chapter 8

Roselyn's  POV

"Bradley stop please " i started   feeling  guilty  about our relationship  who in the world behaves like this with their siblings.  I just can't  keep on living  like this . I had to send my point  across  today at any cost.

"Bradley's  i need to talk to you its important"

He stopped  and looked  at  me  payong me all his attention

"Lets go up ,i dont  feel comfortable  here"

" ok, is it something  from school " he asked when i sat on the edge of his bed. He dragged  a chair from the dressing  table and sat right in front  of me. Leaving  no space betwern us .My legs caught between his.

"Umm this is too close please move " i said trying to  move.

He closed  the  little  gap that had been left between our legs.

" whats wrong  princess  ,a few minutes  ago you were enjoying  my embrace  now you suddenly  dont even want to sit next to  me " he said

"Brad im not comfortable  with  whatever  we call this relationship " he looked at me and anger flashed in his eyes   for a second

"Why"  he asked tensed " i just cant do this Brad we are siblings  remember "

"Is that the only reason  you  have " he asked

" Brad  thats the biggest  reason  we have right now , we cant really  forget  the fact its only been a month  since mom's death and you started  behaving like this ,she would  never approve  of this.  If she would  have agreed she would have regretted  it  forever  since we are makin fun of such a sacred relationship please  Brad for mom's sake" i said "anything  else" he said " i also have a boyfriend  we recently  started  dating "

Really  a boyfriend  Roselyn

He stood up and looked  away

" go to sleep  princess  i cant  talk to you like this" he said

"Its only  2pm and we will agree on this today alone, youve always  listened  to  what i have to say why not  now ."

He started walking  away " Bradley! Brad! Bradley" i yelled after "Bradley  Evans "  i yelled again and he turned  his face muscles  ticked  with anger " Bradley ,Bradley, who  the hell is Brad its just a name for christ sake i cant be bound to a relationship  that does  not exist ,what do you think,have you ever  seen my ID ,no my passport  No why because  its just a name and i dont ever want to hear you  call me that again . I am an Andersen  yes i am Andreas Andersen  and not some low class Evans" he yelled

I flinched  , tears  started  running  down  my  cheeks " Im sorry  babe i didn't  mean to yell at you like that " he tried to reach  me  but i backed away and ran to the closest room and shut the door.  He came knocking  but i just  didn't  listen  to him and locked the door. He lied to me about  his identity  and called  me  low class. I cried  "mama i miss you so much  please come back" i  then realized  my surroundings  , the room  is filled  with buckets of paint,  ladders,wires,steel  rods. I was so angry i missed a step  and hit the foot of a ladder it fell on me with sone steel rods and my vision  darkened.

Bradley's POV

I didn't  mean to yell at her like that and tell her about  all that information  . I made her cry. I made my princess  cry .

"Lisa!" I called " Sasha!" Where the hell are they . They both came running " get me the keys to this room quickly "

Ahh the room she got into was under renovation. I heard some noise and panicked. When Sasha came with the keys i opened the door and saw her on the floor  i ran towards  her . I carried  her  out and laid her on our bed.

When i moved the hair covering  her face i saw blood. "Darn ,im responsible  for  this "

" call the doctor  Lisa"

Half an hout later the doctor arrived and checked her.  It was not serious  she just hit her head. I sighed  in  relief.

When she wakes up i have to apologize.

I sat next to her for almost  4 hours. I woke up when i felt a hand running  through  my  hair.

" hey you woke up" i said looking  at her

" what else have you kept from me Bra-,Andreas "  my name from her sounds so amazing

" baby you are not okay   we cant talk now"

"Its either  you tell me or im leaving  Andreas "

What leaving  ,no,no she cant i need  her.

"Fine we'll  talk after you eat." She ate her food real quick and looked  at me. Food  usually  makes her forget  about stuff why not now.

" Im all ears"

" are you sure about  this .its in the past babe we can live  without  it "

She gave me a stern  look 

"18 years   ago Savannah  ,Esther Evans  my nanny and trusted  friend  to my late mother secretly  brought  a baby home.She would  sneak  out some food and feed the baby until my twin sister  found  out  about it, she told  us and we confronted  her  about the  issue, she accepted  it  and told us she found at least 2days old baby  crying  in  an Alley  near our mansion  so she took care of her, she never had kids of her own hence looking  after this little  baby  would make her life better, mom and dad agreed and we grew up together  in  the same house. We went to different  schools etc. Until i was 14 . I dated a girl  in my school and later realized  it  was just a trap by one of my dad's  business  rivalries, since then i began  to  be homeschooled  and  barely  left the house . You were all around me, when i needed  you and as time  went  by i developed  feelings for  you. In the other  hand my parents  signed  a pact with Savannah, she would  take  care of me and Alexandra

One night there was a ball going  on  in the house ,we were both not allowed to  attend  it so you invited  me  see your  room in the maid qotas we spent  some time together  and  until we had  gunhots in th house .Savannah  came and took us away through the back gate . When we came  back  the following  morning  mama and Alexandra  had been killed,  Papa had been shot once and was still alive  whem we got there.He had lost a lot of blood overnight  hence we couldn't  save him.When papa's  lawyer came he told Savvy  what papa had instructed  her to do  to keep us save. So she changed our names.burnt down the mansion and fled with us."

"Why is it i dont remember  any of this, what of the pictures  that were at home with the five of us"

"Those are just pictures  of  the Lawyer,his wife ,savy then you and I, You probably  dont  remember  because  when you were 12 we found  out you had a Brain tumor  and when they  treated  you  it damaged some of your  brain  cells  and your memory "  those are bitter memories  ive kept with me. I'm  still  going  to  keep my feelings  a  secret for now this is  enough. I turned  to  look at her and she was all tears her eyes were swollen and red , her Tshirt wet from the tears. I moved  and hugged  her i let her cry what  happened  next  shocked me.

She moved  out of my embrace  and kissed me.