WebNovelTHE MAFIA42.86%

Chapter 2

Math left the apartment and Nathan called his other friends. They were some of the best informers and hackers, "trackers" working for him. He called them both to the rented apartment, told them to be there in an hour. While he waited, he lit another pipe and poured himself a glass of whiskey.

After less than an hour, the expected buddies arrived. They showed that they were satisfied with the summons. One was named Ethan Sakamoto, he was mainly Asian, the other was Kate black sister matha, she had long brown hair. They greeted their boss as required by mafia etiquette, then sat down at the table.

- Have you heard about the murders recently committed in our city?

- Yes. We assume the victims were people who somehow got under your skin… "Ethan smiled. Nath returned the ironic smile then said:

- Well, no, I have nothing to do with these people. I have no idea who killed them, but I'd like to know. That is why I have called you. In a word, I would like to ask you to find this murderer and bring him to me. I suppose it works on its own, because no "organization" would leave dead bodies on the street, but if we are dealing with some "organization" then we will have a problem. Of course, every problem can be solved, "he smiled again, then added," but that's not your concern any more.

Nathan Collins did not like to call his own or any other criminal group the mafia, so he usually referred to them as organization.

"We'll do whatever it takes," they offered gladly.

"This bad man must be tracked down for now." So get going.

- It will not be easy because we have no starting point, but we will do our best.

- I'm counting on you, it will pay off for sure.

Kate and Ethan left the apartment and Nathan called his chauffeur and poured himself another batch of whiskey. While he waited, he drank it rather quickly, then went downstairs and got into the black Mercedes that had just been parked under the block. He ordered the chauffeur to take him to his real base.