Chapter 10

I ran  so fast. I could hear Travis  calling  from a distance.  The car which picked me earlier  pulled  up. "You seem to be  running  a lot,why dont I mind  giving you  a lift" he said

"Okay" I  got in the car and he drove off.

"So why are you running?" He asked

"I don't  know you" i said

He laughed "so you dont know me but you are sitting  in my  car, I could  kidnap you,rape you, sell you or anything" he is right

"Drop me off " i said

" im joking beautiful " he said smiling

"Im Lucien Lyon by the way" he held his hand out

"Jesus Christ  I dont  want to die keep both your  hands on the wheel" i yelled

He laughed

"Im Rose" does that name even exist

" i can tell by the look  on your face you are lying, anyway Rose where are you  going "

"Anywhere to start  my life  again and find my parents but first  I  need a job" i rolled  out

" So i have a job for you, be my assistant "

What i don't  even have experience  for that

"I'll  tell you  what to do dont worry about  experience "

"Ok " he drove for long time out of the city until i fell asleep. I felt the car coming  to a halt  but i ignored  it  and slept. I could  feel someone  lifting  me .Wake up Roselyn ahh im so tired . I was plaved down on a very soft bed. Smelt so nice i curled  up  into a ball feeling  a bit cold and drifted  back to a peaceful  sleep.

I woke up a few hours later and looked  around.  Again  i don't  know this place. Lucien  walked in  . " hie" i said looking  down

"Im sorry i slept  off like that . I have a lot of  problems  and sleeping  really  helps me ,can i have my bag please I'm  hungry  and need something  to eat. When do i start  working  ,as your assistant its a little  too much maybe as your maid will be-"  he  suddenly  kissed me.I froze until he broke the  kiss. My eyes widened.

" I just want you around me but you'll  never work as my maid"

Well he seemed  like a  nice person. I start thinking  about how Im starting over and Bradley's  name briefly  run at the back of my head Andreas Andersen.  If only I had gotten to know him better. Anyways  he isn't the  type of person to  hold on to one thing and never move on he'll be  over me in a couple of months. I brought back to reality  when i realize Lucien is  sitting  infront of me his right hand holding  my hands  behind me and the other at the back of my head as he lowered his face . Aware of what his trying to do  i try to move away but instead he is so strong  and pulls me back into position  before  connecting his lips with mine.

"Mine" he murmurs  as he starts  trailing kisses  on my neck. I realize  my hands are no longer  held tightly  i release them  and push him away.

He gets up and looks at me."One second  thoughts  you will be my maid,you will remain  confined to  this our bedroom  and only please me. Once im satisfied  i give you  food. Clear" my heart falls. What have i gotten myself into.  Why did i trust his innocent looking face. I look over  to the curtain  and realize i can try to escape from there."Ohh dont think about it  darling we are way to high for you to think of  escaping  from there. Its either you are here or jump from there but chances of you surviving  none" he said . I got up and walked to the balcony.  And see we are at least  20 or more  floors up. Darn it . I feel his hand traveling  up my thighs  and cups my area,the other hand is kneading my breast. "I might let you go if this pussy  here pleases  me  " he whispers  in my ear lowly.  I almost  want to throw up. I tried to move out of his hands but instead  he carries me to his bed. Laying me down  he grabs an injection  and before i know it everything  goes black.

When I wake up it's  dark outside  and i  try to move  out of tbe uncomfortable  position  im an in  but instead  i get a sharp pain from my ankle and wrists. I then realized  Im chained to this bed . My  hands above my head and my legs spread  out exposing me.

Why did  you run away  Roselyn  look  at  what you  have gotten  yourself  into. Door opens and Lucien  walks  in . With  a tray of food. Im so hungry and the food is appetizing.

"Please Lucien  let me go" i say

He places the tray down on a small table walks to the bed. "Now like an obedient  girl I'll  give you food  once im done" he slowly  undoes  his belt and pulls down his pants and boxers at once .

"Lucien please  i promise  I'll  give you  what you want tomorrow  evening, i need to ready my self for this please"  he looks convinced  and agrees .

"Ok so no food then " he said getting  up. I haven't  eaten  in hours and my tummy  is growling.  Im not used to  being  hungry .

"Lucien please" i plead "the  thing is im a virgin and i have not prepared  my self to loose it yet. But i will try to so so by tomorrow  please im hungry" all the sedative  he gave me the running  is making me even  hungrier. He moves back on to the bed and undoes my hands. I  can not resist  until i have a plan of how im leaving this place.

He  tells me to sit up , when i do he sits infront of me straddling  my  legs his erection  is  inches  away from my vagina . He then brings  my hand to his erection. He commands me to keep them moving  until he finds his release.  Willingly  but disgusted  i do it. My hands move up and down  and down . I want to throw  up bit I have  to  find a positive  note  about this else i wont be eating  for days. I take in his length and thickness and push the  negative  thoughts  aside.  My mind chips in  oh he might be big but Andreas is  bigger.I find myself   turning red at my weird  thoughts. "See that wasn't  hard now was it ,you are even blushing " aghh idiot  im not thinking about you. He starts  groaning  and moaning.  Thinking  about  it we are seated  like two kids experimenting  with each other.  From his behavior  i could  tell he was close and as i assumed  a minute  or  so  later he started  Cumming, shooting  his seeds on my legs and thighs. Once i was done he order me to lie back and chained my hands back to the bed above my head " but you said you'd  let me eat Lucien "

I said "i did and you will eat once im done" he replied. Seated in front of me he  slid is fingers into my core and started  thrusting  moving  at a pretty  high speed.  As much as i hate this i cant deny the pleasure it brings.  He continues  for a while and i can only twist and turn  a little else I'll  hurt my ankles and wrists. At last  i reach my orgasm and release  the warm juices.

He leans down and licks everything  away before  he started thrusting  his tongue  in and out , circling  my clit and again  in no  time i release my self . He undoes  the  chains and carries  me to the bath tub cleans me up. And by the time we got back  someone had  changed the sheets. I have to meet this someone  at any cost my escape  route from here. He laid my down on the bed gently  and hands me the food tray before walking  out. Oh not before chaining me again. Who in the world walks out of a room naked . I eat the food and when i finish  i set the tray aside. And take in all that  has happened  in a short time. Tears stream down my face and regret  washes over me. I shouldn't  have run away. As soon as i leave this place im coming  home Brad . Im sorry.

How will she leave the place though. At least she knows not to run away  again.