Like, ask your dad or something?"

"No can do. The student council has legal power over me and my dad. That's how it is stated legally."

"Why would you make this school like that?"

"Well, in anime..."

Alex decided to ignore the rest of whatever Luna wanted to say and talked to The President once again. "President, are you really ok with this?"

The President showed no emotions on his face and just looked away. After a few seconds of silence, he finally broke the silence.

"There is something we can do about it, but...I'm not personally fond of it."

"And what is that?"

"It's simple. We, uh, kill the Bat..."

"Please be serious."

"Why so-"


The President sat down, cleared his throat, and started talking again.

"We simply go talk to the student council president. We ask her to let our club function as usual and we promise to behave and not bother other students."

Luna, who had now started painting her nails, did not seem to like the idea. "Easier said than done, President. You know that girl can be a stubborn one."

"I know, but she's the one in charge. We gotta attack the front if we want to win."

"I mean, I do like this club and all, know."

They both sighed and went quiet. Alex was confused. He had never met the student council president in person before, nor he knew how she was like. What surprised him the most was that there was a person who could make his fellow club members react this way, considering they were not exactly the sanest people out there. Or the most well-behaved. Or the most social.

"Hey" started Alex, looking at his clubmates. "Is she really that bad? If she's the president, surely she would listen to us students if we asked, right? Just how bad could it be?"

Cold. The entire room went freezing cold at his words. Both The President and Luna started shivering. They were hiding something and quite obviously did not want to talk about it. Their faces showing fear and discomfort.

The President and Luna stood up. Luna looked at Alex and said,

"For now, let's go there. You'll understand once you meet her."

Alex did not know then, but that last walk to the student council office would be his last moment of peace before the end of the world.

Or not. Who knows.


Karen slammed the door of the club open and, holding a chainsaw, started yelling.


She started dancing with the chainsaw like she was in Texas, laughing like a maniac and kicking stuff around. Eventually, she noticed no one was in the room.

"...uh? Where is everyone? Alex, you there?"

Karen's quest for revenge would have to wait one more day.


Three years ago.


A group of female delinquents celebrated their latest victory in the park at night. After weeks of small fights here and there, they had finally culminated their rivalry in one big spectacular fight. Around twelve girls were sent to the hospital and four of them had lost several teeth.

The winning group, on the other hand, had managed to finish their fight without a single scratch. Thanks, mostly, to their leader, who had single-handedly beaten up five girls with nothing but her fists. She rocked a long skirt and a white and red jacket, covering a shirt with a slogan written in Kanji. She had no idea what it said, but it looked cool.

The group had terrorized younglings of the city for years. Their leader had recently retired from the delinquent life, having found a husband and nowadays taking care of her kid. Nonetheless, the baton was passed rapidly to a new leader, a being who lived for nothing but blood and violence.

The Red Crows.

That was the name of this frightening group of outlaws.

And their leader, "Bloodhound Nao" ruled with a fist of fury.

"And then I was like, bitch you owe me two teeth! And just went and pulled them out with my fingers! Gyahahaha, they were so loose, I tell 'ya!". Nao was sitting at the park, in front of an improvised fire made in a barrel. Her fellow team members sitting around her, enjoying her story of how she had humiliated the girls from the other group.

"As expected of Bloodhound Nao! No one can beat you!"

"Bloodhound Nao is the best!"

"Bloodhound Nao, for the longest time, I..."

"Bloodhound Nao you rock!"

Yes. Life was good for Nao She was at the top of the food chain. No one would ever dare touch her or even look at her in the eye again. She had power. She had friends. She had everything.

Until that night, that is.

A girl around her age suddenly walked their way, looking confused. She kept looking around her with a confused face, sweating a little and clumsily checking her phone screen every few seconds.

"Gee, just where is this place? The GPS said there was a family dinner here, but I only see trees and stray dogs..."

A school uniform. Cute short hair tied in red ribbons. A face that screamed innocence. The sight of a girl who had never once experienced the horrors of battle like Nao had.

She was truly...Nao's perfect dish for the night.

"Oi oi oi, you lost, little girl?!" she started yelling as she approached her, licking her lips.

"Eh?!" The girl shivered as she suddenly realized where she was. Before she could even react, Nao had already put an arm around her and started speaking right in her ear.

"You know, a cutie like you shouldn't walk around here. There's, like, bad people and stuff. You don't wanna meet an ugly bastard who tries doing that and that with you, do 'ya?"

"D-d-do that and that?"

"Yeah, all of that and even some of that! This is a dangerous place, missy!"

She sniffed her hair loudly. Strawberry. Her favorite fruit.

The girl had gone completely quiet. She was shaking so much, you could even hear her teeth clashing inside her mouth. She was at a loss of what to do. She had Nao's arm around her, so running wasn't an option. Would scream for help be a good idea? No, they would all attack her instantly.

The reality was clear: there was no exit.

There was no god or devil that night. Only Nao.

"Well anyway, why don't we keep us some company for a while and..."


"Hah?!". Nao turned around in anger. Something had bumped her in the back. More accurately, someone.

"Ah, sorry. I was busy looking at my screen. Anyway bye..."

It was a young boy, long hair and glasses. He had apologized, yet not for one second had he lifted his gaze from his game console. Anime girls of questionable ages in questionable outfits were moaning loudly, yet this guy seemed to not care everyone around him could hear it.

Nao pushed the frightened girl aside, who collapsed on her knees as she looked at them. Nao smiled vilely at the guy, who looked around her age and laughed.

"Ha! You sure have a lot of nerve coming here and picking a fight with The Red Crows, punk!"

"...ah, Paruru needs some heals."

"And to think you'd go directly for the leader! Really brave of you, you four-eyed virgin loser!"

"But man, Kirara really needs a buff. What were the devs thinking?"

"I guess you're ready to die, then! Enjoy your game while you can, because my fist is going straight into your-"



The boy had not taken his sight off his screen for one second. Nao's blood boiled in anger as she pulled her sleeves up. She had chosen violence already, and not a thing could stop her anymore.

The frightened girl, snapping back to reality, screamed at the boy. "Please, run away!" But it was too late.

Nao threw the first punch.

"Eat this!" she yelled, yet her punch hit nothing but air. The boy had moved just at the right moment.

"There's more light this way. Can't even see the screen. Damn S*ny, make some better screens."

He kept playing his game as if nothing had happened. In reality, he hadn't even seen Nao move.

Nao shook in anger and threw another punch, yet he moved again.

"That took me by surprise. Gotta dodge that enemy." He had simply moved by instinct as he moved his characters in the game to dodge monsters.

Nao struck again.

"Whoops, game notification."

And again.

"Oh, there's a Pakiman over there. Oh, a rare one!"

And again.

"Gotta crouch to photograph this guy here."

No matter how many times Nao moved to attack, the boy would dodge every hit, and not a single time had he realized what was going on.

"This guy..." Nao started feeling something she had not felt in a long time.


Over her time as a delinquent group boss, she had never met a person who had dared even look at her in the eye without shaking. She had manipulated the air around her to make every person, man or woman, shiver by just being close to her.

Nonetheless, this guy.

This guy had no fear. For him, only his console and the Pokimans inside his phone were relevant. Nao had no place in his mind. She could not feed on his fear.

Can't believe it

Won't believe it.

Everyone fears the Bloodhound Nao.

You can't ignore the most bloodthirsty delinquent in the city.

How? How can he be around her and not fear her?

"Oi, look at me." She slowly approached the boy. "I am right here, you know? You're pissing me off so much, and you don't even seem to care. Do you have no manners, kid?"

Nothing. The boy kept playing his game in silence.

Having calmed down enough to stand, the girl in the ribbons tried calming Nao down.

"Please, just leave him alone! I'll take his place, I won't go anywhere, so just don't..."


Nao had lost it. She could take a million punches, yet she could not take a person not paying her attention.

Finally, the boy looked at her. His face showed disgust and contempt.

"You know..." he began. "It's quite late already. Can you please not make so much noise?"

Nao twitched. "Oh? Don't you know who I am?"

Now, this is what the boy said.

"I don't really care about 3D girls."

And this is what Nao heard.

"I have no interest in females like yourself, woman."

And that broke Nao deep inside. She was the biggest delinquent in the city. A bloodthirsty crow. A doomsday machine. A person who would stop at nothing nor anyone to get what she wanted.

And yet, to this guy, she was nothing but a woman.

"Don't think you've won, punk..." she whispered as she turned around, annoyed, and sat down with her friends. They all looked at her puzzled, not knowing what to make of the situation.

The boy looked at her one last time and started walking around once again.

The ribbons girl followed him.

"Hey um, phone boy!" She approached him timidly and, while blushing, started talking. "You were so brave in there, you know? And you didn't even hit her! You're, like, a true gentleman! You saved me there! Thank you so much!"

"Yeah cool" he said and kept playing his game as he walked off.

The ribbon girl watched him in silence.

"Now that I think about it," she thought, as she felt her heartbeats go faster and louder with each step, "I didn't ask him his name..."


"And that, Alex, is how I met your mother."

The President finished his retelling of that fateful night. Alex, dumbfounded, nodded.

"I understand you saved that girl and made a powerful enemy, is any of that related to the student council?"

"Now now, I'm getting there. You know the girl in the ribbons that kept bothering me?"

"She just wanted to thank you..."

"Well, she got a little obsessed with me."

Luna seemed to know of the situation as well. "Oh my, she was a crazy one, wasn't she? She kept barging inside your room at night, and she even sent you that 'Special Made Soup' of hers. What a weirdo."

"Do I wanna know what was in the soup?" Alex felt sick as he pictured the strange-sounding liquid.

The President continued. "Yeah, she was a strange one. Eventually I found out her name was Lily. She kept writing it in red ink in her letters. Well, I think it was ink."

"Please leave those details aside."

"Anyway, she kept buggering me for a year, and so one day I told her I had no interest in 3D women. That included her. Her reaction wasn't what I hoped.

"Did they ever find your dad's finger?" asked Luna.

Alex connected the dots in this absurd story.

"I see. So basically, you happened to save a damsel in distress one day out of luck, but she turned out to be a psycho. You rejected her and now she's the president of the student council and wants to disband us to have her revenge on you, right?"

The President sighed. "If only it was that easy."

They had reached the student council office.

"If only you knew..."

The President slowly opened the door, revealing a big desk and five girls sitting around it. The girl in the center wore a long skirt, a lot longer than the usual mini skirt worn by other students, and a jacket, barely covering her Kanji-themed shirt.

"Yo, four-eyed virgin!" said the girl.

" bad things really are."

Luna entered the room, ready to fight for her club.

"Good afternoon...Student Council President Nao."

Alex reacted to those words. Nao. The Bloodhound Nao was sitting there, now more powerful than ever before.

One of the girls stood up and approached The President.

"You came to visit me, Darling?!" she hugged him and shook her hips like a puppy who was seeing her master for the first time in years.

The President stood there without moving, closed his eyes and said.

"Good afternoon...Secretary Lily".

The leader of the Red Crows, now turned supreme leader of the school.

The psyco-lover Lily, now the brain behind the school's manipulation.

The fight was over before they could even act.

It was over.

It was all over.