WebNovelTHE MAFIA100.00%

Chapter 6

Jackson opened the door and saw Bain's body lying on its back, torn to shreds. Blood was still draining from him. There was a lot of it, the entire office was splashed with it. He walked over to the corpse and looked at him with contempt and hatred. He spat at him, then kicked him in the head.

"You should have thought before you killed my cousin, you fool," he threw at him, then headed for the exit. As he walked, he was careful not to step into the blood that was flowing everywhere, so as not to leave traces of it. On the way to the car, he made a phone call to the so-called "cleaner" who worked as a cleaner after the killings. He had him remove the traces of Bain's corpse in the blood and put in a new door, and dismember the body and bury it somewhere where no one could smell it. He got in the car and headed towards his cousin Nathan's organization to become his people's new boss. Driving in Jasckson's head were the words spoken once while working with Nathan, when they accepted Franco Bain into the organization, by a man, a man who checked his personal details: "He has no family, no one knows him. , I do not know if anyone even knows about his existence. "Yes, no one knows anything about him, he or she will never know, although the man left a mark on this world in the form of many killed and innocent people.
